chapter 9

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Who are you imagine: part 9:

Niall woke up with papers all over him, and his guitar on laying his stomach. Crumpled papers were covering the floor, and pencil shavings were everywhere. He opened his eyes slowly, trying to focus them because of the light. He moved all the papers and the guitar off to the side. He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed from exhaustion. He looked over at the music sheets, feeling nervous. "I can do this, for her." -your view- You woke up with a tear stained pillow. You pretty much cried yourself to sleep, that's how much you missed him. You didn't know if he wanted to get back together, or if he didn't care that you were gone. All these thoughts were running through your head, you just couldn't take the anxiety. You missed him like crazy. "I can't do this anymore," you said with tears forming in your eyes. You got out of bed, and walked downstairs. "Hey your up!" Liam said with a smile. "Hi," you said with a faint smile. "Did you sleep good?" he asked. "I guess," you sighed. "Awe, it'll be ok Rachel. Um, at least, I'm here, for you," he said trying to cheer you up. "Ya, that's better." "Hey!" he said giving you a pouty face. "Sorry, but I just can't take this anymore. I want Niall back!" "Rachel, I know how you feel, and I'm really sorry this happened. But, I just know, that you'll be back with him, soon." You hugged Liam tight, and said, "your the best brother ever." "And your the best sister ever," Liam laughed. "Can I get you a little treat, or something?" he added. "Sure," you said, "I'll go get changed." You went to your room to get normal clothes on. You came back down and Liam was all ready to go. He opened the door and said, "are you ready?" You nodded then followed him out the door. -- You arrived at the coffee shop, and sat outside. "Isn't it nice to, get some fresh air?" Liam said. "I guess," you said looking down. "Please be happy, it'll make me happy once you smile." You shook your head, trying to hide some tears. "Rach, when your sad, I'm sad. I really just want to see that beautiful smile of yours," Liam said holding your hand. "No, nothing can make me smile except for him," you said pulling your hands away. Liam looked across the street and said, "oh! Guess who I invited?" "Who?" you said looking puzzled. "Hey guys!" You heard that familiar British accent behind you, then you turned around to see Harry. "Hi, Harry," you said. "Hey Rachel, so, I heard that you needed some cheering up today," he said sitting next to you and Liam. "No, I'm fine," you said. "Rachel, he's trying to help out," Liam said. "Fine," you sighed. "How about we all do something really fun? What would you like to do today?" Harry said looking over to you. "Nothing," you said. "The mall, a movie?" Liam said. "Maybe a movie?" you said. "Sure! Where at?" Liam said. "Just at our house," you said. "I'll bring over some movies tonight," Harry said, then Liam added, "then we can make it all comfy with blankets and everything!" "Ok," you giggled. "See, there's that beautiful smile," Liam said. Soon after, you went back to your house with Liam and Harry went back to his place. "Thanks Liam, I appreciate that your doing this for me." "Anything for my little sis," he laughed.  • You got a text from, Bella. "What?" you whisperer to yourself. It read, 'Hey Ni, can't wait to come over tonight to have some fun. Luv ya!' Then a text immediately came in saying, 'Woops! Wrong person! Sorry.' All those thoughts of Niall not caring that you left came back, but then you thought that he got back together with Bella. You ran up to your room and threw yourself on the bed. You started to cry hard. "How could he do this to me?!" you said burying your head into your pillow. You threw your phone onto the ground, not caring about it at all. "He's such a jerk!" you yelled. You thought that it want true, but then again, you thought this could be happening, from the things he said. What were you going to do? -Niall's view- He practiced all day again, he needed to get it right. He sang out the words and played the cords over and over again. He then sang it one more time,  it was perfect. "I'll sing it to her tomorrow," he said. He heard a knock on the door, so he came down to answer it. "Hi, Harry?" "Hey Niall, " Harry said. "What are you doing here?" Niall asked looking really confused. "Rachel, is really miserable without you. You have to get back together," Harry said. "But, I thought she, hated me," Niall said. "Are you kidding me? She loves you! She just