Chapter 28

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Miyako's scream could be heard from all over the city. Her knees hit the ground, shoulders shaking as she cried and yelled. Kaoru placed a hand on one of her shoulders, not taking her eyes away from the scene in from of her. 

Butch and Boomer heard the scream but had no idea what was going on. Their bodies struggled to get up and comfort their counterparts. Boomer was the first one, his stomach dropping as he laid eyes on the scene. Butch soon followed up, and the two boys hurried over.

Brick had frozen in place in front of them all. His sword hanging slack in his grip. His face was empty of all emotions. Bangs shadowed his eyes while drops of red trickled down the side of the blade and onto the ground.

There, on the ground, lay Momoko, her front slashed from the sharp steel. Her chest heaving up and down as she lost her blood at an alarming rate. Pale hands tried to stop it, but her lifeless eyes were closing fast. 

Miyako crawled forward, taking Momoko's head in her lap. Her tears were falling fast, dripping down onto the pale cheeks of her friend. 

Kaoru moved to the other side, taking off her jacket and laying it on the wound. She knew it would not do much, but she felt like she had to do something. Even if there was nothing they could do for her now. 

"PROFESSOR!" Miyako ripped out the name, her voice dropping at the end. "Help her." It came out as a mere whisper.

Momoko laid still, her breath coming in shallow gasps. The pained look in her eyes giving no clear hope of survival.

The professor and Ken hurried over, machines at the ready, even if they knew it would be futile. Still, Ken fixed the machines, her heartbeat coming up on one of them. It was slowing down, but it was there. The professor checked a few other things, trying to keep Miyako and Kaoru away from the readings and information. 

Butch and Boomer pulled them away, hugging them close to keep them still. Boomer had his arms tight around the blue Puff, her sobs muffed in his neck. Boomer shushed her while whispering things to her like it's okay and she will be fine. He didn't know what else to do.

Ken and the professor took a glance at Miyako. Her body was shaking violently, her tears falling fast and staining her red cheeks. Butch stood beside Kaoru, not touching her, but staying by her side to let her know that he was there for her. Kaoru's face was blank, no emotion showing. Her fists were clenched tight by her sides. 

Brick had not moved an inch, and he was still not moving. His eyes just watched the two set up machines and read of the pink powerpuff's vitals. He watched the jacket soak up the blood from the wound. The blood that at the same moment was staining the weapon of the crime. 

Kaoru turned to Brick after getting fed up with watching Momoko. "YOU!" She screamed while storming over to get in his face. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!" Her voice rang out in the air, her fists pounding against his chest, not really trying to put force bhind it. Her tears were falling down now, her anger getting the better of her. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!? YOU KILLED HER AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!" 

Brick didn't move, instead taking the punches as kicks as they came. He didn't move his eyes from Momoko either, his face blank. 

Kaoru started to slow down her attacks, instead just glaring at him and the blade. "Do you even feel sorry?" She asked, venom lacing her voice. "Do you feel good about what you have done?" Her breath stopped for a bit as the heart monitor slowed down, her focus going to Momoko for amoment before returning to Brick. "You finally got what you wanted. You killed her. After all this fighting, and you finally killed her. Just like you wanted." Her body didn't move, fists ready for another round, but Butch stopped her by hugging her from behind, locking her arms to her sides.

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