chapter 23 (extended)

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Who are you imagine: part 23: (future)

You and Niall have been married for two years, and they have been the best years of your life. You had a baby boy, named Luke, he is already 2 weeks old. He had soft, light brown hair that was ruffled up. It was three in the morning and Luke started to cry. "What time is it babe?" Niall said looking at his phone. "It's three," you sighed. "Why won't he go to sleep?" Niall groaned. "I just fed him a half an hour ago," you said. You tossed the covers to the side and started to walk to the nursery. You felt Niall's arms wrap around your waist, and he whispered in your ear, "it's ok babe, I'll get him." You gave him a kiss and said, "thanks Ni." You went back in the bed, and Niall picked up Luke to calm him down. A few minutes later, Luke stopped crying, Niall returned to your room, and cuddled up to you. "What did you do to make him stop crying?" you asked. "He likes it when I stroke his nose," Niall laughed, "it's the cutest thing ever." "That's adorable," you giggled, "thanks Ni." "Anything for you babe," he said giving you a kiss. Luke started to cry a little more. "I think he wants his daddy," you giggled. Niall laughed to himself and checked up on him again. "Babe, I think he wants to see you too," Niall said calling you to the nursery. You walked in to Niall cradling him in his arms, and Luke was all settled in, sleeping peacefully. "He perfect," you said leaning against the doorway. "Like you," Niall smiled. Luke was holding onto Niall's shirt, and was all curled up. "Do you want me to hold him?" you said. "But he's so cuddly," Niall replied. You whined and and made grabby hands towards him. "Fine," Niall laughed. He stood up and handed him to you carefully. Luke opened his eyes to you caressing his hair. "He's just so cute," you said kissing his forehead softly. "You can go to bed if you want Ni," you said to him. "No I'll stay up with you," Niall said coming next to you. "I'm going to put him back in a minute," you said stroking Luke's nose. You walked over to the crib and placed him down gently. You covered him up with a small blanket. "You coming back to bed?" Niall said with a yawn. "Do I have to leave him?" you said giving Niall a sad look. "Babe he's fine," he laughed. He walked back to the bedroom and you followed him there. "If he starts crying again we can just let him calm down on his own," Niall said wrapping his arms around you. "But I feel so guilty doing that to him, he's my baby," you whined. "He needs to learn how to fall asleep on his own, it's good for him," Niall said. "You should get some rest now ok?" he added. "Ok, but I feel so bad," you sighed. "He'll be fine," he said giving you a kiss, "night babe." "Night," you said.


The morning started off great. Niall was with the baby, so you could get some extra sleep. After sleeping in a bit, you came to the nursery to see Niall bonding with his son. "There's my beautiful wife," Niall said with a smile. "Morning," you giggled. "Thanks for letting me get some extra sleep," you said with a yawn. "Well you needed it because this little guy kept waking you up," he said giving you a kiss. "I'm sorry, but I just worry to much. I mean, he is our first kid," you sighed. "It's ok," he said, "you're a first time mom, and it's ok to worry about your baby." You then heard a knock on the door, and went to answer it. "Hey Rach!" Liam said giving you a hug. "Hey Liam," you giggled. "So where is my new nephew?" Liam said excitedly. "He's upstairs with his dad," you said with a smile. "I still can't believe that my little sis got married before me, and had her first kid," Liam said. "Well, I got married to the best man in the world," you giggled. You then showed him up to the nursery and presented him your son. "Liam, say hello to Luke," you said picking him up out of Niall's arms, and handing him to Liam. "Wow, he is just amazing. You did a good Horan," Liam said with a wink. Niall laughed at his little  comment. "This is just so incredible. He is just so perfect," Liam said. "He's perfect like his mom," Niall said giving you a nudge on the shoulder. Luke got comfortable and used to Liam quickly, and fell asleep. "I guess he likes you," you giggled. "Now I really want one," Liam said with a pouty face. "Don't worry," you laughed, "you'll have one some day." Liam's phone buzzed from a message. "Oh shoot, I've gotta get going, I'm so glad I got to see my nephew after a busy week. I love you guys and I'll see you soon," Liam said handing him back to you and running out the door. "Bye Liam!" you called out to him. After a little bit, you put Luke down for a nap, so you and Niall could just relax.


