chapter four

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*tylers pov*

Alex's house was not fun. As soon as I got there she began getting upset with me, and the reason why is still unknown to me. I left her house around 8:00 and headed to Josh's. I never asked if I could come over. I just walked in. I found Josh in the living room, he was sprawled across the couch watching Back to the Future. I lifted joshs feet, sat on the couch and then set his feet on my legs. We watched a couple of movies but he fell asleep during the middle of The Dead Poets Society. I didn't want to disturb Josh because he was one of the cutest sleepers, how could I interrupt such adorable-ness? I went upstairs to his room to go to bed and left him asleep on the couch. I was worried about being alone and trying to sleep but I was sure if I played some music and tried not to think I'd be okay.

Once I got up the stairs I heard a noise. It was crying. I traced the noise to the bathroom, it had to be Cassidy. She was choking up. I wasn't sure what to do. I was nervous about asking her if she was okay but I figured I'm better off than letting her get too upset. I lightly knocked.

"Uh... Cassidy?" I said nervously.

Everything went silent and a few seconds went by with no reply.

"T-Tyler?" I could hear her say. That little voice made me want to give her the biggest hug and never let go.

"Are you okay?" I asked, knowing she wasn't.

"Uh," she sniffed "Yea... Yea I'm fine"

I stayed silent for a second "Cassidy I know you're not okay, can I come in?"

She quickly responded "No! please don't come in."

"Cassidy come on, just talk to me."

She stayed silent for a few seconds, "No...please jus-"

I cut her off, "Let me in," I said more sternly.

She paused and then replied "Please don't tell anyone, Tyler"

That confused me. Tell anyone about what? "It's between me and you." I replied, just going along with it.

There was silence once again, I could hear her unlock the door. When I opened the door I saw her sitting with her knees tucked up to her chest. She was so small, she looked like a child. She was hiding her face so I sat down next to her. When I looked over I saw a blade in her hand. She had her thighs and the inside of her wrist hidden with her head tucked in too. Oh god. Oh god. I began playing with my fingers and ran a hand through my hair and twisting the last piece I still had grip on. Nervous habit.

"C-Can you show me?" I asked, hoping she didn't do too much harm.

She ignored me.

"Cassidy come on."

I pulled the blade out of her hand. She quickly lifted her head. Her eyes blood shot, I could tell she had been crying for a long time. We looked eye to eye. I look down at her arms and rolled up the sleeve of my sweat shirt. I gingerly picked up her arms, trying not to hurt her..

Her wrist and thighs were covered in blood and fresh cuts along with old ones.

She began to cry even harder "don't tell please Tyler, please" she said, breathing in and letting out more cries.

I just looked for a moment. How long has she been doing this? How has no one noticed? I knew about her eating issues but I never knew it was this bad. I picked her up trying to not hurt her. There wasn't much to her but bones, lifting her up wasn't much work. I sat her on the counter of the sink. She was still crying but her sobs were beginning to calm. I got a wash cloth out of the hall cabinet and dampened it.

"This is gonna sting" I said looking up at her and then setting the cloth on her wrist. She made a face like it hurt but I continued to clean it up. Once I finished I bandaged it up and carried her to her bed. I turned for the door.

"Uh Goodnight I guess" I said not actually wanting to leave her alone. It was kinda strange after what just occurred, to leave like it was nothing.

"Well, I mean you uh you can stay... I mean like if you want to.." Cassidy said quietly.

She was sitting on top of her bed looking at me like a lost puppy. She patted the empty space on her bed. I walked over and laid next to her and at the same time she laid back too. We both were looking up at the ceiling in silence. She suddenly moved close to me and laid her head on my chest. I was confused at first not really knowing what to do, but then I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her close. I never wanted this moment to end. We talked for a bit. She told me not much that I didn't know about her eating and I told her a lot of things about me that took a lot for me to even tell josh. She eventually fell asleep in my arms and for some reason my insomnia seemed to disappear like magic on this night.

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