chapter 7

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Who are you imagine: part 7:

Blood was everywhere, cuts and bruises showed up on their faces. Niall wouldn't stop until he proved Liam wrong. And this whole time you had no idea what was happening. You didn't know what Niall said to Liam, you had no idea that he loved you that much. You couldn't take the suspense anymore, you had to see what was happening. You drive there as fast as you could, but when you pulled up, you saw everything. You were mortified at the scene. "Stop! Just stop!" you yelled running over to them. Niall looked at you, his face was bloody, cuts were everywhere, and badly bruised. Liam was exactly the same, with a little more cuts. "Rachel! I thought I told you to stay at the house!" Niall said. "I didn't want to because I didn't know what was happening to you!" you said with tears streaking down your cheeks. "Rachel, Niall doesn't need to be with you," Liam started. You cut him off by saying, "no Liam! I love Niall with all of my heart, I can't lose him. He is not like any guy I've met before. He's perfect, wonderful, he's nice, funny, cute, and, he treats me with respect and he would never hurt me! That kiss wasn't even his fault! And yes, we did it but who cares! I can handle things myself. I'm not 16 anymore. I know who I want, and that's Niall." Liam looked you in the eye, then sighed. "Look Rachel, I just wanted to protect you-" "By beating up Niall?! That's not protecting me! That's just doing what you want. You thought he's not good for me but he is. He's perfect to me and, I love him." Liam didn't say anything else, he looked at the ground in silence. He then turned to face Niall, who was still standing on his feet. He said to him,  "as long as you keep my sister safe. And love her till the very end, then I approve." "I promise, I'll never hurt her, and I'll love her forever." You ran into Niall's arms and he held you tight giving you a bunch of little kisses. "I love you so much Niall," you said. "I love you too Rachel, I love you so much."  -- You fixed up Niall again, but this time he kept still. "I'm sorry," you said patching him up. "I'm just glad that we're able to be together," he said with a little laugh. "You're all fixed up," you said. He hopped down from the counter, and flopped onto the couch. "I'm so tired," he groaned. "Well, you did kinda fight with my brother," you said. "Cuddle with me?" he said quietly. "Sure Niall," you giggled. He grabbed you and held you tight. "You could have let me lay next to you first," you laughed. He started attacking you again with small kisses, and squirmed trying to get out of his grip. "Niall! Stop!" you giggled, "not again! Just stop!" You pushed his face away, then he just laid his head on your neck. He whined, then you said with a laugh, "finally I stopped you." He just whined again in response. "Love you," you said trying to give him a kiss on the nose. He pulled away and groaned. "Oh come on, you can't do that to me," you giggled. "You rejected me so I get to reject you," he said. "Fine, I'll just leave," you said starting to get up. "No!" he said and held onto your waist so you couldn't move. "Do you want me to stay, or leave?" you said. "Stay," he whimpered. "Ok, but you can't ignore my kisses," you said. He closed his eyes and puckered his lips, waiting for yours. You laughed at him, and pressed your lips onto his. "You're just too cute," you giggled. You got out of his grip, and checked your phone. "Woah!" you said surprised. "What is it?" Niall asked. "I've got, a dozen messages," you said scrolling through them. "Who are they from?" Niall said standing next to you. "Um, Kayla, other friends, and-" "And, who?" he questioned. "Some, guys?" you said with a puzzled look on your face. "What, guys," Niall said angrily. "Calm down Ni, it's probably just some old friends."  • You read the text, and these weren't some of your friends. "What the heck?!" Niall yelled. The text read, 'hey babe. Just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out sometime. Maybe meet me at that coffee shop tomorrow, see you then.' "Ya, friends," Niall said in a sarcastic tone. "I don't even know who this is!" you said. "I'll deal with him," he said taking the phone out of your hands. "Niall, no," you groaned. He texted the guy saying, 'listen, this is her boyfriend, I don't know who this is, but I want you to leave her alone.' "Really Niall," you groaned. "What?" he whined. "Whenever I come on contact with a guy, you turn into over protective, jealous Niall." "What?! I just want to let them know that you're mine." "Oh come on Ni, we've already talked about this." "So? I don't want other guys to talk to you, or look at you." "So, no one can look at me?" you questioned. "They can't check you out," he said. "Whatever Niall," you sighed. "Come on babe, I'm just trying to show them to stay away from my girl. I