Your worst nightmare

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PREVIOUSLY ON VAMPIRES "your going to have to choose between jack or the man in the mask"!!! "The man in the mask is"...
"What the hell I saw you die twice how are you alive". "They saved me and they told me to kill you if you even try to kill any of us". I looked into Hauk's eyes and saw the man I fell in love with luckily Baylee was still here and jack had the power to control minds when he looks directly into people's eyes. Hauk came around to jack and they mad directly eye contact hauk got up and started fighting everyone we all started fighting. My people where down so we were the only ones left. "Quinton behind you"!!I felt a sharp pain and looked down and saw a blade. The person kicked me off of the blade I turned and saw him again and thought to my self "who the hell is that"?? Then I passed out. Baylee and jack got me out of there before anymore harm was done. I was on a table my shirt was cut off so that they could stitch me up. "Why am I not regenerating"??? "You lost your vampire powers you still a vampire just with out super speed and flying it looks like the blade gave you more powers and your hair is permanently red and blue and also you can't cut your hair we tried". " What are we doing sitting here let's go see what my new powers are". They walked ahead of me as they went outside a yellow blur went by me and took me up to the top of the building and said "the blade was just the beginning of what I'm going to do to you and if you tell anyone about this I will kill and your friends"!!! Then I was back downstairs in a matter of seconds. I jumped and went up a little then jump again and I was flying this was better than vampire flying. "  guys why can I still fly"??? " I think that's one over your powers and that wasn't regular flying that was like super strength flying". The next day I started running to get to my job on time. Within twobsecond I was there in a flash not red not yellow  but blue. After work I came home where every one was. "I found my other power it's super speed but instead of me being faster the sound know its lighting"!!! "Also
I have to tell y'all something y'all promise not to tell anyone or even talk about it"?I paused then started again" Yesterday before we were testing what new powers I have when y'all went outside a yellow blur came to me and took me to the roof and said the blade was just the beginning of what I'm going to do to you and if I told y'all he would kill y'all and me so did y'all get some of the blade out often or get the blade"?!?!? "The Beth cam up and said "yes we have some of it but why"??? " we are going to need all of y'all to have more powers practice and extra training I'm going to cut my self with the blade y'all have to cut talks self with a blade to then I'm going to drop it into all of y'all blood and all of halls power will be stronger". The next day I called in sick for work so that we could see if my theory actually worked. Lest just say ever body has at least one new power. "Ok now that we figured out what all of your new abilities are know we have to train luckily I have called in some help". " I present to you arrow, the flash and super girl". "Supergirl and I are training first". So we went my house so she could help me make a superhero costume sense technically I was a superhero know. Mine was like her cousin's super man except mine was back and red and instead of the S mine has and a H witch is my family's crest. "How's this"??? "Good except I think that you deserve to where and S" "oh my gosh think you" I changed and my suite had to s's one for super the other for syco . " proud of you Quinton" Kara A.K.A supergirl said. "For what"?? "For assembling a great powerful team". "Don't be proud of me be proud of them they been with me from the beginning just like you Sis". "How's mom". "Still crazy just not as crazy as me". "You better be here next week for Christmas bring everyone with you ok". "Ok race you back". When we got back about two minutes later. "I won". "Looks like everyone's On a break". Then we bother used our super hearing and heard a ticking of a bomb. "Freeze breath ready,set,go"!! Thankfully we both had freeze breath bus it wasn't keeping the expulsion contained I used my force fields to contain it so we froze the force field. Then I used my flying and super speed to pickup all of the pieces of shattered ice. "We really do work better as a team". "Yeah I guess we do luckily you can visit any time I'm training my sidekick to be like me so I can move over here and save this city with you". "Or you me and kal-l can great a vortex why everyone is sleeping and teleport your city hear unharmed". "That sound better than my plan". For training everyone started shooting arrows at us we both shot heat vision them then we took down all the people with super speed with our Super speed. Barry said know it's time for the boss level" I can over there used my shockwave powers and took the flash down and at the same time Kara took Down the arrow. " So we are moving the city tonight right". "Yep". Later that day it was
Time for the flash and Baylee to create a vortex then I put a protection spell on the city so It would not break apart then we carried it over to the other side and set it down where there was a perfect. Then I moved in with Kara our other sister Macy luckily we were right across from my old apartment. Vivi and Mae live in the one down the hall Baylee and Jared live in the one across form mine and Kara's.jack and I broke up because he doesn't want to have anything to do with this and something to do with me messing with his head because I said I would save hauk because I pretty much killed him twice Berry and Oliver went back to starling city. The next day jack called and said"please help me some yellow guy in a mask came up to me while I was working and kidnapped me he says meet us at the docks or he's going to kill me"!! "Ok Kara I need you to be ready if something happens tell Baylee,Jared,Beth,Mae,and vivi to go get suited up and ready also call Oliver and Barry we need all the back up we can get".We started on our way to the docks everyone had to stay a couple of blocks away so that he couldn't sense them or whatever. "Who are you" jack and the man in the yellow suite said as three of his goons jumped out of the bushes then super girl landed right by the flash super speeded by her and the arrow on the other side jumped of a building and landed by me. I used my shockwaves witch made the goons fall. "Puddin take down the goons super girl,Arrow,the flash,and I will take down the man in the yellow mask". We all started fighting the flash and I started running around him punching him really fast then he took both of us down. I got up and took jack to Kara and my house then came back. We all started fighting him at one time Baylee froze his leg Kara and I started using or heat vision I was also using my shockwaves he held his hand out and absorbed the power the sent out a blast that knocked all of us out. We all woke up like seconds later and he was gone. "What the hell happened" I said. The Kara answer "we lost".

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