chapter 14

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Who are you imagine: part 14:

The next day Niall was acting a bit strange. You started to worry, thinking that something happened. Maybe he kissed another girl, he was cheating, or dumping you. All thoughts ran through your head, but then again, he took you on this trip, and always told you he loved you every second of the day, so why would he be acting like this? You had no idea, but you wanted to find out. You were at the hotel room, thinking this would be a good opportunity. "Hey Ni, everything ok?" you asked trying to make him talk. "Uh, ya, of course everything is ok. Why do you ask?" "Oh, I don't know, it's just because you've been acting a bit weird." "Me? Weird? That's rubbish," he said. "Niall, just tell me what's wrong, I know something's up," you said. "What's up? Well, the sky is," he said with a nervous laugh. "No! I meant what's up, as in, what's wrong," you sighed. He didn't answer your question and stayed silent for a bit. "Niall, don't ignore me," you whined. He didn't make any eye contact with you, and still stayed silent. "Fine! You can just sleep on the floor tonight," you said. He still didn't answer which made you a little mad. "Niall!" you said pushing him over on the bed. He just moaned. "Ok, I'll just give you the silent treatment too," you sighed. He just laid there, face down in the sheets. You grabbed one of the pillow, and started to smack him with it. "Hey, hey hey! Ok! Ok! I'll tell you what's wrong," he said taking the pillow away from you. You sat next to him and crossed your arms, waiting for him to talk. "What's going on Ni?" "Well, you know yesterday, when you went inside to get the coffee?" he started. "Ya?" "Well, some girl came up behind me, but, it was," he paused. "It was who?" you questioned. "B-Bella." "What?!" you yelled. "I was just as pissed as you are, she followed us all the way here, just to talk to me," he said. "Why is she following you?! I don't understand why she's doing this," you groaned. He answered back frustratedly, "I don't either. All she keeps saying is, 'I want to get back together Niall,' and, 'I love you so much, I want to be bf and gf again so I can break your heart once more.'" "What are we going to do?" you asked. He looked outside in a deep train of thought, then said, "we can call the cops!" "What? Why the cops?" "She's a stalker! They can arrest her for that and put her in a mental facility!" "Look, she's crazy, but not mental crazy. So, we'll try to sort this out ourselves first, and if we can't, then we'll pull the police into this," you suggested. "Fine," he said with a sigh.  -- Later that day, Niall took you shopping to get you guy's minds off of you know who. "Ooh! Babe try this on!" Niall said pulling out, another ultra short dress. "Ni, really?" you laughed. "Yes," he said giving you puppy dog eyes. "Ok, I'll do it for you," you giggled. He pulled out other dresses as you went in the changing room. "This one, is," you gasped for air, "really tight!" "Can I see?" he said. You came out and his draw dropped. "I think you just made my nose bleed," he said staring at you with his eyes wide open. "Now, I just need, to take it, off!" "I'll help!" he said hopping over to you. "No, you stay out here," you laughed. "You're buying them though," he said. "Who said that?" you giggled. "I did. I'm buying them so you can wear them, and only around me," he said, practically drooling. "But, I could wear these when we go out," you said. "I only want me to see you in these dresses, their too sexy for other guys to see. They'll drool over you, and only I, can do that," he said. "Mhm, that's nice, why don't you just pee on me to mark your territory," you laughed. "Ok now that's just gross," he said. "That's what it sounds like your going to do," you said. "Whatever," he sighed. After trying on the rest of the dresses, you paid for them, then left to go see other stores. As you were walking, your phone buzzed from a message. "It Liam," you said with a smile. You set down your bags to text him back. Across from you was a group of guys, and guess what, they were checking you out like crazy. Niall noticed, and it pissed him off. He looked then straight in the eye, and pulled you by your waist to give you a kiss. "Ni what are you doing?" you giggled. "Just go with it," he whispered. You didn't mind, so you just went along. They all shuffled away awkwardly as you guys still in the kiss. "What was that all about? Not that I'm complaining," you laughed. "Another group of guys were looking at you, and yes, I turned into jealous Niall," he sighed, "why do you have to be so damn hot?" "Sorry," you giggled. "Well, if they see me with you, they'll just be jealous because I'm with the hottest girl on the planet." He gave you another kiss which made you smile. "Love you," you said. "Love you the most babe," he said. You checked the time, it was already four. "Should we head back to the hotel?" you asked. "Sure, then I can see your dresses again," he said giggling, and blushing. He picked up the bags for you and you headed for the car. You came back to the room moments later, and checked back in. "I'm so tired I could fall asleep right now," you sighed. "You can, but first," he said giving you a cheeky smile. "Can't I do that later?" you groaned. "I bought them for you," he mumbled. "Fine," you laughed, "and I can get changed right in front of you." His eyes widened at the thought of it. "And some I can't wear a bra with," you said giggling, with a wink. You could see his face go pale, you knew that he would pass out. "O-Ok," he stuttered trying to stay up straight.  You pulled out a dress, and started to un-change. He seemed ok at first, but when the clothes came off, he started to lose it. "This requires a bra," you added. "Thank God," he sighed. Then you came to the next one, still with a bra. But then you came to the one after that, and said with a smirk, "this, I don't need a bra." He completely lost it. You put it on the floor, and reached in the back of you to unhinge the clasps. You threw it over to the bed and Niall cried out, "Jesus Christ!" You pulled the dress up to your waist and over your unmentionables. "Damnit Rachel!" he said putting his face in his hands. "This is what you wanted," you giggled. "Not to torture me!" he cried. "I'm gunna try on the next one, which also require no bra," you said. "Please stop! I can't take it anymore, you're making me sweat, and feel light headed," he said running over to you. "Just please make it stop," he said. You kissed him on the cheek and said, "hope you enjoyed the show." "I did, but it was a little too much for me, I guess I couldn't handle the sexiness," he said with a sigh of relief. "You might get something special tonight; if you can handle it," you said. "I think I can," he stuttered. You grabbed your clothes and went to the bathroom to get changed again. "So," he cleared his throat, "do you, want to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower, now maybe, so I can calm down," he laughed nervously. "Sure, it'll be fun," you said. You come out but asked, "should I just keep this dress on or change to my original outfit?" "You should wear the dress," he said, then he mumbled to himself, "I want guys to be jealous." You opened the door and he followed behind you. You walk out of the lobby to the car. You come to the tower and go up the elevator. As you come to the top, you look out at the view. "Wow, this is just breathtaking," you gasped. You lean on the edge, taking in the view with a deep breath. "This is perfect, the sun is setting, we're on the very top of the Eiffel Tower, and I get to spend it, with the love of my life," Niall said giving you a kiss. "I love you so much Niall." "I love you Rachel, so much."

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