chapter ten

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*tylers pov*

I checked the clock again.

3:34 am

Only one minute since last time I checked the time. I've been waiting for her to come out. She has been in the bathroom for almost two hours and I'm pretty sure she fell asleep in there (I could her small snores from Josh's room). I wish she would have let me into the bathroom. I tried for what felt like forever. I feel like it's my fault that this happened. I shouldn't have just stared at her like a lost puppy and should have done something after she kissed me. I just wish she was here sitting with me now, talking to me. But no. She's sleeping in a bathroom and it's my fault. I can't sleep until I get her out of there. I got up off of Josh's bed for the tenth and quietly crept into the hallway and towards the bathroom. Once I got to door, I put my ear up to it. I could hear her breathing on the other side of the door. I listened for a few and then I turned and lightly knocked on the door.

"Cass?" I said quietly.

I heard some movement and then silence again.

"Hey cass? Wake up, I'll take you to bed" I said again quietly while tapping on the door with my knuckle.

I heard more movement than last time and then I heard her unlock the door and then slide away. I opened the door and then sat back down on my butt and slid in while closing the door. She was leaning against the sink cabinet close to me and you could tell by her blood shot eyes and messy hair that she had been sleeping.

"I'm so sor-" she got our before I cut her off.

"Hey, cass, don't apologize. There is no reason to." I said looking her in the eye and then moving next to her.

"But you have a girlfriend and it was so uncalled for an-" I cut her off again before she got upset again.

"I don't really like her cass. You gave me a way to breakup with her. I've been trying for so long, you have no clue" I said, letting out a small laugh.

Cassidy said nothing but out of the corner of my eye I could see her look up at me with a smile and then lay her head on my shoulder. I laid my head on top of hers and then looked down at her wrist, she was clearly hiding the bottom side of them. I picked up the one closest to me and she didn't even budge or resist. I pulled up her sleeve and turned her arm to see the under side of her wrist. There were free cuts but they were no longer bleeding or messy. I ran my thumb over her wrist and continued to look at them. I pulled her sleeve down. I lifted my head and looked at her face to see her looking at me. There was nothing for me to do but kiss her. So I did. Every time I kiss her, I never want to let her go. It is so weird how two humans that have never had a real conversation, can have such a strong relationship after one night. The night before last I never would have expected any of this. And here we are.

After the kiss we sat in silence. Not awkward silence though. Good silence. The kind where you both would rather nothing other than to be next to each other.

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