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It's been seven months sense I turned into a vampire hauk officially died last Tuesday.Shield is after us. There's only one place to hide was the vampire world. We went to school after school we were all going to pack a backpack and leave when. "Guys Shield is calling me""me too". " should we answer I will ok". "Hello". Coulson: we are coming for you all of you are criminals and all of you need to be put in prison for your actions for killing one of our soldiers I Hung up the phone a said "  We need to go know shield is looking for us go home and pack bags meet me at my place in ten minutes". We all flew home and got packed we decided to go to the enchanted forest until everything was clear so I put the mirror in to the closest and we all walked threw. "How long do you think we will have to stay here Quinton" ?Baylee said " as long as it takes we can't risk shield separating us and experimenting on us" then Beth cut me off and said "how do you know that there going to separate us"??? "I know because they think that we are criminals that I am a criminal if they capture us than they will separate us experiment on me and torture the truth out of y'all". "We need to go fight them take Shield down once and for all"!!! I made a portal back to our house. We left and went to town square. My team vs shield this had happened in one of hauks vision before he died he told me about it and he said he didn't get to see the end of it. We all started running towards each other I had to take down my mom. I went up to her and automatically started fighting. I nocked down all of the with my shockwaves. Yesterday Baylee and I learned we could both lift things with our mind. But like always shield had back up. We were surrounded. "Do we have a plane B"??? Baylee asked me. "Yes this". I whispered to Baylee "freeze them"I grabbed Baylee's hand and we both froze all of them at once. The came prepared they had helicopter's and and vans. Baylee,Jared,Beth,and I all linked arms and a tornado started to form and We took out all of them. The next day shield kidnapped Baylee and me on the way home from school. Baylee and I both had the power to shapeshift so I shapeshifted Coulson into me and she turned Mack a new recruit and they both started fighting each other. We shapeshifted into them and I made a portal out of there. When we got back home Baylee Jared and we all went to there house. I fell asleep on there couch. Baylee woke me up and I saw her hands bleeding and I said "what happened" and pointed at her hands". "What do you mean"?? "Quinton what's going on"!?!?! "Nothing" she gave the I'm on to you look. But really sense we got back from the underworld and I saw hauk die for the second time if been seeing and hearing things. Baylee mad me stay for the night for observation or something. I woke up because I was having a nightmare and start yelling at who I thought was hades . Baylee came down and said "go to sleep everything will be back to normal in the morning". The next day Baylee shook because my head started hearing and I started screaming because I was hear voices telling  me to do it already you know there is no way out  only one person can wake you and we both know exactly who that is.  I told Baylee what happened and she said " quinton you have to do this or your going to drive your self
Insane". "But if I do I might never wake up  because the person who can break this curse lives in Arendelle her castle is made of ice and her name is Elsa we need to get her and bring her back here people so that she can break the curse within twenty four hours". "You mean Jared,Beth,Daniel,kairo,and I you need to stay home and conjure up a sleeping curse as soon as you find one then go to sleep so you don't go mentally insane before we get back ok". "Ok". I started at the library and I found a book with a sleep curse in it. It was the poison apple "I hope this works". Baylee and everyone else got back with Elsa I ate the apple and fell under the curse. Elsa kissed me on the hand but it didn't work. Baylee new that hauk was the only one who truly loved me. Baylee started crying and when one of her tears hit my cheek a burst of magic came from my chest and I woke up. "Quinton I think your cured" she said giving me a hug". Even though while my body was asleep my soul was wide awake not in heaven in hell!!! I nearly died my Hallucinations got worse and more recent. Everyday I would just sit at my house and scream at nothing Baylee was write. I'm going mentally insane. The next day I started yelling at nothing at Baylee's house and I said " the sleeping curse didn't help me I mad me worse you can't cure me dearie". One day I made and earth quake and I started shaking and my hands started to bruise and I passed out. When I woke up I wasn't at home anymore I looked over to the side a saw. "Agent Coulson why the hell am I here is your other inhuman friend going to kill me so I can be reunited with my husband"! "No he's he to train you to control your power's and to help you train to work for me ". "Coulson you are the dumbest piece of crap I've ever met you freakin killed my husband and tried killing my friends I'd rather live a long and painful than work for you I busted out of the chair and looked behind me and saw wings. "Why do I have wings I haven't met anyone with wings to shape-shift into are these permanent"?!?!?!? "Yes". I punched him as hard as I could then my hair and my hands turned on fire "well that's new". Then punched him and the flames went out I flew home and went straight to Baylee and Jarred's house. "Where the hell where you we looked all every where for you every realm too". "My powers got out of control and Coulson gave me wings and wanted me to work for him I turned it down because shield doesn't help anyone they are cereal killers"!!!" They turned my mom and dad against me they killed hauk and tried killing us how are we supposed to take down sheild"?? Jared answered and said " We have to pick them off one by one". "How the hell are we supposed to do that"Baylee said." We have to call in some back up who I know also hates sheild". "The queen of hearts,the voltore,and hades". Oh hell to the no they are going to turn us or something"!!!! "We won't let that happen if it does I cast a spell on all of them it sets off a kill switch if they do". We all set off to fight shield. Baylee and I went off to find Coulson and we finally defeated shield or so we thought.

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