And the Clock Strikes Twelve

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          "This is amazing." he says.

          "Yes, yes it is." We are slow dancing to some slow song, and even though I have never done this before, I am actually doing it pretty well! I feel so free. Like I am finally a butterfly who no longer has to be all crammed up inside a cocoon and who can finally spread its wings and be free

          I am not being judged. 

           I feel so good. So free. So confident. So NOT insecure.

          "I feel like I can be me!" I say aloud.


          This time, I don't get nervous, I don't apologize. I laugh. I laugh it all off. He may think I am a freak, but I don't care. I feel so good! I feel like I am up in the sky, flying through all the clouds! I will never waste a moment like this. "Forget it," I say. I start laughing again. Pretty soon, we are both cracking up and laughing so hard, that we have to go and sit down and take a break. 

          "That was actually pretty cool." he says. 

          "Yeah. You are actually really nice."

          "You know what?" he asks, with a serious look on his face.

          "What is it?" 

          "I think I may like you." 

          "What?!" I ask. Not because I can barely hear him over all the loud music, but because I feel like I am dreaming.

          "I think I like you."

          "Well, guess what? It is your unlucky day. I think I may like you, too." Of course I like him!

        "Why unlucky?" he asks.

          I quickly change the conversation by asking, "what is your name?"

          "Um, Brandon. What is yours?"

         My name? Oh no. I can't tell him my name! And I can't even make up my name! What do I do? 

          I make the worst decision ever and say,"I have to go. Bye," and leave.

          I run outside and walk home. The whole time, I think about what just happened.

          I think a boy likes me, but I just ruined the chance.

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