chapter twelve

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*tylers pov*

Cassidy, Josh, and I entered the doors of Apple Bees. Each of us let out a sigh, being thankful that air conditioning was in existence. It was 102 degrees outside and there was no wind, just straight, burning, heat that felt like your skin was on fire. Gotta love Ohio weather. A grumpy short, older woman with dark scraggly came and took us to our booth. We each scooted into the benches, Josh next to me and Cassidy across from us. The woman passed out our menus and walked away without a word. We all grabbed a menu from the table and started to scan the options that we had.

"What are you getting?" Josh said, directed towards no particular person.

We were all staring at our menus "I'm getting the triple bacon burger" I said as I closed my menu and set it at the front of the table.

"Okay. Then I'm getting that too" Josh said quickly while closing his menu and setting it on top of mine. He looked and smiled at me and I laughed causing him to start laughing too. We were leaning against each other laughing, letting out small sentences between breaths that only each other could understand. Cassidy just looked up and stared at us as she bit her lip as hard as she possibly could to not laugh too. There was only one old couple there and they were staring too, but for sure not as amused as Cassidy was. They shook their heads and said things under their breath to each other bout us.

"You guys are gay for each other" Cassidy said letting out the smile that she was hiding and looking back down at her menu. "I think I'm gonna get the Mac and cheese" she said while setting her menu down on top of mine and Josh's.

Eventually the waitress came and took our orders. We started waiting for food, debating why Apple bees is named Apple bees. It really makes no sense and it bothers me.

For some reason our local Apple bees had a really old antique juke box, it was renovated though and the screen was touch screen. Josh randomly got up and walked over to the juke box and started to scroll through songs. Cassidy and I didn't pay much attention to him because of the fact that we were in a very important game of air hockey with our hands and a salt shaker. I suddenly heard a familiar electronic noise and then the sound of my voice and Josh playing drums come through the sound system of the Apple bees. I let the salt shaker fall into my lap letting out several grains of salt. Cassidy did a funny little winners dance before she realized that the song over the sound system was Josh's and my song.

"I'm taking over my body, back in control no more shotty, a bet a lot a me was lost-"

I turned around and looked at Josh who was air drumming his part and walking back over to our booth enthusiastically. I stood up on my seat and started to sing along with the audio recording of myself. The old people in the corner continued to stare. Cassidy stood up on the benches and began to sing along with us. She turned on her phone and turned it up to us to clearly video for her snapchat. The song finally got to the part where in live shows, Josh does a back flip off of my piano, the people love it. Josh stepped up onto the benches and then up onto the table. I knew what he was about to do but I continued doing my dance that i usually do on top of my piano with Josh. Finally the part came that sounded like a plane swooping by where Josh back flips. Josh stepped to the edge of the table and used his legs to push back into a back flip. As he pushed down, our table flipped and so did Josh.... Into another table. Cassidy and died laughing, I felt tears in my eyes and my stomach started to hurt. Cassidy was laid back on the benches where we were sitting crying too. Josh hadn't moved at all but I could hear small laughs come from him.

"Ow..." Josh said looking up to Cassidy and then to me while he was holding onto his knee but still laughing.

Suddenly there were steps coming from behind us. Our waitress with our food.

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