chapter thirteen

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*cassidys pov*

It has been a pretty long and boring week and it is only Tuesday. My mom got Josh and I exempt from all our exams so we didn't go back to school, but Tyler did and since he needed to study, he didn't come over at night nor during the day because he was at school. This left just Josh and I. We would hang out every once in awhile or see each other passing in and out of the kitchen but Josh spent most of his time in the basement, drumming, or in the living room watching TV. I spent most of my time upstairs staring at the blank wall thinking what to do with it or thinking in general. Somehow thinking about my wall drifted out and new thoughts floated ashore. I thought a lot about things that revolved around Tyler in some way. We both clearly liked each other... well, I really like him. I don't really know what's going on in his head. I thought a lot about what we were. Were we just friends? We weren't dating and most 'just friends' don't kiss. What would Josh think? What if randomly one day Tyler and I decided to actually stick a label on whatever we were and Josh didn't like that label? But what if he did? Or what if Josh really didn't care and just shrugged it off?

One thing that I thought of that was more positive was the fact that I'm in recovery from my eating disorder and this is the longest I've gone in a while without self harm. It really, truly is amazing and I could never think of a way to repay Tyler. This is the best I've felt in a long time. There were some things I hated though. I've had this voice in my head and without it I felt empty and lost of this guidance. I felt out of control. I knew it would be hard but the good is still out weighing the bad and hopefully it stays that way.

I had been staring at a blank wall, holding a blank sketch pad for who knows how long. I don't draw and I'm not good at drawing but I thought maybe drawing could make me come up with at least one little idea for my wall. I sat on the edge of my bed, leaned back and rubbed my foot against my fluffy rug on the floor. I stared at the ceiling, thinking. I wanted something that represented something. It randomly came to me. I immediately threw down my sketch pad and flew out my door and down stairs to find Josh. It was 6:30 so Josh was probably getting in his last minutes of practice before Mom and Dad got home from work. I quickly ran down one flight of steps and turned the corner and went down another. As soon as I opened the basement door, my ears flooded with sounds coming from Josh's drums. I walked over to the wall where Josh was abusing his drums and stood next to him.

"Josh!" I yelled over the sound of his drums.

"What?" Josh said, still beating as hard as he could.

"Where are your keys, I need to go to the store!"

"In the kitchen next to the toaster!" Josh said as he started to beat is drums even harder.

I turned and ran up the steps and walked into the kitchen to find the keys where Josh had said. I had several stops to make. First stop: Tyler's house. I started the car and backed out of the garage and drove to his house. I parked in front of his average suburban house, next to his moms Prius and behind his dad's Chevy Impala. Their driveway had a portable basketball hoop for him and his siblings, whom all played basketball. I walked up the tan paved driveway and down the sidewalk to the front door and rang the door bell. I crossed my legs, right over left and swung my arms back and forth waiting for someone to answer the door. I could hear people talking and then footsteps to the door and the sound of locks being undone. The door opened and revealed his mom.

"Hey Ms. Joseph, is Tyler home?" I said sweetly as I stared at the steps that were behind her.

"Aw Cassidy!! Look at you, I haven't seen you in what feels like forever!" She said as she pulled me into a really squeezey and way too tight hug. "Tyler is right up stairs in his room" She said smiling and pointing to the stairs that I was staring at and leaving me room to get through the door way. There was always so much noise in the Joseph household. I guess if my parents had four kids, it would be this loud too. I could hear Tyler's bothers, Jay and Zack somewhere yelling at a TV and someone was in the kitchen cooking. I walked up the steps and passed Tyler's little sister, Madison's door. She was on FaceTime with some other girl and laying on her back on her bed. I walked over to Tyler's closed door. I quietly opened it and closed it behind me to find Tyler at his desk with his back to me and ear buds shoved in his ears. The soon was silent other than the sound of the music coming from his buds. I slowly walked up behind him and very lightly rubbed my fingers against the back of his neck. He picked up the hand the wasn't holding a pencil and swatted as if to get a bug away and then went back to what he was doing. I tried hard to hold back laughs. I wrapped my arms around Tyler's neck and laying them on his shoulders, causing him to jump. I laughed and unwrapped my arms from around him. He turned around in his swivel chair to face me.

"We have things to do and places to be" I said while grabbing grip on both of his wrists and pulling Tyler to the door.

"Where are we going?" Tyler asked as I dropped one of Tyler's wrist and opened the door.

"You'll find out" I said as I turned my head and smirked at him, still directing him downstairs and out the front door.

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