Chapter 5

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"When we parted ways to go 'investigate' those girls, the two guys, Mark and Eddie, took me to the soccer field, where the team was having tryouts. Mark pointed towards a tree by the side of the field and jogged away. I walked over, and to my surprise, nobody was around." Brick had by now walked away to get some food but was still within hearing range. "So I walked around, but then I decided to just go back to the team. The coach saw me and waved me over. He said 'hurry it up, boy!' So, of course, I slowed down." Boomer rolled his eyes. "Tell us about the girl, and how you got full of dirt." 

Butch nodded. "Don't worry little brother. I will get there. So I finally got to the coach, and he asks me if I'm trying out for the team. I said no way in hell and demanded he knew why. 'Because I'm way better than all of these guys combined, and I don't want a team to slow me down on the field.' The coach got really angry and demanded that as a part of the tryout, they should all go up against me. So I waited until the end of the tryout, and then they all tried to get past me and score. No one could do it. I was feeling like my usual self." Brick snorted and walked back to his brothers, three bananas in his hands. "Really. And how is your usual self? An egoistic and self-centered guy?" Butch waved his brother off and grabbed the food. Brick sat down on the couch, knocking Boomer down in the procces. 

"Hush now brother. I am telling about how they all looked at me in awe and admiration. They loved me." Boomer made a sound from his position on the floor. "Boom," Butch exclaimed. "What are you doing down there? We are telling stories here." The smallest brother got up and sat down on the floor in a more comfortable position. 

"We really need a bigger couch." He grumbled. Brick sighed. "Well, we don't have the money, so hush!" Butch nodded. "Now, where were I? Once the guys were over I walked over to the coach. 'So,' I said. 'Can I leave now?' And just like that, I was slammed into the ground. It hurt. There was some mud on the ground, yes, but I avoided it. And just wait, I will get to the part where I get full of mud. Anyway, I got up and started at the one that had bumped me down. It was a girl actually. She looked a lot like BC, but no skirt or hammer. But she had the same death glare and everything. 

Behind her, the whole team had gathered. The girl pointed at me. 'I challenge you.' She had a confident smirk on her face and the guys behind her mouthed loser to me. 'Listen here Dollface,' I sad to her. 'I won't play against a girl and see you break into tears when I beat you.' All she did was snort. The coach placed a hand on her shoulder. 'Kid, you don't want to mess with this girl got it? She's my star player, and if you think you can beat her, then you are welcome to try.' 

So I got ready to stop that little over confident girl, and she just looked at me. Then she grabbed a ball and ran towards me. And in some miraculous way, she looked hot as hell while doing it. She got past me and scored. I was in complete shock. It was just luck that she passed by me, but she did it." Brick laughed. "Sure bro." Butch huffed. "Anyway. Afterward, I walked over to where she was cheering and demanded a rematch. 'No way dude.' She said. 'You lost. Take it like a man.' I got angry and punched her. Well, I tried to. She grabbed my fist and knocked me over. I landed in a puddle of mud, and she started laughing her ass off. And in that moment, she was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. 

The team helped me up and patted my back. They all said that if you got approved by her, then you had great chances at making it on the team. She talked to the coach for a few minutes, and then she walked back to me. 'I'm Kaoru. You should really join the team.' I declined and started walking, but she stopped me for some reason. Her face got close to mine and she looked me dead in the eyes. 'Listen here man.' She said with a deep tone. Really sexy. 'You are to join this team, or I will personally kill you.' 

And in the moment she walked away, I think I fell in love with her guys. She fist-bumped a few guys on the way and nodded at the coach like she was the one in charge. The coach patted my shoulder. 'Well, kid. What do you say? Wanna join the team and see that girl daily?' I just nodded, and that's how I joined the soccer team. I then ran after her and stopped her. I asked her a few questions, and then she had to run. She loves pizza, hates the girly stuff like dresses, and her favorite color is green. And she apparently doesn't give a damn about the puff's and what they do. So sorry guys, but you will have to search for the puff's without me." Brick groaned. "So you are just gonna drop the plan and play soccer and flirt with one girl?" Butch nodded. "Sure am. But this girl is special. She can really play soccer, and I just feel it on me, bro, she is different." 

Brick waved his hand and got up from the couch. "Well, with you on the soccer team and Boom in complete love with the girly girl in the school, I will have to do this myself." With that, he walked over and plopped down on one of the three levels in their bunk bed. He rolled over and closed his eyes. "See you both tomorrow. Good night." 

His brothers looked at each other. "What's wrong with him?" Boomer asked as he jumped on the bed over his brother. "Don't know Boom," Butch said and climbed to the top of the triple bunk bed. "But don't worry. He will be back to normal soon. Right Bricky?" He teased and tossed a stone he found in his bed at the light switch and turned it off. 

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