chapter 15

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Who are you imagine: part 15:

There were only four more days of your trip in Paris, but it had been so much fun so far. Today Niall was determined to avoid Bella, but it might be a challenge since she finds you wherever you go. Niall woke you up and asked if you wanted to get some coffee. "Do you?" "Sure," you replied with a yawn. He helped you up out of bed. "Let me get changed first," you said shuffling to your suitcase. You grabbed an outfit and changed in the bathroom. "Are you ready?" you ask as you come out. "Yup," he said grabbing a jacket. You left the hotel and drove to the cafe. Niall was fidgeting in his seat, looking to see if Bella was nearby. "It's ok Ni, " you said reaching your hand across, and caressed his with your thumb. "I'll get the coffee this time," he said getting up. "I'll be here," you replied. He walked in with his wallet in his hands. You checked your phone but no messages, then you noticed someone walking up to you. You looked up to see a tall, dark brown curly haired boy. It was, Harry. Your eyes widened and said with a gasp, "Harry? What, are you doing here?" Harry responded with, "one of your friends told me that you wanted to see me, is that right?" "Um, no. I mean, I love seeing you, but I mean, I never said that," you said with a puzzled look on your face. "But one of your friends told me that you did, and she flew me out here," Harry said. "Which friend?" "Um, her name was, um, Julia?" he said. "I don't have a friend named Julia," you said in confusion, "here let me see her number." He handed you the phone and you examined the number. "Wait a minute," you mumbled to yourself. It was Bella's number. "This is Bella," you sighed. "How?" he questioned. "This is the number she contacted Niall with," you said. "Oh," he paused, "well, this is awkward." "It's fine," you giggled, "it's not your fault." Niall came out with the coffee and said with a smile, "here you go ba-" He saw that Harry was right there, in front of him, in Paris, right next to you. His smile faded, and he said, "what is, Harry doing here?" "Look, Niall, Bella texted Harry saying that she was one of my friends, and she told him that I wanted to see him here. So, it's not Harry's fault, and she flew him out here," you explained. Harry nodded vigorously from nervousness because he knew what Niall could do to him. "She has gone completely insane now," Niall groaned. "Look, I can leave, if it really makes you uncomfortable Niall," Harry said backing away. "No, it's fine. You're already out here so, why not," Niall said. You sat down awkwardly. You could just feel the tension. "Um, I'll just, go now," Harry said walking away. "Bye Harry," you said waving. Niall sat across from you taking one of the cups. "I didn't seem that mean did I?" Niall asked. "Maybe a little bit," you said giving him a look, "it's not his fault Ni. Don't be tough on him, he just got here thinking that I really wanted to see him, and finds out that Bella tricked him. Wouldn't that make you feel a little awkward?" "Ya," he mumbled. "Be nice to him ok? He's a great guy," you said. "He's ok," he sighed. You picked up your bag and your coffee then said, "come on Ni." He picked his things up and followed you back to the car. You come to the passengers seat and sit there waiting for him to go to the drivers side. He hopped in and started the engine. "Do you just want to relax and head back to our room?" you asked. "Sure, why not?" he said.  -- You come to the hotel, and back to your room. You gave him a smirk and said with a laugh, "should I, finish trying on my dresses?" "Oh God please no!" he cried. "Calm down," you giggled, "I was joking." He let out a sigh of relief. "It was fun," you said quietly to yourself. "Yes, then it took a turn into porn," he said. You laughed and pushed him on the shoulder saying, "but I knew you enjoyed it." "I did," he giggled, while he was blushing like crazy. "You're a little perv," you laughed. "I am not!" he said pouting. "Whatever you say." He got off of the bed side, and tool your wrists, pinned them on the wall and leaned his body onto yours. "What are you doing?" you giggled. "I just felt like it ok," he said with a laugh, then tried to be serious and lowered his voice to say, "I'm about to make a mess upon your innocence sweetheart." He gave you kisses on your neck slowly, making you melt into his arms. He bit one spot, which made you wince a tiny bit. He kept on that same spot for a minute, then continued to the rest of you. He came to your lips, but decided to tease you by brushing his bottom lip with yours. You were helpless, you couldn't move at all. He kept teasing you which made you whine. "Come on Ni," you whined. "Alright," he laughed. He pressed his lips slowly onto yours. You closed your eyes, enjoying every minute of the sweet taste of his lips. He let go of your wrists but made his way down to your waist. He pulled you in closer to him, making your hips collide with his. "You ready babe?" he said with his voice deep. You nodded, still in a trance. He picked you up bridal style and carried you to the bed. He lay you there, and crawled over you to be on top. He again proceeded with taking your shirt off, revealing the bra. "Can you handle it?" you giggled. He slipped his hands to your back, unhooking it. Then pulled it off. "Shit," he said under his breath. You sat up to him, and lifted his shirt off, and tossed it off to the side. He took the skirt you were wearing and slipped it down your legs. You did the same with his jeans, and set them down on the bed. All he was left with was his boxers, and you, only in panties. "Ready for this," he said looping his finger around the side of your underwear. You nodded and he proceeded. He slipped them off, and you grabbed a pillow to cover yourself. "Are we going to do this now?" you said quietly. "Well, we are kind of, undressed already so," he said. "I love you," you said with a smile. "Love you too babe," he laughed. He tossed the boxers to the side and you had a very pleasant morning. ;)

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