Chapter 22

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The next day Momoko dragged herself to school, jumping at every loud noise she heard. When she finally made it to the school, she was meet with her friends, and two of the rowdies. But even with her friends, she was still jumpy, keeping close to Kaoru and Miyako all the way to the class. Once she was seated in her chair, her head hit the desk with a loud thud.

Her four friends looked at each other with worried glances, but there wasn't anything they could do. So they just worked quietly in their books, keeping the teachers happy. Once lunch rolled around they all went to the roof. Miyako quickly explained everything that happened last night, including the reveal of their hero identities. Momoko was surprisingly okay with it. 

"As long as you know they won't turn on you, then I guess it's okay." Miyako glowed and hugged her friend, before turning and hugging Boomer, both blushing but holding onto each other. Momoko looked between them. "When did this happen?" She said and pointed at the two of them. 

Miyako blushed brighter and pulls away from her counterpart. "Last night, when he went with me to look for your belt." Momoko nodded and turned to Butch and Kaoru, who was passing a ball between them. "Don't look at me girl." She said. "I am not getting together with this doofus. Not in a million years."  

Butch pouted. "That's mean. Why not? I'm hot as hell." Miyako giggled as Kaoru kicked Butch in the knee. Momoko smiled and sat down at the edge of the roof, looking over the school ground. "Hey, Boomer? Why isn't Brick at school today? Is he sick or something?" Boomer shrugged. "I guess so? He said he wasn't feeling too well, so we let his rest at home." 

 Momoko nodded and focused on the city. It looked peaceful, and she hoped it stayed that way until she could get her power belt back. But of course, it wouldn't be a good story if it wasn't a villain attack when the heroes least expected it. Momoko had just turned her head back to her friends when an explosion rang out from the city. Kaoru sighed and dropped the ball. "Stay here Momo. I mean it. You will just get hurt if you tried to come with us without your belt." 

Miyako hugged Boomer before going over to Kaoru. "Let's go." And the two girls jumped off the roof, transformed in the air, and flew off towards the chaos. Momoko turned to Butch and Boomer. "You aren't staying here right?" Butch said and packed away the soccer ball. Momoko smiled and laughed. "Nope. Are you guys coming?" She started walking down the stairs and was soon outside the school, moving towards the chaos. She heard people screaming, and baby's crying. 

Mojo had gone all out this time, bringing his biggest robot. Momoko saw BC and Bubbles trying to get people away at the same time as fending of Mojo. Butch and Boomer ran straight over to the girls, helping them getting people away so they could focus on Mojo. She heard BC and her scream of 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!' but knew she was happy for the help. 

Momoko desperately wanted to go help her girls in the fight but knew she was better of away from it, so instead she got the last of the people away from the street. 

Just as she had shoved a girl away from the street into an alleyway her eyes spotted a red cap walking down the street, away from the fight, hands in pockets. Brick? Momoko thought and watched him disappear behind a corner. Momoko looked around and saw no one, so she got up from her crouched position and walked after him. 

Once she finally caught up to him he was leaning against a wall, oblivious to the noises around him. "Hey Brick. What are you doing here?" She asked. Brick huffed and looked over at her, his eyes it's usual blazing red, but not just his iris, Momoko noted. The edges of his eyes were rimmed with red as well like he had been crying. 

Brick crying? No way. She thought. 

"Hey." He said back, his voice raspy and deep. "Why aren't you helping out with Mojo?"  Momoko looked around her, spotting the top of Mojo's robot in the distance. "Well, it would be dangerous for me to go up against Mojo. Right? I could get hurt." Brick nodded. "Yeah, you're right. You could get hurt, at least without your power belt." Brick said, kicking himself off the wall walking closer to Momoko. "W-what?" She said, taking a small step backward. 

"You heard me. Can't you fight with Miyako and Kaoru because Dexter took your power belt, Blossom?" Momoko breathed heavily and backed up against the closest wall, Brick coming closer and closer to her. "You heard me. I was right all along. You girls are the power puff girls. But the real question is 'does Boomer and Butch know?' If my bros knew about this all along, then I can't call them my bros anymore." Brick had a new look in his eye, a crazy and lost look. Momoko didn't like it. "We couldn't tell you. It was safer to not tell you guys who we were." 

Brick snorted and pulled a belt out from behind. "H-h-ow d-did you g-get tha-t?" Brick inspected the belt before settling his eyes on his counterpart, his whole body screaming danger. "Well, after you almost got raped yesterday, I meet Dexter. He was looking through your purse, so I scared him away and snatched the purse back."

As he spoke he threw the pink purse at Momoko's feet. It got a bit muddy, but Momoko was only focused on Brick. "And then I decided to take a look myself. And imagine my surprise when I saw this little thing looking up at me. How many times haven't I tried to fight you with this secured around your waist? After that, I went through a lot of emotions. Like, anger, sadness, and fear. But the one thing I kept was the betrayal. I trusted you. I actually trusted you and believed you."

Brick dangled the belt from one hand, swaying it like a clock. "But then I decided. It's not blue and green's fault. They were just following orders. Orders from you. You told them to keep quiet about who you really were, and who we were. And I knew Boomer and Butch would never forgive me for going after them. Not after they fell in love. But you, I could kill you. Bubbles and BC might be mad, and the boys will hate me, but they will come around. After all, they don't love you." 

By now the fight was over, and the girls were probably looking for Momoko, but all she could think about was the lost look in Bricks eyes. Brick was lost in anger and grief, and Momoko had no idea what to do. 

"But," Brick said, and tossed his hat on the ground. "How could I defeat you. A superhero, well X, with friends? The answer is simple." 

And with that, he placed the belt around his own waist and watched as the pure with turned a dark black color, the bubbly pink transforming into a blood red color. Momoko was on the verge of tears when Brick shouted out "HARD BRICK!" and closed his eyes as a dark red light closed around him, hiding him from his usually bright counterpart. "Now," He said from inside the light. "We can have some fun." 

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