Chapter 30

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"You are an idiot. You know that?" Butch said, his knuckles bruised from where he hit Brick in the face. He stood over his brother, radiating anger. "You nearly killed Momoko because you wanted some stupid 'revenge'. And for what? Boomer and I were good. You were good. We had a job, we went to school. Our lives were turning around. But then you had to go and get all crazy."

Brick rubbed his jaw, a red mark appearing. "I know alright! I know I messed up. But you can't tell me it wasn't completely without reason." He struggled for a few seconds, trying to get up from the ground with Butch staring him down. "Even Momoko said that I had a reason." 

Butch scoffed. "Yeah right. I don't care if Momoko forgave you or not, you are not going near the girls until we know they are competely safe." 

Boomer nodded along with Butch. "Yes, Butch is right. You really should take a lesson from this. Butch and I left the evil behind us. If you could just do it to we could actually start living normal lives."

Brick looked away, not wanting to look his brothers in the eye. Of course he knew he did something wrong, he wasn't stupid. But he had realized that now and he wanted to just put it all behind him. 

The three boys didn't move for the next fifteen minutes. Boomer and Butch tried calling the girls to hear how Momoko was doing, but they got no answer. Brick sat down at the edge of the water, simply staring into the water. After half an hour of pacing back and forth the phone rang once, indicating a text. Boomer fumbled with it trying to read it. Butch snatched it out of his hand and read it outloud. 

"She's okay. You can come visit at the lab if you want to. - Miyako."

Boomer looked at Butch before running of, heading straight towards the yellow lab. Butch started walking, but stopped after a few steps. "You know you can come Brick." He said, not looking back. "She forgave you, and now she's fine. I think they will leave you alone for a little while. the least you can do is check up on her." 

Brick sighed, his head buried in his knees. "I know. Just go on ahead. I'll come later." Butch nodded, even if he knew Brick didn't see it. 


Miyako and Kaoru stood beside the bed in the lab where Momoko lay. Wires and tubes where connected to her, and a steady heartbeat were beeping loud and clear. Miyako smiled and rubbed Momoko's hand. "You really scared us you know." She said, her voice groggy from the crying. Momoko smiled weakly, her face still pale from the blood lost. 

"I know Miya. But you guys are safe, and we got the belt back from Brick. He might even give up on the whole 'evil' thing now." Kaoru scoffed, feet propped up on the table in front of the sofa. "We don't care about that Momo. You can't risk your life like that. Never again. You almost gave Miya a heart attack." She relaxed backwards, her hands behind her head. 

Miyako sniffed and turned to point a finger at the green puff. "That is not true Kaoru and you know it." Kaoru stuck her tounge out. "Yeah yeah, but you were scared." 

Momoko smiled at her two friends bickering, the sound comforting to her where she lay still in the bed. Her chest was still sore, and a massive migraine was making it hard to sleep. But she knew her friends were safe, and that she was going to be okay. So she tried her best to relax. 

Soon Butch and Boomer bursted into the room, both set of eyes flying around trying to find the pink puff. "Momoko!" Boomer cried out, speed walking over to the bed. "You're okay!" Butch followed right behind, Kaoru and Miyako standing by. "We were really worried there for a second."

Momoko smiled at them. "I'm fine. But where is Brick?" She tried lifting her head to look at the door, expecting the red ruff to walk into the room. 

Butch sighed and rubbed his neck. "He'll be here later. He think he feels bad. Like, really bad. But he said to walk ahead and that he would come later on. So let's hope he does." 

Miyako nodded slowly and walked around the bed, hugging Boomer. "I get that he feels bad, and he should. But Momoko is fine, and he gave up the belt, so there is nothing wrong." She looked up at Boomer who had circled his own arms around her. "We know that, but I don't think he does." 

Kaoru walked over, leaning against Butch and crossing her arms. "Well, I think he could use some time along to think. He nearly killed Momoko, and he hurt you guys. No matter what he did there has got to take some time before we trust him completely again." 

Momoko just laid her head back down and yawned. She felt tired and slow. Miyako noticed and smiled. "We should let you rest. We can check up on you later okay? Feel better." And with that she dragged Boomer out of the room, the green pair following before the door closed and the lights dimming down. Momoko took a deep breath before closing her eyes and relaxing as best as she could. 


"Mo..ko?" She heard someone calling for her, the voice low and soft. She opened her eyes, the darkness of the night broken by the moonlight. The moon was the only lightsource, so she guessed it was late at night. Her head fell to the side so she could see who had called her name. Her breath stopped for a few seconds as she saw Brick by her side, his cheeks streaked red from tears and eyes puffy. 

"Momoko?" He whispered again, wiping his eyes with one hand, the other howering above Momoko's own. 

"Hey Brick." She said, grabbing Brick's hand. "How are you?" 

Brick looked down, not wanting to look Momoko in the eye. "I should be the one asking you that. I nearly killed you after all." He felt like shit. Here he was, being comforted by the person he almost killed, and she was worried about him. He didn't understand superheroes sometimes. 

"I'm fine Brick. You saved me in the end, and now you have a chance at being better. Take it." She tightened her grip on Brick's hand and looked up, seeing the pattern from the window on the walls. Her breathing was slow and her movements sleepy. "So, why were you crying?" She said softly, giving him time to think over things. 

Brick dried his eyes again. "I just felt, horrible I guess, when I saw you laying in this bed. You are pale, and you just look half dead. I suppost I realized what could have happened if Butch and Boomer hadn't teamed up with Miyako and Kaoru. You could have died, and it would have been my fault. It would have been my fault." He whispered the words like it would make them less true.

Momoko just smiled. "You did something wrong, but you made up for it. You helped the others in the end, and I'm still alive. You did good." Brick tried pulling away, not liking how he was being called good, but Momoko just held tight. "I know it won't happen in the next second, but over time, I think you can really become a good person. And if you want, I can help you every step of the way. Just know that what you are becoming isn't bad. In fact, it's really good. Just try it, okay. For me?" 

Brick looked down at their intertwined hands, rubbing the thumb up and down. "I guess? If you really want me to try, then I will give it a go." 

Momoko smiled at him. "That's good." She then pulled on their hands, bringing them up to her face so she could kiss his hand. "Go joing the others now. They are in the other room. They left so I could get some rest." 

Brick nodded, pulled his hand back and started walking. But he stopped, quickly turned around, and pecked Momoko on the corner of her mouth. "Thanks for not dying on me. Hope you get better soon." He murmured, his face dusted with a bright blush. 

Momoko just smiled up at him, her eyes dropping, sleep creeping up on her. "Sure. I'll heal up, help you become better, and then you can get a good start on your new life." Brick nodded, turned around, and power walked out of the room. 

It would be a long road, but Brick promised himself, he would give it his all, if not for himself, then for the girl that saves his life, in more ways than one. 


That's the end of the book. 

Hope you liked it.


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