Chapter 13

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Brick groaned. His head was pounding, and his body felt weak. He didn't know where he was, but he was leaned up against a tree. He tried to lift his arms, but he just groaned again and dropped it down. He also tried to open his eyes and had more success with that. Once he could see, he turned his head to figure out where he was. It was dark, and all he could really see was trees. 

Just then his forehead was meet with a wet cloth dipped in cold water. He flinched backward, but a hand on his shoulder forced him to keep still. "Stop moving, idiot. You need to cool down and get some fresh air in your lungs." Brick didn't want to admit it, but he knew that voice, and he was kinda happy to hear it. He turned his head and saw Blossom on the ground beside him, her focus on a bag in front of her. 

"What .... happened?" He asked, his voice weak and raspy. "Keep quiet. You will just damage your voice if you speak before I can get the smoke out of your lungs. And you started a fire. In the middle of the woods. I didn't think you would be that big of an idiot." Blossom said as she pulled out a water bottle and handed it to Brick. "Drink." Was all she said before walking away. 

Brick didn't bother to see where she was going and gulped down the water quickly. Once done he sighed and looked down at himself. His pants were burned in some spots, and his sleeves were black. He felt his face and dragged two fingers over his cheek, only to look at them covered in black ash. 

Brick then decided to get up and look around. He pushed his hands on the ground and got up on his feet, still leaning on the tree. He noticed that the tree was the same one that he always went to, and he wondered if Blossom knew that, but pushed the thought to the back of his head and focused on the task at hand. He took one step and felt pretty proud of it before his legs gave up on him and he tumbled down again. He groaned loudly, and Blossom walked over to him.

"Why did you do that?" She asked while getting him up against the tree again. "Never mind. Now, keep still. You need to rest for a while before you can go back home to Boomer and Butch." Brick sighed and slumped down on the ground. Blossom grabbed his face and started wiping it with a cloth, cleaning him up. He didn't say anything, just let her clean him. She then zipped down his jacket to take a look at his arms. Brick blushed but didn't say anything.

Blossom took his jacket and laid it on the ground before looking at Brick again. Blossom had never seen Brick, or any of the ruffs, without their jackets, and was mildly surprised that he wore a simple black muscle shirt. He looked fine, but on his left bicep was a fairly large burn. Brick hissed when Blossom touched it, and she pulled her hand back. "It looks like a mild burn. It will heal, but you will be sore there for a few weeks, and it might turn into a scar." Brick nodded, still blushing lightly from Blossom touching all over his arms.

"Sit still." She said and pressed a cloth with cold water to it. Brick groaned and pulled his hand back. "Shit. What the hell Blossom?!" He asked, moving to the side, away from his counterpart. Said counterpart huffed and grabbed his arm. "Don't move. It stings, yes, but if we don't do this you will end up with great pain and an even larger burn. Do you want that?" She said in a harsh voice. Brick didn't move. 

"Fine." She said stubbornly. "If you don't want my help I'll leave. Fix yourself." She moved to get up, but Brick switched their grip so he was the one grabbing her wrist. "Don't leave. Help me. Please." He was blushing madly, and he was greatly surprised with himself for saying please. Rowdies don't say please. Blossom blinked her eyes a few times, before sitting down again. "Fine. Now give me your hand. It will sting, but we have to do this." She pressed the cloth to his arm, and he hissed out loud again. 

Blossom sighed. "Fine. Hold my other hand then. Press hard when it gets painful. I'm finished soon." Brick nodded slowly and grabbed her other hand, the one resting on the ground. He held around her wrist at first but soon changed to hold her like any other normal person would hold a hand. He groaned and hissed in pain once Blossom replied the cold water. He shut his eyes tightly and held onto her arm. "And done." She said and pulled the cloth away. Brick sighed and looked at his arm. 

He was not as red as he had been before, and the stinging had ebbed down. Blossom searched her bag for something with one hand, the other still linked with her counterpart, before she groaned. "Ugh. Why? I forgot the most basic of things. How could I forget something like that?" Brick looked at her. He had also forgotten he held hands with his enemy. "What did you forget?" Blossom huffed. "Bandages. I forgot to bring bandages." 

Brick watched as Blossom huffed and sighed as she searched her bag. But even after dumping its contents on the ground, the bag still had no bandages in it. "Don't worry about it." Brick said and looked right into his couterpart's cotton candy colored pink eyes. "I'm fine without the bandage. See?" He lifted his arm, but stopped once he felt it beginning to burn again. "No you are not fine. You need a bandage or something to wrap around the burn to make it heal better." She said and stared right back into his blood red eyes. 

Blossom thoguht about it for a few seconds before her eyes lit up. "I know." She said, before letting go of Brick's hand. Brick realized how long they had held hands, and blushed again, but Blossom didn't notice. She was to busy with her bow to look at Brick. She untied her bow from her hair and straigheten it out. She then grabbed Brick's bicep and tied the bow around it. Once she was done she made a tiny bow, the same type as she always wore in her hair, and smiled at Brick sweetly. "Done." 

And in that second, they forgot that they were enemies. Brick's heart was beating in his chest, and he had no idea why it was happening.

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