Chapter 8

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Butch looked at Buttercup. "What?" He said. The girls slowly landed on the roof. "Well, we weren't expecting you guys here." Brick raised an eyebrow. "Really? But you know that we go to school here. And I'm sure you de-transform some other place." Boomer nodded. "Yeah. We are just looking for some girls. Miyako, Kaoru, and Momoko?" 

Blossom pointed to the ground below them. "They were in danger, so we brought them so safety. They are all on the ground now." Buttercup nodded. "So move along now. Go back to those girls you obviously like." Boomer blushed a deep red, and Butch got a pink color on his cheeks. Brick remained unfazed. "You've seen us with them?" He asked. Blossom nodded. "Yeah. I saw you, for example, saving Momoko when she fell from the pyramid yesterday in cheer practice." Bubbles gasped. "I didn't know that. I hope y-she is okay." 

Brick didn't move, but his ears went a light red color. "How do you know that?" Blossom smiled. "I'm on the cheer team. And you looked so concerned for her, the way you dove for her. Are you in love perhaps?" Blossom teased, knowing full well she was Momoko herself. She herself hadn't seen Brick jump to save her, but her friends told her all about it when she got home. Brick shrugged. "Why do you care? Come on, guys. Let's go find them." And with that, the boys turned around and walked down the stairs. "Blossom. Are you okay?" Bubbles asked as the girls quickly flew down to de-transform. 

"I'm okay Miyako," Momoko said once the flashing lights had dimmed down. "And besides, he caught me right?" Kaoru made a sound. "Yeah. Why did he do that again?" They walked around the corner and bumped into the boys. "Hey girls," Butch said and flung an arm around Kaoru's shoulder. "Watch it Fido." She growled and flipped him around, making him land on his back.

Brick and Boomer laughed, and Momoko smiled. Butch got up from the ground and stepped away from Kaoru, but only a little. Miyako turned to face Brick. "Hey Brick? I heard from some girls that you saved Momoko yesterday. Is that true?" Brick blushed and looked away. "Maybe." Kaoru moved up on one side of him. "Why? You bearly know us, and still, you did a pretty cool power slide in an effort to catch her. That's what I heard." Boomer and Butch looked at each other. "Really bro? That's what you did yesterday?"

Brick only shrugged. Miyako moved to his other side, so he was trapped between two overprotective friends. "What is there to tell. She fell, and I reacted. Nothing more." His brothers were not convinced, and neither were their counterparts. 

"But you must have had a reason right? You don't just run off to save a girl if you don't know her." Kaoru poked him in the ribs hard, making him groan. Miyako didn't say anything, but in her mind, she screamed that he deserved it. The group stopped in front of the classroom, and finally, the two girls left Brick's side and joined up with Momoko again. They then entered the classroom. 

"Okay class," Miss Keane said like nothing ever happened. "Now let's take up the math books." 

TIMESKIP: After school.

The group of six stood right outside the school talking. "But why can't we join you?" Boomer said looking at Miyako. Miyako sighed and fixed her helmet. She was riding a bike along with Momoko while Kaoru skated beside them. "We already told you. He doesn't want people to know about what he is doing before it is finished." 

Boomer sulked but backed away. Miyako smiled at him, unlike Kaoru, who was getting pissed. "No Butch! We can hang out later. Don't you have any other friends to be with while you wait?" Butch stopped doing tricks on her skateboard and jumped off of it. "No, I don't. None of us do. It's just you girls. We don't make friends that easily actually. So you guys must be pretty special." Kaoru snatched her skateboard back and dropped it on the ground. 

"Well, now is a perfect time. Go to the soccer field and join the guys there. Half of them are from the team, so you should really talk to them. And take your brothers with you." She said and pointed to Boomer and Brick. Momoko nodded and got on her pink bike. "She's right. Just go and get some more friends, and then we will meet you around five in the park. Sounds good?" Brick slowly nodded. "Fine. We will try to get some friends. Have fun." 

Miyako waved at Boomer before turning the bike around and going after her friends. Boomer sighed and then turned to his brothers. "Well, guys. Wanna go and make some friends? It could be fun, and Miyako might like me more then." Butch smacked him upside the head. "Really? How dumb can you get? She won't like you better if you get friends. You would have to become the most popular guy in the school, and that will never happen because I'm not giving p my title." 

Brick groaned and smacked both of his brothers. "Hey!" They yelled at him, but Brick waved them off. "Guys, focus. I say let's follow the girls. They are acting weird, and I want to figure out what it is." And without a word from his brothers he started walking the same way Momoko, Miyako and Kaoru just went. Butch sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets, before slowly following. Boomer's blue eyes looked around confused. "So we are not getting some new friends?" He looked to his brothers, who were almost gone, and ran to catch up to them. "Hey, guys! Wait up. Wait for me!" 

The three brothers started walking after the girls, but soon they lost them after they turned a corner too soon because Boomer tripped. Brick groaned. "Ugh! How did we lose them?" Butch laughed and snatched an apple from a store before patting his brother on the back. "Don't worry bro. We can just go to the park and wait for them." Brick sighed and turned to Boomer. "Boom, were going to the park. Try not to trip this time." And then he smacked of to the park, leaving his brothers behind to deal with the store manager who was wrestling Butch for the apple.

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