chapter five

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*cassidy pov*

There were two light knocks on the bathroom door. I quickly quieted my sobs. I didn't know who it was at first. I knew it wasn't Josh or my parents because they would have already invited themselves inside. The only other person it could be was Tyler. Oh god.

"T-Tyler?" I said quietly.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

Dumb question

"Uh," I sniffed in between words "Yea... Yea I'm fine" I lied.

He was silent for a second "Cassidy I know you're not okay, can I come in?"

I quickly responded afraid that he would see what I have been doing to myself "No! please don't come in."

"Cassidy come on, just talk to me."

I stayed silent for a few seconds, I knew I couldn't let him see "No...please jus-"

He cut me off, "Let me in," He said much less sweet sounding.

I stayed silent for a few seconds not wanting to tell anyone but needing someone to talk to. "Please don't tell anyone, Tyler"

"It's between me and you" he responded sounding more calm again.

I scooted to the door and unlocked it and quickly scooted back to the corner and knees to my chest, hiding my face and the cuts I had made. He couldn't see what I had done. He came over and sat next to me quietly. We were awkwardly silently for a few moments and he obviously noticed the blade hanging out of my hand. I could see him pulling at his fingers and spinning a piece of his hair out the corner of my eyes. He always has done that when he got nervous, the whole ten years I've known this boy.

"C-Can you show me?" He asked sounding worried.

He's going to think you're a psycho

I ignored him hoping that he would go away.

"Cassidy come on." He's said, still trying.

He pulled the blade out of my hand. I immediately lifted my head. An expression flashed cross his face, I couldn't tell what it was. Hurt? Upset? Nervous? Disgusted?

He thinks you're a weirdo

He rolled up the sleeve of his black sweat shirt and picked up my arms very gently. The feeling of his touch made me feel safe. I felt like everything was going to be okay, but for sure after this night it wasn't.

My wrist and thighs were covered in blood. Just the fact that Tyler could see what I have been doing myself made me cry harder than I was before.

"don't tell please Tyler, please" I said, breathing in and letting out more cries.

You're so embarrassing

He looked at my thighs and wrist and without saying anything he picked me up, sure not to hurt my tender thighs and wrist and he set me on the counter of the sink. He left the bathroom to get a wash cloth and the whole time I couldn't wait for him to come back. I never wanted him to leave ever again. He was so comforting and was oddly so okay with the situation.He came back with a wash cloth in hand and dampened it in the sink.

"It's going to sting." He said looking up at me. Oh god those eyes. I could get lost in them. I flinched at the feeling of the damp cloth on my cuts but Tyler continued gently wiping. After he finished he wrapped some random bandage he found, around my cuts and carried me to my room. He set me on my bed and slowly turned and started for the door.

"Uh Goodnight" He said.

I quickly panicked not wanting him to go "Well, I mean you uh you can stay... I mean like if you want to.." I said quietly.

I patted the spot next to me and with no thought, he came and laid next to me. I laid back next to him, staring at the ceiling. I had a strong desire to cuddle up to him. I felt myself move closer to him and lay my head on my chest. He suddenly tensed up but after a moment he loosened up and wrapped his arm around me. We talked some but shared a lot. I told him things I've never shared. Not even Josh.

Ms. Believer- Tyler Joseph FanficKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat