chapter 16

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Who are you imagine: part 16:

You rolled over to see Niall, sound asleep. His hair was all messed up, and his mouth was slightly opened where quiet snores escaped. You cuddled up to his chest and gave him a little kiss. He groaned and almost rolled over you. You pushed him off of you slightly, trying to let him sleep. He mumbled in his sleep, making you giggle. "You're so cute," you whispered. His eyes opened, but were still droopy. He yawned, "morning babe." "Morning Ni," you giggled. He tossed over to the other side and moaned. "What?" you asked playing with bits of his hair. He answered, "I don't want to leave Paris, we've only got three days left, and I don't want Bella ruining our trip." "Let's just forget about her and try to have a good time, ok?" you said. "Ok," he mumbled. Your phone buzzed from messages coming through. You checked to see who it was from. It was just Kayla. 'Hey Rachel, how is your trip going? Anything new or exciting?' you replied back with, 'hey Kayla, everything is, almost perfect. Bella flew here and followed us around, just to talk to Niall. And Harry is here, because Bella was impersonating one of my 'friends' and age flew him out here, so, it's kind of hectic but it's been amazing here.' She answered, 'well, she's a pain in the ass isn't she?' 'Pretty much,' you texted. 'Just wanted to get updated, have fun!' You set your phone down, then felt Niall's arms wrap around you, and he laid his chin on your shoulder. "What do you want to do today babe?" he asked. "We can do whatever," you answered. "I can take you shopping, or we can go see the tower again," he said with a little yawn. "Sure," you giggled. He kissed you on the cheek then got out of bed to stretch. He grabbed some of his clothes out of his suitcase. You whined and called his name, "Niall come back." You curled up in the covers and made a puppy dog face that he couldn't resist. "Don't do that do that to me babe," he said with a laugh. "I'll just lay here, alone, all by my self," you said putting your hand on top of your forehead in distress. You pretended to faint and he called your name, but you wouldn't answer. "Babe come on," he laughed. You lay there, pretending to be unconscious. He started to tickle you but you couldn't resist to smile and giggle. You pushed him away and his under the covers. "Babe come on," he said with a smile. "No," you giggled. "I'm coming under there!" he said lifting them up. He crawled back in the bed and grabbed you to pull you in. "I hope you got what you wanted," he said. "Yes it did," you said with an innocent looking smile. You cuddled up to him, and he held you tight. "I guess we can lay here for the morning," he said with a sigh. "Yay," you cheered. He gave you a little kiss on the head.  -- "Babe what about this one?" he said holding up a pair of jeans. "Those would look good on you," you said looking at them, "you should try them on." He took them into the dressing room as you still look for anything cute for him. "Ooh! Try this tank top on!" you said throwing it over the door. You threw five more of them, which pilled on top of his head. "Slow down!" he laughed, "why don't you find something for you?" You shrugged, then looked around the shop more. You found several cute shirts, skirts, and pants. You went to the other dressing room to try these on. He came out a moment later and looked into the mirror. This makes my butt look good," he said sarcastically. "Wait, let me see!" you said rushing to get the top on. You came out to look at his little outfit he put together. "It does," you giggled. He went back in to try on other jeans. "By the way, you look hot in that skirt," he said. "thanks," you blushed. After both of you trying on the clothes, you had come up to the cashier to purchase. "Merci de l'achat avec nous," the cashier said. "Merci aussi," you replied. You walked out and Niall said looking surprised, "I didn't know you spoke French." "I speak some, I took french class before in high school." "How do you say, 'Niall you look really hot in those jeans?" he laughed. You thought for a moment, then replied with, "Niall vous regardez vraiment chaud dans ces jeans." "Wow, well that's sexy," he said. As you walk down some girls come by and say to Niall, "hey bombasse." "What did they say?" Niall said looking puzzled. You gave them dirty looks but then said, "they said hi." They really said 'hey hottie,' but you decided to ignore that. After two hours of sightseeing and shopping, you asked Ni, "do you want to drop off our bags at the hotel and see the tower?" "Sure why not, it'll be easier to get around." You drop them off, and go straight to the tower. As you come to the top you said, "it's always so beautiful up here, I wish I could stay here forever." "I could too," he sighed. He gave you a kiss, and said innocently, "hey, can you talk in french again, it's really sexy." He gave you a little smile just to make you say yes. "Oh alright," you laughed. You then thought of something to say, "vous êtes le type le plus mignon et le plus beau que j'aie jamais rencontré . Je t'aime tellement." He was mesmerized, then said dazed, "I have no idea what you just said." You giggled, then replied, "I said, 'you are the cutest and most handsome guy i have ever met. I love you so much.'" "Merci," he laughed, with a wink. "You're too cute," you giggled. He pressed his lips to yours, and you wrapped your arms around his neck. "Do you want to see other sites?" you asked. "Sure," he said. You come down from the top, and come to the cafe for a quick bite. Bonjour Ni," you hear someone say from behind. You turn to see Bella. "What is your problem?! Get a life and stop trying to ruin ours!" Niall yelled. "Look, I don't know what your problem is, but you need to leave him alone. He broke up with you for cheating on him with Harry, who is so sweet and wouldn't hurt anyone, but you were the one that had to take their hearts and break them. And I have been with Niall for a while, and have I cheated on him? No, your the only slut here," you said walking up to her angrily. "Well well well, finally you decided to speak up, I thought Niall had to protect you from me because you can't handle anything for yourself," she replied. "Get away from him! He doesn't want to have to do anything with you! Just get out of his life, and get yours," you said pushing her back. "Bad mistake," she said clenching a fist. "Rachel no!" Niall said pulling you back, while Bella swung a punch. Her fist nearly missed you. "Listen up, if you try to hurt my princess, then you will die," Niall whispers darkly in Bella's ear. "You don't need her, she is just a little slut," she said. "Don't call her a slut! Get out of my life! I don't want to see, or hear from you again! Just get lost!" Niall yelled furiously. Bella stumbled back from Niall's rage. "Fine, have your little vacation but I'll be back to claim you, because you will be mine, and no one else can have you!" she said running off. Niall turned to you and held you in for a hug, "are you alright babe?! She didn't hurt you did she?" "I'm fine thanks to you pulling me back," you said with a sigh of relief. He gave you tons of kisses and said, "I'll never let anything hurt you, I promise." 

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