Chapter 25

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Her head hurt. A lot. Momoko was bearly aware of lying on the ground, but the pain in her head made it impossible to know where. She felt her hands behind her back, rubbing against the rope.

As she struggled to regain her focus, Momoko paid no mind to the world around her and didn't hear Brick land beside her. She didn't hear him walking towards her, or crouching down to her level. But she did feel it when he grabbed her y the hair and dragged her upright.

"Ooowwww!!!! Is that really the best way to make me sit up!!??" Momoko knew it was Brick because she didn't have memory loss. She knew that Brick had taken her after putting on her power belt, and she was well aware of the fact that Brick wanted to make her pay for everything she had done to him.

Brick didn't answer, and left again, leaving Momoko to look around. They were in the woods. That far she knew from the smell and dirty ground. She could feel the ruff tree against her back and the small patches of sun on the ground. Momoko felt like she knew the place, but she just wasn't able to put her finger on it. Brick soon returned, looking a bit troubled.

"So," Momoko said. "How does it feel? Wearing the belt and all I mean." Brick did not look amused and simply smiled a small smile as he looked himself over. "Not bad. There is a sudden rush of power, and I do feel fantastic. But other than that, I don't really care. All I need is enough time to make you suffer. Then I can give back the stupid belt, get my brothers, and then maybe leave town for a while." Momoko took another look around and found a bag, clearly Brick's, along with some more rope.

"So, what are you going to do to me? How are you going to get your revenge?" Brick smirked and calmly walked over to the bag, bringing out a knife. "Well," He started, walking towards his counterpart. "First I want you to scream. Scream so loudly that you can't talk. And then, perhaps we can talk about drowning, or maybe I can burn you a bit? Yes, that sounds perfect."

Momoko's heart speeded up as the sharp blade of the knife came closer. Her back was against the tree, so there was no escape. The knife quickly came in contact with her upper left arm, and she sucked in a deep breath as the cold metal pierced the flesh. It hurt, but she refused to scream. Brick drew the knife along her arm, only going deeper at some parts, before bringing in to her cheek.

"Oh, dear Momoko. You just have to scream, it's not that hard. See?" He quickly stabbed the knife into her leg, going very deep. Momoko had no focus, screaming out because of the immense pain. Tears rolled down from her eyes as Brick did the same at a different place on her leg. "You did perfectly. Why don't we see if we can get that noise again."


At a different part of town, the two brothers were pushed in a tightly sealed room. Butch banged his foot against the door, not making a simple scratch. "What is this?" He asked, turning to his brother. Boomer shrugged.

"This is a room we made, just in case we ever needed to contain a villain. It also works well for our experiment."

The professor's voice came from the walls, slightly muffled by the statics in the speakers. Bubbles took the microphone. 

"Listen well boys. We figured out that I and Buttercup aren't able to go up against the pink power belt, no matter how much we wish. She is stronger than us. But that does not mean that we can't fight. Buttercup and I are giving you guys our powerbelts."

The speakers made a noise as the two girls took off their belts. 

"We are sending them into the room. Put them on, and then we can see if you get some new powers. Maybe together you can take Brick on long enough for us to come up with something." 

The wall made a hissing noise as it opened, revealing the two belts. Butch and Boomer grabbed one each. "But, why are we in here?" Boomer said, studying the blue belt. kaoru's voice came loudly from the walls.

"Because, you idiot! If you guys turn on us while on a power-high, we don't really have the power to take you down now do we?! Just shut up and put it on." 

Her voice disappeared, and the two buys looked at each other before shrugging, putting the belts on and clicking them into place.

The effect was not big.

Butch took a look at himself. "Well, that was a shocking change. Don't you agree with me, Boomer?" Boomer looked up at the wall. "Miyako, what happened? Why aren't we becoming like Brick?" The two boys heard some ruffling, possibly papers, before the Professor's voice came on. 

"Boys. I think you have to activate it. Like the girls do. They shout out their name to activate the belts. Try focusing on your self and your inner power. Don't think. Do." 

Boomer grabbed the belt, focusing. The baby blue compact started glowing. In surprise Boomer let go, and the glow dimmed down. "Don't stop Boom. Try again." Butch said, trying to do the same. Boomer nodded towards his brother before trying again. He closed his eyes and focused on the belt. His mind started to wander, and suddenly a name popped up in his mind. 

"EXPLOSIVE BOOMER!!" The room filled with a dark blue light and Boomer gasped loudly as the light closed in on him, stripping him of his old clothing before giving him new. The new outfit looked a lot like Bricks, but dark blue. "Awesome!!" Boomer yelled and jumped out of pure joy. The only problem was that the new power made his jump higher than he thought, and he slammed his head into the ceiling. "Oooww!!" He screamed, as his hands flew to his head. 

Butch laughed at his brother, rolling around on the floor wheezing. "You should have seen it Boom. The look on your face when you hit the ceiling. Priceless." Boomer pouted. "Stop laughing. Try it yourself." Butch got up from the floor and dried his tears. "Fine ya big baby." 

Butch focused hard. Soon the same light, only green, filled the room, and Butch yelled out an 'AWESOME' before his new clothes placed themselves on his body. Butch, having watched Boomer fail, simply pushed off the ground, just enough to get him up. To his surprise, he actually kept himself in the air. 

Boomer looked at his brother with a pout. "Unfair." He grumbled, before copying the action. In the control room, the professor and Ken looked at the girls with worry. "I hope you girls know what you are doing." Miyako nodded. "Trust us, professor. This will work out just fine." From the other room, the brothers were having a blast. "Hey, Kao! Look at this perfect backflip." The girls heard a crash, a loud groan, and then Boomer laughing like crazy. "I am pretty sure this will work," Kaoru said, running out of the room to help the brothers. 

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