chapter 11

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Who are you imagine: part 11:

You finally felt safe  in his arms again. "I'm sorry, we should have just talked things through," you said. "It's ok, I'm the one that should be sorry, I should have never said that, you had the right to be mad at me," Niall replied. "Well, I overreacted, you were just trying to protect me, so thank you for that." "Anything for me princess," he said giving you another kiss. You looked up in the sky, with the rain still falling. "We should probably go inside," you laughed. "We should, before we get anymore wet." You came inside, and heard Liam call your name. "Rachel? Where'd you go?" "Guess who's here," you said. He got up off the couch and came to the front door to see Niall. "But I thought, you-" "He came and apologized, well, sang," you giggled. "It's good that you came now, because she was just so depressed without you Niall," Liam said. "I went crazy without her too," Niall said. It went silent for a minute, and then Liam said breaking the silence, "well, you probably want some, alone time, I'll just be at a friend's house." Liam then grabbed his jacket, and left. You both went to the living room and Niall held you tightly. He gave you light kisses on your cheek and he said, "I missed you so much." "I did too," you said. You cuddled up to his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. Both of you soon fell asleep, not letting each other go. -- You woke up to Niall holding you tightly. You missed having him next to you, holding you close. He woke up shortly after, and saw you looking up at him. "Are you watching me sleep again?" he laughed. "Maybe," you giggled. He gave you a kiss on the nose and said, "love you babe." "Love you too." You picked yourself up and went to the kitchen to get some coffee. You remembered about that text that Bella sent you, you still weren't sure if it was true or not. "Hey Ni?" you asked. "What is it?" he said. "Um, by, any chance, while we were taking that break," you paused. "What about it?" he questioned. "Um, never mind," you said. "Ok, well, if you change your mind, you can tell me," he said. You didn't want to ask him if he did hang out with Bella, after that break. You wanted to enjoy to have him back, that question could wait. "Do you want to do anything special today?" you asked instead. "That sounds like fun," he said. "We can do anything you want." "We could go to a movie, or dinner," you suggested. "Let's do both, to make it special," he said with a smile. "I can wear the dress," you giggled.  • He started to blush and said with a nervous laugh, "s-sure, that would look nice." you came over to him and said with a little laugh, "I know you'll like it." You have him a kiss on the nose back, teasing him a tiny bit. He started to blush even more, with his cheeks turning a brighter red. "So, I'm going to freshen up, and get changed, what about you?" you said waking up the stairs. "I'm gonna head back to my place to do the same, you know, because I don't have a change of clothes with me," he laughed. "Text me when your done and I'll unlock the door," you said. He left your house and drove to his. You went upstairs to get a towel and went to freshen up. - You changed into some new clothes and then heard your phone buzz. Niall was on his way back to your house. Then you heard a knock on the door, and went to answer it. "Do I look ok?" Niall asked. "Of course," you giggled. "When shall our date be?" he added. "Maybe at, seven?" "Sure, but until then," he laughed then pinned you to the wall and started attacking you with kisses. "Not again! Niall stop!" you giggled.  -- "Niall I'm ready!" you said waking down the stairs. "Wow," you gasped. You were wearing that little black dress again that just made him go crazy. "Do I look ok?" you asked. "Only perfect," he said blushing. "Thanks Ni," you said grabbing your purse. "Ready to go," you said heading your way to the door. He came beside you and opened the door answering, "let's go." You came to the restaurant and walked in. "Promise you won't get jealous if any guys see us?" you said to him. He groaned the said, "fine." The waiter at the front desk guided you two to your table. Of course, guys noticed you and were checking you out. Niall whined a little, then you said with a little laugh, "it's ok, you're doing great." Niall made it through dinner without worrying about those guys. After that, you came back to your house for a movie night. You walked up to your room to get changed. "Hey Niall," you called. "What is it babe?" "Can I borrow one of your shirts?" you said. "Sure," he said. You came down with shorts and one of his t-shirts. "Why do you want to wear my shirt?" he laughed. "It smells like you," you giggled. "Whatever," he laughed again. He sat on the couch, and you cuddled up to him. He wrapped his arms around you, which made you feel safe. You gave him a little kiss and said, "I missed you a ton." "I did too. I couldn't sleep without you," you said. "Well I'm here now, so you'll feel safe." You hugged him tighter and had your head where his heart was, so you could feel it beating. This always calmed you down, it made you feel relaxed and feel like nothing could harm you. "I love you," you said. "Love you too babe."  -- You woke up but Niall wasn't there. You looked around confused and called, "Niall? Are you here?" You got off of the couch and went to the kitchen to see a bouquet of roses with a note. It read, 'Morning princess! I hope you slept well, meet me outside for a little surprise. ~Love, Niall.' You set the note back down and walked outside to see Niall with a whole picnic set up. "What's all this?" you giggled. "I just thought that this would be a good way to start off your morning," he said. He motioned you to sit by him and you came. "This is so cute, thank you," you said. He then handed you a little coffee mug. "I wanted to make this special, because of our fight. I don't want to lose you Rachel. You're like, no other girl I have ever met, and I love that about you, and, I just love you." "I don't want to lose you either. You're such a wonderful guy and you're so sweet and kind, I love you so much." He leaned in close, pressing his lips onto yours. "If we ever have a fight again, I want you to know that whatever I say, I don't mean it at all. I don't want it to end our relationship, because I want 'us', to last forever," he said. "I do too Ni." He gave you a kiss on your nose and brought you into his chest. "I love you babe." "Love you Niall." After your little picnic, he told you that he wanted to do something else special for you. "Like what?" you asked. "I just want to do something, just for you." "Awe, that's sweet, but I mean, you don't have to though, you can if you want," you responded. "I do, it'll be something amazing, I promise," he said. "Ok," you giggled. "Trust me, it's going to be perfect."

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