wants you back, you have to do something." "Don't worry, I have it all under control," Niall replied. "You better do it soon," Harry sighed. "Don't worry I will," Niall said. Harry nodded, the he said, "she just, really likes you. You make her happy." "She does the same thing," Niall said with a smile. Harry left after their talk and Niall situated the papers and put them in a safe place. A text came in on his phone. •  He looked over and it said, 'Bella.' He groaned, then ignored it. A bunch of texts came in after that one, it was still from her. "What does she want?!" he yelled. One said, 'I need to talk to you, I really miss you,' and, 'we need to get back together, I miss you Ni.' "Why won't she just leave me alone?!" Then she decided to call him. He answered it saying, "what do you want." "Hey babe! I just wanted to tell you how much I miss you." "Why? Why do you miss me?! Just because I'm with Rachel?" he yelled. "No, not at first, I really miss you Ni, I just want to have you with me all the time," she said. "No! I was happy with her, never you. But you just won't stop, will you?" "I want to be your girlfriend again, I really miss you though." "No you don't! Just leave me alone!" He hung up the phone and slammed it on the table. His phone rang again, but he ignored it. "Why does she want to get back together? I just don't understand!" Bella has been bothering Niall a lot lately after that kiss. "She only wants me because I'm taken, that's why," he sighed frustratedly. He started to think about tomorrow, how he was going to talk to you. He took a deep breath in then said, "I can do this, just for her." -your view- Liam came into your room and asked, "Rachel? Are you ok?" "Sure," you sighed. "I'm setting up downstairs for our 'movie' night. I made the couch comfy for you," he smiled. "Thanks for trying to make me feel better Liam," you said. "I do want you to be happy, but don't worry, you'll be back with Niall soon, I promise," he said. "No I won't," you said. "What do you mean?" he asked. "Bella, Niall's ex girlfriend texted me, but meaning to send it to him, that she was coming over to his house to hang out. He's already moved on, with her!" you said starting to cry. "What?! No, how can he go back with her?! That's not right, I'm sure she's trying to make you feel bad. Just ignore it, I know that he wants to be with you," Liam said. You sighed and Liam gave you a little hug. "Thanks Liam," you giggled. "It's the truth," he said. He nudged you on the shoulder adding, "do you want to see the tv room?" "Sure," you giggled. You walked down with Liam and you saw blankets covering the chairs, pillows everywhere, and snack bowls on every table. "Wow, you've been working hard," you laughed. "I wanted to make it special." "Well you did a great job," you said. He pointed at one of the chairs, that looked the comfiest, and said, "that one, is yours." You say in it and felt like you were sitting on a cloud. "Harry should be here in a bit," Liam said. "Again, thanks for doing this for me," you laughed. "Anytime," he winked. Shortly after, Harry came over with a bag full of movies. He set it on the table and pulled them out. "Rachel, we can watch whatever you want," Harry said. "It doesn't really matter guys," you laughed. "We'll just watch a funny one," Liam said pulling out a random one. He started to walk upstairs then explained, "make yourselves comfortable, I'm gonna get changed." Harry took out the disc from it's case in put it in the movie player, then he sat on the couch. "So, how are you doing?" he asked. "Fine," you replied. Liam came back in a tank top and sone sweat pants. "This will be more comfortable," Liam said sitting down. "If there's anything you need Rachel, we're here for you," Liam said. "Thanks guys, I really appreciate that your doing this for me," you said with a smile. "I just want to see my little sister happy," Liam said. Harry turned off the lights and it was just like a movie theatre. The movie started and out came the popcorn. You sighed from anxiety because you didn't know if what Bella said was true, or she's just trying to make you mad. You just missed Niall like crazy, you didn't want to be away from him any longer. After a couple movies, Liam put in a third one. You looked at the clock and it said nine thirty. Once it got to the middle of the movie, you had fallen alstroemerias. Liam nudged Harry pointing to you. "She's so cute when she's asleep," Liam laughed. He came over and gave you a kiss on your head. "Thank you Liam," you said. 

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