chapter fourteen

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*tylers pov*

"So where are we going?" I asked for the first time as Cassidy sped quickly down the road.

"The paint store," she said while cutting on her blinker and turning out of my neighborhood.

"And why do we need to go there?" I asked

"I finally had an idea for my wall and I need to do it now," she said

I took out my phone and checked the time.

"Its 7 o'clock, aren't they closed?" I asked, questioning her decision.

"Yep," she said as she looked over at me and grinned then turning her attention back to the road "that's the fun of it"

I looked over at her. Running my eyes down the slope of her nose and over her lips, stopping for a second and then moving back up to her eyes. The sun was nearly gone over the horizon but still brightened her face and showed every little streak of color in her smokey eyes.

"And you aren't worried about, hm I don't know. Prison?" I said, still staring into her eyes.

She looked over, staring back at me, smirking "I've got this under control, Mr. Joseph."

Once we pulled into the employee parking behind the store, cassidy reached over in front of me and opened the glove box. She dug through the trash that Josh had piled up in there and found a single bobby pin. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Let's go, don't do anything stupid," she said winking and turning to get out of the car.

I turned to open the door, shaking my head. I was so head over heels for this girl that I was seriously about to rob a paint store.

"How are you going to unlock that door with a bobby pin?" I whisper yelled while following close behind her.

She walked to the door and shoved the bobby pin in her hair, "why would I use the bobby pin to unlock the door when it's already unlocked?" She said in normal voice as she heaved open the heavy, metal door.

As soon as we walked in the motion sensor lights turned on, revealing tons of brown boxes, most likely full of paint. I followed closely behind Cassidy, afraid to mess something up. We walked through a door, exiting from the back of the store and entering to an area behind the cash register.

"How'd you know that would be unlocked?" I asked while following her to a large shelf of many colors of spray paint and looked it up and down.

"I get bored sometime, take drives to random places." She said, reaching up and grabbing several rainbow colored cans and shoving them between her arm and her ribs. "Grab anything you want, I'll pay" she said as she turned to face me, smiling.

I laughed and looked on a shelf and grabbed a cool color of blue that caught my eye. "Hey cass lo-"

"Shh" she said quietly, interrupting me.

I obeyed and quit talking. Everything was silent for a second until we heard a noise from the back room.

"We need to go right now," Cassidy whisper yelled as she bolted for the front door. I followed quickly behind her as she pushed the door with the side of her shoulder, hands full of spray paint cans. Suddenly we heard an extremely loud repetitive and mocking beeping sound come from behind us, and then we ran even harder into the woods. We were jumping over every stick and bending under every low branch.

"Life is not a living game of temple run, cass!" I yelled toward Cassidy as I continued to run my hardest. I could feel my adrenalin pumping, holding as tight as I could onto my single spray can. Cassidy began to slow down and stop, dropping all of her paint cans to the ground and then bending and relaxing her hands on her knees. I leaned against a tree with my head back and rotating it side to side, both of us were struggling for a next breath. I pulled my phone out of the back pocket of my grey skinny jeans and turned on the flashlight so we could see better in the nearly pitch black woods.

Cassidy quickly stood and smiled at me with her eyebrows raised, "We have to go get the car before the cops get here," as she bent down to regather her cans and started walking back forwards the opening of very dim, purplish blue light in the woods. I continued to follow behind her, as I had been doing all night. The adrenalin had began to ware off and I also began to snap back to reality.

"We just robbed a paint store." I said aloud.

"Yep" Cassidy said, taking large steps over branches.

"And the cops are on the way."


"Cassidy, you know they are gonna catch us right?"

"How can they catch us if they have no cameras to know who it is?" She said, looking back and smiling at me.

We lived in a large town in Ohio with small funding so the closest police station was about 30 minutes away, meaning we had plenty of time. The closer we got to the building, the louder the echoing alarm got. It took about five minutes to get back to the edge off the woods and it made me realize how fast we were running to get that far in the woods in such a quick time. We looked around and saw no one and no cars, was anyone ever there in the first place? We swiftly walked to the car, throwing our paint cans in the back seat and then getting up front.

Cassidy had already started the car and began speeding down the road to go home.

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