chapter 20

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Who are you imagine: part 20:

Niall was getting better every day, less wobbly, and not falling over as much. He was pretty much trapped in your room for three days already. You woke up to him holding onto you. "Morning sleepyhead," you laughed. "Goodmorning princess," he said with a smile. He nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck, which made you giggle. "Can we go out somewhere today?" he asked in a cute little voice. "No," you laughed. "Why not?!" he whined. "Do you not realized what had happen to you a couple days ago?" you said. He let go of you, and rolled to the other side of the bed, and pouted. "You can pout all you want but it won't effect my decision," you said with a sigh. He stayed silent, and pulled the covers all the way over him. "Niall!" you said. He didn't say anything, so you got out of bed. As you were walking out the door, you said to him, "I'm leaving you in the house, all alone, while I get something special coffee for myself, and not getting any for you." He pushed the covers down do you could only see his eyes. "But Rachel," he whined. "Hey, you were the one that stole the covers," you said. "Wait!" he said lifting himself up. He was still wobbly, and he was trying to walk over to you. "Don't worry," he said falling over, then got back up, "I'm ok." "If you can't walk, to the door which is, five feet away, what makes you think you can go out somewhere?" you said. He finally made it, but then leaned right on the wall next to you. "I can make it," he said. You looked at him, gave him the look, then pointed over to the bed, making him go back. "No," he whined. "Sorry Ni, but you can't go out yet," you sighed. "Look, I love you and everything, but you can't go out," you said. He laid down, and said, "just stay with me, please?" You shook your head, but he kept asking and asking and asking. "Ok! Ok, I'll stay. But only because I love you Nialler," you laughed. He gave you a cheeky smile because he got what he wanted. 


Niall woke up and saw that you were gone. He sighed sadly, but then sat up to rub his eyes. He called your name really loudly, "Rachel?! Where are you?" He whined and still called, "Rachel!" You ran up the stairs to answer him, "what is it?" "Why did you leave?" he said frowning. "I was just downstairs on the computer," you giggled. "Why did you leave though?" he said. "Because I wanted to go downstairs, and let you sleep," you answered. "Well come back!" he whined. "No," you sighed, "I don't want to stay in bed all day." "But I don't either! Please, can I leave?! I haven't left this room in five days!" "Niall," you groaned. "Please, you haven't let me go anywhere, you haven't let me even walk around, we didn't even have a makeout session!" he said. "Because, I know what it'll turn into," you said giving him a look. "I know! That's what I try to do! But no! You don't let me," he said crossing his arms, pouting. "Whatever Ni," you sighed, then turned to leave. "No!" he said crawling to the end of the bed, and reached his hand out to you. "Babe please!" he whined. You leaned against the door way, watching him trying to stand up. "See, I'm fine!" he said. "Look, I know you feel better already, but you still need rest," you said. "The doctor said, if I can stand without wobbling, then I'm fine and I can walk around," he said. "Ok, ok," you said, "whatever, as long as you can walk down the stairs yourself." He started to walk down, then fell a little. "I'm just light headed," he laughed. " You passed him with a smile and said, "sure." He made it down the rest of the way completely fine. "I guess you are ok," you said. "Told you," he mumbled. You walked back to the computer, but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back. He gave you a bunch of kisses. "What are you doing?" you giggled. "I'm not dizzy anymore so I can finally makeout with you," he said biting his lip. He took you by the hips and crashed them to his. He aggressively pressed his lips onto yours. He back you up into the wall and pinned your wrists to the wall. He went from your lips, to your neck in an instant. Things got heated up intensely, do he carried you bridal style up to the bedroom.


"See, I did just fine," Niall said smirking. "You sure did," you giggled. You reached over the bed for your clothes to get dressed. "Can you hand me my clothes?" he said. You placed them on the bed and said, "I'll be downstairs when your dressed." He came down shortly, and kissed you on the cheek. Niall got a call from the police station. "Hello?" Niall answered. You whispered, "what do they want?" "It's about the shot, about Bella. I just have to run down to the station to give them more info, I'll be back in about, a half an hour, or fourty-five minutes," Niall answered. He walked out to the door and off to the station. A few minutes after the door bell rang. You opened it and saw Harry standing there on the porch. "Hi, Harry, what are you doing here?" you questioned. "I need to talk to you," Harry said. "Um, sure, come in," you said showing him in. "So, I just need to say, I just, can't stop thinking about you. You're just an amazing person, and so beautiful and smart, and I just love everything about you," he started. "But, Harry-" "I know you're with Niall, I just, really like you, and I can't hide my feelings for you," he said looking into your eyes. You froze up, and looked away from his gaze. "I'm sorry Harry, but really, I have Niall, he's such a gentleman, he's everything I was looking for. I mean, you're a great guy, very nice, sweet, cute, but I'm sorry," you said. "But Rachel-" "Harry, I'm sorry, I truly am but I'm with Ni, I'm really sorry," you said moving his bangs out if his eyes. He didn't take that as answer you guess, because he just crashed his lips onto yours.

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