Chapter 1

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High above the clouds, the PPGZ were flying at high speed towards the school. They were late for lunch after defeating Mojo Jojo for the fifth time that week. Their stomachs rumbled. "Hurry up!" The green one groaned and looked to the pink leader. "I'm hungry!!" The leader sighed. "We are flying as fast as we can BC. And don't you think I'm hungry as well?" The grumpy, pink leader tipped down as she saw the school under them. They landed on the roof and de-transformed. 

Miyako sighed as her two friends ran down the stairs. She fixed her baby blue skirt and checked her white shirt before following them. Momoko and Kaoru ran to their classroom almost knocking down some teachers on the way. Kaoru had a firm grip on her green cap to keep it in place as she jumped over a student picking up books in the hall. She didn't bother to look behind her, she just kept running. She grabbed her lunchbox like a hungry wolf and attacked the much-needed food. 

Momoko followed right behind her, almost losing her pink lunchbox on the ground on her way to her desk. She dropped the box on her desk, tightened the bow in her hair, and sat down. The sight of her food made her drool, but she composed herself and started eating calmly. Miyako was her usual self and walked in like a goddess, smiling at everyone and giggling. Her small hands grabbed the neatly made lunchbox and sat down slowly, not wrinkling her brand new skirt. With her chopsticks, she started eating slowly, savoring the flavor in her mouth.

Kaoru, now done with her food, grabbed a ball and started playing with it in her seat. Momoko grabbed the newest comic and started reading while eating, and Miyako flipped through her fashion magazine. Life was good for our superheroes. Fighting crime outside the school, and a normal life inside the school. But that all changed when Miss Keane came walking in the door. She smiled at her student and radiated a happiness few of the students had ever seen. 

"Students, please put away your lunch and personal stuff. Class will begin soon." Miyako looked at Momoko and Kaoru curiously before she laid her magazine away. Kaoru threw her ball down in her bag and sat down, and Momoko speed-read the last pages before stuffing it away. Miss Keane clapped her hand and grinned. "Okay, class. Before we start, I have some good news. We are getting three new students. Brothers. They just started, and with that, I hope you will be nice to them." The class nodded. "Good. Come in boys." The class turned their heads to the door and watched as three boys walked in. Kaoru, sitting closer to the door than her friends, saw the new students first. Once she did, she gasped a small gasp, before she growled. 

Momoko was getting curious. She heard Kaoru gasp, and then growl. She got a look at one of the new boys, and that was all she needed to put two and two together. She then started thinking. What are they doing here and why are they here. Miyako sat still waiting for the boys to come in. But when they did, her smile fell, and she started fiddling with her skirt. Her eye went from the angry Kaoru to the suspicious Momoko. Miyako herself had no idea how to deal with the news. So she just kept on fiddling with her skirt. 

The new students smiled. "Yo." The first one said. He fixed his red cap placed on his red hair. "I'm Brick. The oldest." The girls sighed. The second brother smirked. "Butch." He said and stuffed his hands in his green pockets. The girls screamed. The youngest smiled a great smile and messed up his blond hair. "I'm Boomer. Nice to meet you all. I'm the youngest. I look forward to getting to know you all." All the girls 'aaawww'ed at the boy. The three boys looked at the class they were placed in. 

The eldest, Brick, caught the eyes of a girl in the back. His blood red eyes locked with her cotton candy pink eyes. His heart skipped a beat, but he refused to believe it. Instead he tore his eyes away and looked at a girl in the front. Crazy dress and poofy, brown hair. The girl winked at Brick, and he shivered. Now he wished he had held his eyes at the pink eyed one. 

Butch let his lazy gaze wander over the class. He didn't find anyone interesting, but then he saw a girl fuming with anger. He smirked once again and watched the girl with the lime green eyes break her pencils into tiny pieces. But then her eyes shot up and fixated on him, and his smirk fell. Her eyes were something else. His stomach twisted and turned, and he didn't like it. Not one bit. 

The hyper brother Boomer were looking at everyone, trying to be nice. But he stopped in the back when he looked at a girl with blond hair in pigtails. He smiled an even bigger grin when she finally looked up. Her eyes were like the clear blue sky, and when she smiled at him he blushed. He had no idea why he blushed, but he liked it. 

"Okay, boys. There are three seats free, right there in the middle. Please sit down." The boys nodded and went to their seat, still keeping an eye on the girls. Miss Keane smiled. "Good. Now, let's start shall we?" 

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