The Howlers

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It's been almost four moths sense I've turned into a full vampire. Last Friday we where threatened by the howlers. The worst threat and creatures we've ever faced. Shapeshifter's. But luckily Baylee Beth and Hauk where too. On Monday I went up to Baylee and said " how the hell are we supposed to beat shapeshifter's"???? Kairoe over hear us and said "the underworld I believe if we create the circle that was in the queens ballroom we can open up a portal to the underworld and push all of them in they won't die but the will be trapped". "Good idea" Baylee,beth,and I said at the same time. "But how are we going to make this we can't just fix just the ballroom"Baylee cut me off and said "we have to remake the castle". Then Hauk said "Quinton and I will go to Lola after school to get a posting that will bring the castle right back up". Then I said "what if Jordan get reincarnated too because if I remember correctly she died in the ball room". Then Baylee said "oh you see about that she not dead when she exploded she went to wonderland". The I said "wait I'm sorry as in Alice in wonderland no hell no you realize she can get out and she will find us and kill us and this time she won't fail"!!!! "Then I guess after we take down the howlers we will have to pay a visit to Jordan and destroy her once and for all hopefully"said Baylee."let's not wait I know how to get over and don't ask me why but my mom was the queen of hearts than she came up her and Stayed". "So how are we supposed to get there" Baylee asked kinda excited "we are going to portal jump through the mirror to the vampire world there is a series of doors all around when we walk in trust me if been before Any questions"??"no" everyone said the Baylee said " the howlers follow us". The we will have to take care of them". "All right everyone we have to do this quickly so no one suspects anything meet here tomorrow ok". "Ok" said everyone than left.the next day after school Baylee and I where getting ready to meet almost every in the door room. We decided some of them should stay behind to defend the mirror. So Baylee,Hauk,Beth,Jared,Mae,kairoe,and I went to wonderland. Then Baylee Beth and I said at the same time "I hate wonderland"."everyone fallow us we have to go to the queen of hearts castle if you see the mad"!!! "Who's the mad hatter" said Baylee. "My brother I don't want him following us back as soon as I became a full vampire and mastered my powers I banished him to wonderland even though he tried to banish me to the underworld but anyways".  After about twenty minutes of walking we got to a castle that was black and red. Hauk grabbed my hand tight I was like the Alice of wonderland except I hate the mad hatter and the queen is still the same as in the story except there something about the queen that I recognize.Hauk,Baylee,Beth,Jared,and I walked down the hall to the queens throne room." Be prepared for who we see behind these doors". "Omg" I said when I walked in "well well what do we have here" said the queen of hearts,the vultori,and the council. "Oh hell to the no we killed all of you the vultori turned to ashes the council's magic gone The queen exploded how are y'all alive". "The mad hatter reincarnated all of us and he bringing the howlers down here"."not if we can help it.NOW"I yelled. We all use our element powers and knocked them down and ran. "We have to find the hatter but where would he be"??Baylee asked as we where running out of the castle. "Where he always is in his busted up ghetto house". "So what's the story between you and him"??? Baylee said. "In the human world He was born with powers and I wasn't he grew jealous of me because he felt like he was cursed and he tried to kill me and that's when I first discovered my inhuman powers"."so is he a vampire a werewolf or what". "He's fully inhuman and fully psychotic". When we got there the hatter had Guards all around his house when we got in Baylee and I took all of them out.  I walked in slowly and said "hello max are you here". Than he ran down the stairs and jumped from the steps to my neck and started choking me!!! Luckily before I ran out of air Baylee punched him off of me. While he was knocked out we put power blocking handcuffs on him. When he woke up I said " know you will listen to me you are not going to bring the howlers down here and if you do I will kill faster than you can say hatter ok". "Who says there not already here" then we all heard howling. There thankfully were only three of the howlers there instead of ten. "Hauk take Beth and Jared away from here then come back This is between you Baylee and Chris and me ". Then I threw fire at him and he blocked it and somehow absorbed and threw it back "Quinton there pretty much unstoppable I mean shapeshifter's werewolves and power absorbers". Then I whispered her "the plan is not to use magic to hurt him time for plan B". "What might that be "????Baylee said. "Time to fist fight and use inhuman powers no magic". So I ran up to Chris and punched him so hard he fell to the ground!!!! Then Hauk walked in and when he did Chris was raising me up by the neck. So he went over to Chris and punched him so hard he flew through the wall and into the grass!!!! Meanwhile Baylee had already took out the other two. So we took max and left. "Max you have to help us defeat the queen of hearts" I said bossy. "And why would I help you"??? "Because