Fire V.S. ice

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Hi my name is Quinton Johnson and I am the strongest man alive. My husband berry Allen you may also know him as the flash is the fasted man alive. Ever since he came into my life my world became better and better each minute and yes I know you probably still think that berry and iris are supposed to be together but there has been a change of plans... PREVIOUSLY ON VAMPIRES... I read in one of the books in our library says that if you don't within three months but know for you it would be in five day then you will die "!!! "I have to kill kairoe or else I die. "Who's kairoe" berry said scarily. "Guys we have to take a ride trip back home"!! "Where's home"??? Berry asked frustrated. "We have to go to another realm so yeah". "What realm"? " The vampire one". "Well shit I'll go get my suite". " everyone go get your suits there is a portal in my and berry's mirror the one in our bathroom so let's get going". Berry and I went fist and as soon as we walked in a fire ball was thrown at us. We both ducked then someone swing at berry and me so we both started fighting I knocked the one I was fighting down and said "Who are you"?!?!? I took off his mask "seriously Kairoe" I helped him up "Berry this is kairoe kairoe this is berry my husband". He shook his hand and I said "I'm sorry for this " I pulled out a knife and stabbed him.  I ripped out his heart and crushed it. Then I started raising up off the ground. Fire and ice started to surround me. I breathed in then out when I did that the fire and ice started surrounding berry and Baylee. Then we all were raised up off the ground then we all fell and disappeared!! We ended up in a glass cage!! "Where the hell are we"?berry said . "We are in the vampire councils upgraded dungeon"!! I said angrily. There was a moment of silence then we heard foot steps coming down from the hallway. "Lola and hauk what the hell"?!?! Baylee and I said at the same time. "By the way Quinton when you killed kairoe your vampire powers where restored but know your a vampire werewolf hybrid who's psycho with fire magic, ice,and shockwave powers, who also has super strength and speed,freeze breath and heat vision who married the flash and is the brother of white arrow and supergirl am I missing anything"?? "Yeah Lola's also my sister" I said. Then she kicked him then pushed him into one of the cages but the door didn't shut! Baylee berry and I fased through the wall. We all changed within a poof of white smoke. I tried to use my powers to lock the but It didn't work. "Quinton why did he say ice powers" berry asked. I honestly have no idea". Then I touched the glass and it froze and shattered. We chained him up in a different cell and put power blocker chains on him. We were just about to go home when a missile shot directly towards us. We all got thrown in all different directions and passed out. When I woke we where all tied up in a disgusting rat infested dungeon. "Where are we"?? "Earth two where you and berry are still married but y'all don't have powers well your double gainers don't only You Quinton can get them out by using your werewolf powers". "Why are you doing this"?!?! "I'm doing this to help you and to get a little revenge for killing me twice on earth one"!!"Screw you you know if I could do it all again I would". "What marry me"?? "No I would kill you over and over and over and over again". He was about to walk out and he said " You know I used to love you right and I still do that's why I want to help you control yourself"??"I used to
Love you but as soon as you died the second time I moved on I love berry and only berry so back up"? "You know wha you don't deserve him berry you know have and you never will deserve"?? "I know I don't deserve him but he chose me not you your a disgusting dumb ass whole who is trying to ruin our marriage so BACK OFF"!! Hauk went into the jail cell where berry was being kept and said " you need to shut the fuck up you don't know anything about love"! Berry interrupted and said " Actually I know one thing Quinton and I have love and you can never take that from us" then berry spat on him hauk started beating him up!! "STOP" I said as I broke out of the chains by turning into a werewolf. "See all he needed was a littler motivation". I broke Baylee out and she too turned into a werewolf then we broke the glass where berry and hauk where then I said "I'll help berry can you hold him off until then"?? "Yeah" I Ran over to berry and broke if the chains from the wall then I touched his hand and turned back into a human then I said "I love you and nothing will change that". "I love you too"we kissed then we both turned and it was three 2 werewolves and a hybrid against a week old killed twice bitch. "Your fight is over bitch". "Berry would you like to the honors "?? "Delighted"berry said as we all turned back into humans. Berry fased his hand into hauks chest pulled it out then threw it on the ground and stomped on it. We all went threw a portal back home. When we were going threw it something grabbed Berry and me something with sharp claws. We kicked it and went threw the portal."guys I think we should keep this a secret from everyone us being werewolves and all Baylee you can tell Jared that's it ok"?"ok". That next morning I woke up on the top of our building "what the hell " I said. Then something came speeding towards me an I caught It right before it hit me. "Alright Baylee Oliver that's enough". Then Baylee called and said " Quinton where the hell are you"?? "I woke up on the roof of our building and an arrow shot towards me"."Get into the building know"!! "Who is it"??? "I'll explain when you get down here" she said demanding. "Baylee who the hell was that"??? "It's Jared. Jared and I share a heart I can control my powers but he has most of the bad parts of my heart like hate,revenge,and he also holds grudges like I do". "How are we supposed to stop him"?? "You have to use your ice powers to freeze him so we can put him in a werewolf jail" Baylee said."I don't think that's a good idea I ran some test  on you berry and I and the more you and berry use your powers the more you learn to control but with me the more I use my ice powers the harder it is to control or stop using them I can't kill people unless I'm mad or scared" I said sadly. "But for you I guess I'm going to have to I will freeze the floor that he is on then use magic to put chains on him". Jared then came threw the window and started to fight me he brought to hunch men so Baylee and Berry where fighting them while I was fighting Jared. "Baylee was never this hateful towards anyone this isn't her heart it's you so come at me bro". I kneeled down and put my hand on the ground I concentrated on Jared and his legs froze and everyone else was still fighting "You hurt my Puddin and for that your going to pay". I waved my hand and handcuffs where on him then I took all of his weapons and hid them
In our secret vault that only Baylee,berry,Oli,and I know where it is. He then burned out of the hands cuffs and started using his fire powers on me. I then turned around and started using my ice powers on him I got mad and the room shook and he fell down. "Seriously what the hell is wrong with you". "You are when we were younger Baylee used to always want to hang out with you stay with you protect you but what about me". "She already new that you could protected yourself she stood up for me before hauk died and she still does till this day I love her like a sister and you love her like a wife so yeah". Two weeks later "Merry Christmas" Berry said kissing me on the lips. "Merry Christmas"I said hugging him. "I'm so happy I get to spend this Christmas and every Christmas to come with you and our family". "Me too". "Speaking of family I've been thinking for a while and we've been married for two years I was wandering if you would ever you know what to adopt a baby this house is way to big for the two of us don't you think that we should have little children to share this with us". "Yes when do you want to contact the adoption agency"?? He sad scared but excited " maybe sometime this week on next week how baby or teen or pre-teen"?? "I was thinking a baby so that we can raise him to be a hero but should we wait a couple of months to get the more for the baby and the adoption and the crib and stuff and we also have to clean out one of the  eight rooms for him or her". "Should we adopt two baby's like twins or something or brothers or sitters or brother and sister do you want to raise a son and a daughter"?? "Hell yes we are going to be some bad ass parents" "you bet we are baby should we tell everyone or wait until the adoption is official" he rolled his eyes at me and pulled me in for a kiss then we had sex on the couch."Should we get S.H.I.E.L.D to take care of them while we are on missions and stuff or I could put a protection spell around the house every morning and every afternoon until they learn how to use their powers". "I think that would be great but don't for get they have two sexy, strong,protective fathers to protect them". "I love you so much". "I love you too" he said smiling  "Best Christmas ever"!! We both said at the same time Then we went to our bedroom and fell fast asleep.

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