chapter 5

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Who are you imagine: part 5:

You shuffled to the other room and saw Harry and Liam waiting for you guys on the couch. "You're just going to have to go in there," you said shoving him into the room. They both looked over at you, and Harry noticed Niall. "Hey, aren't you the guy that was dating Bella, when I was too?" Harry said. "M-Maybe," Niall stuttered. "What?!" Liam yelled. "No, it was his former girlfriend," you explained to Liam. "It was a year and a half ago," Niall added. Liam settled down a bit and you said to him, "it's fine, calm down." "Ya, she was dating both of us," Harry groaned. Everything went silent for a minute, which made this moment even more awkward. "So, you two, do know each other," you said breaking the silence. "So, how was your trip?" you asked Liam and Harry. "It was fun, I had a great time," Liam replied with a smile. "What about you Harry," you said. "It was nice, I enjoyed traveling over there," he replied. "When did this happen?" Liam asked. "Oh, well, a day after you left, I met Niall at that little coffee shop down the road. I, spilled coffee on him. It was a great first impression," you laughed. "It was cute," Niall said with a wink. "We kept seeing each other there every morning so we exchanged phone numbers, we went on a couple of dates, then he asked me to be his girlfriend," you said giving him a small kiss. "Did you do anything special?" Liam said. "Only dates, and um, spending the night, together, a few times," you said quietly. "Sleeping over, hmm?" Liam said giving Niall a look. "Yup, spending the night," Niall said nervously. "Where?" Liam said. "His house," you mumbled. "Anything, at the 'sleepovers'?" Liam said raising an eyebrow. "Just watching movies," you said looking away from him. "That's what I thought," he said looking back at Niall.

• You face palmed yourself, and Niall gave Liam a nervous smile. "Well, I guess your going back to Niall's, right?" he said. "That's what I was planning," you replied. "Is it ok if I stay here for a little? I can pay you rent," he said with a wink. "You can stay whenever," you laughed, "and no, don't pay me! You're my brother. But why stay here?" "The rooms at the college are being upgraded apparently. I have no idea why," Liam said. "Maybe it'll be a bigger room," you said. "Most likely," he said. You look over at Harry and say, "you're more than welcome to stay here too Harry." "Oh, it's fine, I'm staying at my sister's house for the week," Harry said, "but thank you." "No problem," you smiled. "Well thanks for everything, I'll see you guys later" Harry said grabbing his stuff, and headed out the door. "It was nice to meet you," Niall said to Liam. "It was good to meet you too," Liam said with a smile, "sorry if I was hard on you." "Liam just liked to protect me, a lot," you said looking at Liam. "What? I just like to protect your heart," he said. "Well Niall is doing a great job with that," you said. "Ok, I'll let you guys go, I'll see you later," Liam said. "Love you," you said giving him a hug. Niall held out his hand for a handshake then Liam brought him in for a hug. "You're in the family now, we don't do handshakes," Liam laughed. "Just like my family," Niall laughed. "I have to get some clothes, I'll be right back," you said running up to your room. You got your makeup, and all of the clothes you needed. "Bye!" you said holding onto Niall's arm. You went straight to your car and headed to his house. "He's a great guy," Niall said. "Sorry of he seemed mean at first, he is really sweet and wouldn't hurt anyone on purpose. If it's a guy that I bring home, then he's really tuff on them," you said. • "I understand, I mean, sure it was frightening at first but, I just had to show him that I'm not like the others," he said. "I'm really in love with you, I wanted him to know that," you said. "He believes you," he smiled. "Sorry if that Harry thing was, awkward," you added. "I think we're cool, it was really awkward at first, but we're not mad at each other," he said, "it's just Bella's fault." "Why would she do that to two wonderful guys like you two?" you sighed frustratedly. "I have no idea, I always was careful around those girls, and thought that would never happen to me, but I fell for her little trap." "Did you guys ever-" "Ew, no! She tried to make me do it with her, but I never let it happen, I never wanted it to happen either. She would always bother me about it though," he said getting shivers. He drove into the driveway, and you took your bag into the house. "Do you really think he likes me?" Niall asked nervously. "He really likes you, I could tell," you said with a wink, "when he doesn't like a guy, he never gives them family hugs first of all. He doesn't seem so stern, and he would give me a look," you explained. "That's good, because I just really want your family to approve of me," he said. "Just be yourself, and if I like you, they'll like you," you giggled. He gave you a bunch of little kisses making you laugh. "Stop Niall, it tickles too much, stop!" He stopped and made you push him away. He made a pouty face and he whined, "but I thought you liked my kisses." "Yes, but they just tickle too much," you said still giggling. "So um, when are you going to tell Liam about, last night," he said quietly. "I can tell him when he's warmed up to you more," you mumbled, "I don't know, I just, I'll figure it out." Niall's phone buzzed, he looked at the text, and surprise surprise, it was Bella.  • "What does she want now?" he grumbled to himself. "Is that her?" you said. "Yes, why is she texting me?! I changed my number!" he yelled. The text said, 'Hey babe! Just wanted to check up on you and your little, girlfriend, when are you going to get bored of her so you can come back to me? Kisses -Bella.' "She sickens me," he groaned. He replied, 'first of all, don't call me babe, I'm not with you anymore! That was a year ago, you were the one that cheated on me, so why would I come back to you? And Rachel is a wonderful person and she's the one, I'll never get bored of her, unlike I did with you.' "What did she say now?" you sighed. He handed the phone to you so you could read it. "What is her deal?" you groaned. "I don't know, she just thinks that she can be with another guy then get back together with me right away," he sighed. His phone buzzed again, and it said, 'I know I did baby but I love you, not Harry. I just miss you so much, I really want you back. And I thought I was the one, not that little slut. I'll see you again soon and remind you of the relationship we had before, then you might change your mind.' "Remind me of the relationship we had before?! Really?! And she calls you a slit again?! That's it, she has gotten on my last nerve!" Niall yelled. He started to slam on the keys, 'I don't miss you one bit, I saw Harry again today and he was still pissed at you just as much as I am. And if you call my girlfriend a slut one more time I swear, and what relationship? Do I have to remind you again, you cheated on me. That was that, end of story, so please just leave me alone!' He slammed his phone on the table and had his arms crossed. "I'm sorry Niall, it'll all turn out ok," you said giving him a kiss. "As long as I have you, I'll be fine no matter what," he said smiling.  "Love you," you said winking. "He laughed the said with a kiss, "I love you too babe." -- You sat up in bed and stretched, rubbing your eyes. You glance over at Niall and how cute, and sleepy he looked. You kissed him on the lips lightly, trying not to wake him up. He groaned, and rolled over and slung one of his arms on you, trying to keep you in bed. "Niall," you sighed. "Don't go," he mumbled, "I want you to cuddle with me." You laid down right next to him, and he wrapped his arms slowly around you, then pulled you close to his chest. "Love you babe," he said in his cute, Irish accent. "Love you too Ni," you giggled. Niall's phone started to ring, he groaned and said, "you can answer it if you want." You picked it up then answered, "hello?" "Hey Niall, it's Bella! Wait, this isn't Niall, is it?" she said in a rude way. "Ya, you guess it right. Just leave Niall alone, he doesn't want to talk to you," you said angrily. "You can't tell me what to do. I want to hear that from him, not his dopey little girlfriend," she said. "Ugh!" you yelled then handed Niall the phone. "Look, why are you calling me again when I told you to stop calling me?" he said frustrated. "But baby, I want to get back together, we had so much fun during our relationship. I just want to show you something that will make you change your mind," she said. "No, just stop contacting me, don't call my girlfriend names, and stay out of my life!" he yelled and hung up the phone. "What is her deal?!" he yelled. "I don't know," you sighed. You cuddled up next to him and gave him small kisses. "Does this make you feel better?" you said. Hey looked at you, then laid his lips onto yours. "Let's just forget about her, and have some fun," he said pushing you over. "Ah! Niall!" you laughed. He left a trail of kisses on your cheeks, down to your neck. "Stop! Not again!" you giggled. "I know you like this," he laughed. You tried to push him off but it wouldn't work.  • He soon stopped leaving you breathless. "You need to stop doing that!" you giggled. "But I know you enjoy it," he said with a wink. "Ya, but it just tickles too much," you replied. "Hey, do you want to get some coffee?" he said. "Sure," you said then got up to get dressed. You turned around and saw Niall smirking. "Niall," you groaned. "I don't have to move," he said. "Get out," you said pointing to the door. "Do I have to?" he whined. "Just go," you said. He rolled out of bed, but then fell to the floor. He groaned and just at there. "Are you ok?" you laughed. "I don't want to go," he responded. "Whatever," you giggled. You grabbed some clothes then changed as Niall laid on the ground. You came over to him, trying to pull him up. "Come on Niall," you giggled, "get dressed." He rolled over to face you and whined. "We're just getting coffee, we'll don't right back, I promise," you said. He slowly rose up, but then plopped on the beg again. "Fine, I'll just leave. I'll be waiting down stairs, and don't come down till your dressed," you said walking out the door when suddenly you felt two strong arms pull you back, by your waist. "But do we have to leave?" he whined. "Well, if you want coffee, then yes," you laughed. He groaned then picked out some clothes. "I'll be downstairs," you said, closing the door. Shortly after he came down and put on some shoes. You picked up your purse and slung it over your shoulder. He held out his hand waiting for yours. You held it tightly and walked to the car. As Niall started to drive, you got a text from Kayla. 