The night started off fine, Luke stayed quiet for a while. "Hey babe?" Niall asked. "What Ni?" "What if, this weekend Liam could look after Luke when we can go on a date?" he said with a wink. "Well," you said sounding concerned, "I just don't know if I'm ready to leave him already." "Well, we do have to have alone time," Niall said. "Ya, but I don't want to leave him," you said. "But it's Liam watching him, not a complete stranger," Niall added. "I can think about it," you sighed. You finally heard Luke start to cry. You starter to get out of bed when Niall said, "I've got him." He shuffled into the other room and heard him say to Luke, "lil craic, please let me, and your mom go to sleep! I haven't gotten any sleep in a week, and Rachel and I haven't gotten any alone time so please just go to bed!" He came back and casually got back in bed. Your jaw just dropped, and you gave him a punch on his shoulder. "What?" he groaned. "What was that?!" you said angrily. "I told him that I needed sleep," he replied. "Ya, but yelling at him?" "Listen, he's finally quiet," he said. You sighed frustratedly and got out of bed to properly check on him. It worked, oddly, he was fast asleep. You came back to the bedroom and said to Niall, "you got lucky this time, but next time don't yell at him!" "Sorry babe, I just want sleep," he said. "Whatever," you sighed. 


In the morning, Niall made you breakfast, and helped out with Luke. "Thanks Ni," you laughed. "Well, I kind of did yell at the baby," he said. "He's fine, at least he didn't cry more," you said looking down at Luke in your arms. "By the way, so Liam called me today saying that he can watch Luke so we can have a date night," Niall said. "Date night?" you questioned. "Ya, we go on a date, and Liam looks after our little boy," Niall replied. "Ya, that sounds like fun," you said with  smile. "We don't even have to be out for long," Niall added. He handed you Luke's bottle, and you fed it to him. "What time would we be going out?" you asked. "About, six," Niall answered. "Sounds great," you said. "I know it'll be hard leaving him, but he'll be fine. He's with the best babysitter ever," he laughed. "I know, but it's ok if I miss him," you said with a pouty face. "I'll miss him too," he said stroking his hair, "he's a great kid." "He's amazing," you giggled. - Liam came over a bit before you and Niall's date. "Ok, so you know what to do right?" you explained to Liam, "you need to feed him in a bit, the bottles are in the cabinet and-" "Rachel, it's going to be fine," Liam laughed. "He'll be fine," Niall said to you. You whined, "ok, I love you Luke," you said giving him a kiss on his forehead. Niall tugged in your arm, trying to make you leave. "Go have fun," Liam said with a laugh, "he'll be fine, I won't leave his side. Ok?" "Ok," you sighed. You soon left and onto your date. As you were in the car, driving to the restaurant, you gazed out the window, sighing. "Babe he's fine, Liam's with him. Nothing will happen," Niall said trying to make you feel better. "I know, I know, but I just miss him," you said. "We're going to have a great time, and we don't have to worry about anything. So relax, and we'll have a great time," Niall said reassuringly. You showed up at the restaurant and had a great time.


You came home and you rushed inside hesitantly. You waited for Niall to come up to the porch step to get the keys out. "Hurry up," you said worriedly. "One second babe," Niall laughed. He opened the door and you came inside and saw Luke cuddled up into Liam's arms. "Hey you're back!" Liam said with a smile. "She was worried the whole night," Niall said. "What?" you whined, "I can worry about my baby." "It's ok," Niall laughed, "but we had a great time." "Luke was great, he was easy. He fell asleep without crying and waking up once," Liam said. He stood up to hand you him. "Thanks again Liam," you said giving him a kiss on his cheek. "Love you guys," Liam said getting ready to leave. "Bye!" he said. "Thanks again," you smiled. You sat down with Luke in your arms, and Niall said, "see? He was completely fine." "Ya, you were right," you said. He sat next to you, and gave you a kiss on your cheek. "I can put him to bed if you want," he said. "Thanks Ni," you said, then kissed Luke goodnight. He carried him up to the nursery and laid him down in the crib. He came back down in more comfortable clothes and cuddled up next to you on the couch. "I love you so much," Niall said holding you close to his chest. "I love you too Ni," you giggled. He pressed his lips onto yours softly. You were all cuddled up on the couch, with Niall's arms wrapped around you. Niall whispered one more time in your ear before you fell asleep, "You are my world, and I love you so much Rachel." You whispered back, "I love you too do much Niall." Right then, everything from that moment on, was absolutely perfect.

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