anytime you try anything I can just squeeze this heart and by the way I took your heart when you where unconscious so ha". We went back to the queens castle and we where in the throne room again and the queen teleported us out side in a field. I looked around and the only person who was there was Hauk and we where both wearing armor then I said to the queen "whats the armor for are we going to slay  your pet dragon again if you don't remember the last dragons head got cut off so yeah". "I remember but this time you are fighting with your loved one who might get hurt". "Your a little bit*h you know that after this I'm going to make sure your got to a place worse the hell". "Whatever" as she said letting out the dragon and giving the both of us swords and shields. Hauk looked over at me grabbed my hand and said " we have to do what we do best work together". "We have to cut of the head hopefully". Then Jordan said one more thing "the dragons a shapeshifter. The first thing the dragon did was breath fire between me and Hauk so we could split up. Then the dragon shape shifted into Hauk then Hauk came up to me. "Stay back I don't know Wich one is the real one". "I am no I am" they both said at the same time." In seventh grade what happened to me that I was embarrassed about that you had to cover up all day"??? One of them said "someone put pudding on your chair so I covered it up with my jacket". I held a fire ball in my hand and pointed the one who said that and he said "what why I told what happened"."yeah but the real Hauk promised not to mention it ever again even when I asked a question like that". Then I took Hauk's sword and cut of the dragons head and when I did it went back to dragon form. I ran up to Hauk and gave him a kiss on the lips and Said "I'm so glad that's over know lets go kill Jordan once and for all"!! I punched Jordan across the face and when I did I saw the future I saw Hauk and my wedding. I cut the queen in half with the sword that enchanted sword that I enchanted to permanently kill the dragon and the queen of hearts. Than I said to Hauk "let's go home". Then Hauk stopped me and said "wait sense we are in wonderland Quinton Johnson will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me"???? "Yes". The ring was a little magical Rambo to represent our love. When I said yes he put the ring on my finger got up and kissed me for almost a minute. We where holding hands when I said "what about max"??? Then Beth said "we can put him in a secure cell under the dungeon with Lola". "Good idea lets make sure the howlers don't follow us". So we left wonderland and went back home. About a week later the howlers found a way out of wonderland with a mission free the hatter at any means possible!!!! "Oh hell to the no how did y'all get out of wonderland."???? "The vultori helped us while y'all where fighting the queen the vultori escaped and helped us get better so all of us together came back to earth you see Quinton you and I are not that different we have the Same powers we both want the same thing"I cut him off and said "and what might that be you know what I don't even want to know stay out of my our way because you have no idea of what I'm cable of". Then all of them walked away when they did I called Lola and told her "put a protection spell over the dungeon the howlers are trying to break the hatter out make sure they don't even if it means killing them we will be there after school promise".During school me and the gang got called to the principle office he asked us where had we been for the past three days I thought to myself "we've been in wonderland trying to kill the queen of hearts" but didn't say it out loud."uhhh I was sick and Baylee was taking care of me because I moved in with her because my parents died and Baylee's mom adopted me"." Ok and what about the rest of them"."the where running Aaron's for me"."if you would excuse us we are going to be late to class". Then he put him hand on my arm and said "I'm on to you" then I jerked away then I left. Hauk came back and said "if you touch Quinton like that again it will be the last thing you do"!!!"was that a threat"????" No it was a warning so back off ok" then he walked away. When the bell rang Hauk,Baylee,Jared,Beth,and I flew over to the council's castle and went to the dungeon. "The howlers have magic too they broke the protection spell but luckily Lola sent them back to wonderland"." We have to make them come to the queens castle like a ball or something". "YES a ball we have to schedule it for Friday so we can get this over with" Baylee said excitingly. "Hauk would you like to go to the ball with me"???? "I'd love to" after that he kissed me."babe I think after the ball we need to think about when we want our wedding". "Your right" Hauk said surprisingly. The day of the ball came Hauk and I where getting ready.I put on my best clothes so did Hauk I put on my blue ring with scales on it and Hauk put on the black spin ring I gave him on his birthday on and we left. When we arrived we got right to work we lured the howlers into the ballroom I punched Chris across the face once again and Baylee,Hauk,and I pushed all of them including the mad hatter but before we did I poisoned his heart and put it back in his chest then we pushed all of them into the portal to the underworld. The only way they could get out is if we went down there with them.

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