'Hey Rachel! How are you and Niall doing? Just wanted to check up on you guys,' she said. You texted back, 'Hey Kayla! We're doing great, I told Liam about him and he approves! Thanks for checking up on me and Ni. Love ya!' "Was that Kayla?" Niall asked.  • "It was, she wanted to see how we're doing," you said. "Are you still going to hook her up with Harry?" he asked. "Um, I'm going to wait a little, just till things get back to normal from the Bella incident," you sighed. "That seems like a plan," he said. You reached the coffee shop, went in, hot coffee then sat on an outside table. "Is it ok if we stay here for a little?" you said making a puppy dog face. "Sure babe," he laughed. "It's a nice day already," you said looking up at the sky. Niall heard some guys talking about you, so he looked in their direction. They were checking you out, head to toe. Niall groaned and you asked, "what?" "Those guys," he said looking over at them. You scouted out whee they were and saw them staring at you. They noticed you looking at them, then they whistled at you. You started to blush with a nervous smile. "Hey! Stop staring at my girlfriend!" Niall yelled over to them. They looked down, trying not to look at you. You looked at him and giggled. "What was that for?" he asked. "You're jealous again, aren't you?" you laughed. "So what, I can protect my girl if I want," he said pouting. "Thank you for doing that," you said with a smile. "Can we go now?" he whined. "Sure Niall," you giggled. You both started to walk to the car when one of the guys yelled out to you, "you should be with me babe instead of that guy!" Niall turned around and threw his coffee down. He came over to the guy, and held him by the collar and yelled, "listen here dipstick, if you ever, call my girlfriend 'babe' one more time, I swear I'll punch you in the throat until you start coughing blood!" "Niall!" you yelled. "Look, I know you're trying to act heroic, and manly for her, but your just a fag," he laughed. "That's it," Niall said letting go of him. He threw a punch at the guy's throat and he fell down to the ground trying to catch his breath.  • "Niall!" you said running over to him, "what was that for?!" He turned to face you and said, "I told him to leave my girl alone." "But, you didn't have to punch him!" you yelled. The guy got up, holding his neck, trying to say, "I swear I'll never bother her again. I swear I didn't mean it, just don't hurt me anymore!" He ran down the street, far away from Niall as possible. You turned away from Niall and walked to the car without saying anything. The car ride was silent until Niall said, "babe, I'm sorry. I just was really jealous, and, I didn't want him looking at you like that." You looked our the window, ignoring him. "Babe please talk to me, I know I shouldn't have done that but I wanted to protect you!" he said. Then you arrive at his house and you walk to to the door, waiting for him to unlock it. He caught up with you and looked you into the eyes. "Babe, please talk to me!" he said leaning over you. You didn't answer him, which made him irritated. "Look Rachel, I was only doing that to protect you! Just please talk to me!" he yelled. "Just unlock the door," you mumbled. "Not until you really talk to me!" "Just open the door Niall!" you yelled. He backed away then opened the front door. You ran inside up to his room, locking yourself in. "Rachel!" Niall said running after you. He banged on the door saying, "babe, please let me in! Please just talk to me!" "Why did you do that?! Why did you really punch him, you could have killed him!!" you screamed. He said having tears in his eyes, "babe I-I'm sorry, I really am, I shouldn't have done that. I took it too far, but I'm really sorry, just let me in, please." He heard an unlocking sound and saw the door cracked open. "Niall, you really scared me," you said crying. "Aw babe," he said sniffling. He opened the door all the way then sat down next to you.  • He wrapped his arms around you, and held your head to his chest. "I'm sorry that I did this, I'm sorry, I really am. I just, wanted to protect you but I took it too far," he said giving you a kiss. "I'm sorry I just gave you the silent treatment, I just didn't know what to say or think. I didn't know that you would actually do that, I didn't know how angry you could get, that's what really scared me," you said wiping tears away. "I love you," he said. "I love you too," you replied.  -- When you woke up, you were wrapped tightly in Niall's arms. You smiled as you felt his heart beating. You looked up at him, he had his mouth slightly opened, breathing softly, a few quiet snores here and there. He looked really tired, and adorable. You gave him a small kiss on his cheek, making him move a little. His eyes opened slowly, trying to focus them from the light shining through the windows. "Morning," you giggled, hugging him tightly. "Good morning," he said with his tired, soft voice, "did you sleep well?" "Yes, and you are so cuddly," you giggled. He smiled, and gave you a kiss. A text came in from Liam saying 'Hey Rachel! Hope you're doing good with Niall, he's a great guy and I think he's the one ;) Be good to him!' You giggled at his little text and showed Niall. "I'm glad your brother likes me," he laughed. "Well of course, you're just perfect," you winked. He gave you a sweet kiss on your lips. Another text came in, it was Kayla. 'Hi Rach, I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out a little bit today, just want to see you!' You replied, 'sure, that sounds great! I'll be over in about twenty minutes, does that sound good?' She texted back with, 'can't wait to see you then! Bye!' "I should take a shower then," you laughed. "Can I come?" Niall asked with a pouty face. "No! Niall you pervert!" you giggled pushing him over. You got up and grabbed a towel from the closet. "I'm locking the doors," you said looking at him. "Fine," he said crossing his arms. - After your shower, you forgot about clothes. "Oh crap," you mumbled to yourself. You unlocked the door and looked around the corner, seeing if Niall was in his room. You ran over and looked for some clothes. All of your clothes were gone, and all you saw was a pair of underwear, and a bra. •  "Niall," you sighed with a little laugh. You changed into them, then grabbed one of Niall's shirts. You came down the stairs and said, "Give them back." "Give what back?" he said avoiding your eyes. "Really? You're really going to do that?" you giggled. "Yes I am," he said. "Please give them back," you said waking over to him. You ran your finders through his hair, giving him goosebumps. You brushed your lips over his, teasing him. He tried to kiss you but you pulled away every time. He whined every time you pulled away. "Don't tease me," he frowned. "Where are my clothes then?" you said. "They're behind the couch," he sighed. "Thank you," you laughed then gave him a long kiss. You ran over to your bag where the clothes were, then went upstairs with them. "I'll be back in a bit, love you," you said rushing out the door. "Bye, love you babe," he laughed.  -- "Hey Kayla!" you said walking through the door. "Hey Rachel! So, do you have anything to tell me?" she said. "A ton has happened," you laughed, "so first of all, I told Liam about Niall, which you already know about. Second of all, Niall and I did, it. Third of all-" "You what?!" she yelled. "It's not that big of a deal," you sighed. "Um, yeah it is! It's your first time! What was it like?!" she said. "Wow, you're a pervert too," you laughed. "I know, but, how was it?!" she said. "I'm not, telling you!" you said blushing. "Anything else?" she asked. "Well, Niall's ex showed up recently." "Oh, well, I bet that's interesting," she said. "She's just a jerk! She kept calling me a slut, even though she's the one that cheated on Niall," you said. "Yikes! That's really rough," she said. "Believe me, it is," you sighed. "I have to go see my sister, I have to help her with something. Sorry I have to cancel," she apologized. "Don't be sorry, this was just saying hi," you said. "You should get home to Niall," she winked. "Ok, bye," you laughed. You both walked out the door and into your cars. -Niall's view- He heard a knock on the door, thinking it might possibly be you. "Well you're home earl-" "Hey Ni," Bella said walking in, leaving the door wide open. "What the heck are you doing here?!" he yelled. "I wanted to show you how much I missed you," she said. "Why?! I'm happy now, I'm with someone who actually loves me! She is perfect for me and she would never do anything to hurt me! Unlike you," he said. "But can I just say something?" she asked. "What is it?!" he said frustrated. She grabbed him and have him a kiss on his lips. He pushed her away then yelled, "what was that for?!" "I told you that I would remind you of our late relationship. Babe, I love you and I want you back. So what do you say?" she said with a wink. "Niall?!" He turned around to the door, and saw you there, with tears forming in your eyes. "Rachel this is not what you think it is," he said waking towards you. "Just go away!" you yelled then ran to your car. "Wait, Rachel!" he says running to you. You drove off before he could catch you. "Now that we're alone, we can-" He yelled, "stay away from me! What is your problem?! What was that for?! Why do you want to get back together with me?!" "I love you Ni, I do. I just want it to be you, and me," she said. "No, it's just because I'm already taken. You just want to hurt me again. Well, I won't let you do that to me anymore, you might have just ruined my relationship with my princess, I finally found her and you ruined it."

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