chapter nine

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*cassidys pov*

Josh and I have our arms and legs tangled in a very hard core game of twister. Suddenly we heard the front door open.

"I'm here!" Yelled Tyler from the foyer.

Tyler scared us and we both collapsed onto the twister mat, doubled over in laughter. Tyler entered the living room, not surprised at what he was looking at. He smiled.

"I brought Taco Bell," Tyler said still smiling and plopping down on the couch behind us.

Josh quickly got up, drying his tears but I laid on the ground still laughing. Josh walked over to Tyler and plopped down the same way Tyler did onto the couch next to him, grabbing Tyler and his own food out of the Taco Bell bag.

"I got you something too," Tyler said to me through a bite full of cheesey gordita crunch.

I wasn't very surprised he did "I'm not really hungry right now, maybe later," I lied as I got up off the twister mat and began to fold it up to put it in its box.

"Nope you're gonna eat it," he said while rolling down the Taco Bell bag to close it and chucking it at my shoulder. The bag bounced off of me and hit the floor, I could hear Tyler laugh at himself and then crunch back into his gordita. I looked at the bag for a minute. It couldn't be too bad for me, right? I turned my attention back to the sloppily half folded mat and folded it a couple more times and stuffed it in our old, ripped twister box. I slid the box away fro me with my foot and grabbed the Taco Bell bag off the floor and sat down between Tyler and Josh's legs in front of the couch. I unrolled the Taco Bell bag and pulled out whatever Tyler had chosen to get me. He got me nachos bellgrande, which is what I used to get after school with Tyler and Josh everyday... pre eating disorder. I took the lid off of the container and reached for a nacho and took a huge bite out of it. Mmmmm. It had been over two years since I had had Taco Bell. I got up off the floor and sat myself next to Tyler, still savoring each bite of my nachos. Tyler and Josh were completely silent, basically inhaling their food. Josh had finished and Tyler only had two bites left.

"Hey we should play twister, all together," Josh said, wrinkling up his wrappers and throwing them in the Taco Bell bag.

I huffed and glared at Josh because I had just folded the mat and put it away but I was glad that we were going to do something that allowed Tyler and I to hang out with out raising suspicion.

"I'm in," Tyler said, then looking at me. He looked at my wrist and raised a brow.

"yep I'll play," I said, reassuring to Tyler that I was fine.

The boys unfolded the mat after I eventually finished eating and then we started the game. I didn't think twice about the food I had just consumed.

I ended up in the middle, between two boys who were much larger than I. The game went on for quite a long time until Tyler had to reach an arm all the way to a green spot on the other side of me. As you can tell, that did not end well. Tyler fell on top of me, leaving Josh to win. We laughed for a bit until Josh announced he was tired so we turned on the TV and wrapped up in some blankets. We turned the channel to the first movie we could find. I sat between the two boys on the couch and we all shared a blanket. Josh fell asleep not even ten minutes into the movie. Josh couldn't fall asleep without all the lights on so Tyler got up and turned off all the lights, leaving just the TV. He plopped back down to me, about a foot away, and we watched the movie in awkward silence.

Suddenly Tyler got up without saying anything and headed towards stairs. I leaned over sleeping Josh being sure not to wake him to grab my phone from the side table where I left it earlier. It was 1:23 am. I locked my phone, putting it in my pocket and quietly heading up stairs to go to bed. When I got to the top I started to walk to my room but I stopped in my tracks. I could hear a noise from Josh's room. I looked over to Josh's room, the door was cracked and the lights were on. Through the crack I could see Tyler holding a ukulele and lightly strumming it. He was humming along the tune to Build Me Up Buttercup by The Foundations. Eventually his hum switched to actually singing. His voice was so angelic, I could listen to it all day. I sat down and leaned my back against the banister of the balcony that looked over the foyer. I laid my head back and closed my eyes. I didn't even notice I was humming along until Tyler suddenly stopped. My head sat up and I stop humming.

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