mean, they could be people that want to kidnap you and, do, things," he said. "Ok, ok. I wasn't gonna go anyway, I'm just saying that you always say that I'm yours," you sighed. "Cause it's true," he mumbled. "I know, I know. Just, calm down a bit," you giggled. "Fine," he sighed. You saw another text from the same guy. "It's for you," you groaned and handed the phone to Niall. It read, 'ok, but I bet you're just a nerd that can't defend himself, and has to have his girlfriend comfort him when he gets a little scrape on the knee.' "Niall, don't say anything, just ignore him!" you said. He replied with, 'I can prove to you I'm not a nerd. Meet me at that exact coffee place now, and I'll show you that I can beat you.' "Niall!" you said frustrated. "What?!" he asked. "If you get hurt, I'm not helping you," you said going upstairs. "But Rachel!" he whined. He left the house and headed to the coffee shop. You looked out his bedroom window to see him drive off. "Oh Niall," you sighed.  -- Niall saw a guy, waiting for someone, thinking it was him. "So, are you the guy that's been texting my girlfriend?" Niall said tightening his fists. "So, you're the little guy," he said looking at him. "You're not that much taller than me," Niall said. "So, let's get this over with." He threw the first punch, hitting Niall. He stumbled back and he stood his ground, then the guy said, "bring it on pipsqueak!" Niall charged at him throwing a punch right at his nose. He held his nose, then looked at the bleeding. "Well, I sure do pack a good punch. But will it show that you're not a wimp?" he checked. Niall got so angry, that he started to beat him to the ground. One of the employees came out and yelled, "break it up fellas! Stop, or I'll call the cops!" Niall and the guy didn't stop punching and kicking each other. The employee whipped out a phone and dialed 911. Shortly after, the police pulled up and separated them. "That's enough!" the police said. One of the officers was holding Niall back by his shoulders and his wrists. Back at home, you turned on the tv, showing the news. You saw that the cameras were filming the coffee place. "What's happening?!" you gasped. You saw Niall and the man being out in handcuffs. You drove there as fast as possible, then rummaged through the police. "Niall, what is going on?!" you yelled. "I tried to protect you," he said. He was put in the police car and the other guy in another car. "Wait officer!" you said. "Yes, what is it," the police officer said. "Is that man, going into prison?" you said looking concerned. "No, we just need to ask him questions on this 'little' fight," he replied. He jumped into the car, and off to the station. People were crowding instantly around the shop. New casters came along with cameras and went directly to you. "Did you see what happened miss?" "What has happened here?!" "Do you have any comments on this?" You ignored them and drove to the station where Niall was.  • As you got there, you went to the front desk and asked, "excise me, do you happen to know where that, guy went? The one in the fight?" "What's the name of this man?" "Niall Horan," you answered. "He's in room 215. And, who are you?" "I'm his, girlfriend." She let you through and you went straight to the room where Niall and the officer were. He was sitting at a table, still in cuffs, and the officer had a sheet of paper. "What was this fight all about, Mr. Horan?" "Well, first of all, that guy, was texting my girlfriend, Rachel, and he wouldn't stop, so I told him to meet me somewhere to teach him a lesson-" "Who started this incident?" "He threw the first punch, and I hit him back," Niall answered. "Thank you, we'll get more information later, you're free to go." He unlocked his handcuffs and led him out the door. Niall noticed you and said, "your here!" "Yeah, I'm here," you said looking pretty pissed. You headed out the door, and Niall chased after you. "Woah, wait up Rach! Don't leave without me." The whole car ride was dead silent. He kept trying to talk to you, but you would just ignore him. As you walk in he said, "Rachel, don't ignore me again! Don't be like this!" "I told you to not go, but then you went, beat up some random guy, then got caught by the police! Niall, I can't believe you right now," you said irritated. "Babe, I only did that because-" "Because, because what?! Because I'm yours?! Niall, you have just crossed the line with this! I told you don't get involved with this stuff, but you do anyway, and you get beat up too! I always take care of you after these fights, but not this time, because you just pissed me off!" "Ok look, you don't have to be such a b- right now," Niall said. You faced him and was about to slap him. But he caught your wrist and backed you up against a wall and leaned real closely and said darkly, "want to try that again, sweetheart?" 

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