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Previously on the vampires. This won't kill Hades it will send him back to the underworld powerless and useful. It's been five months sense I became a full vampire. It's been one month sense Hauk and I got married. When we got to theater there was another new kid her name was zaleana. According to haeden and Daylon zaleana was also against vampires. But more importantly I knew her she was one of the people who helped kidnap Lola. "Here is the cast list for wicked everyone". "I'm the wicked witch and Hauk you are the good witch". The Hauk said "good choice ms bell just two changes can we be like wizards or something and can we show mine and Quinton's love in the musical"??? "Yes of course" as she said pulling out a box From her drawer "here is your late wedding present it is a couples cruse of your choice". "Oh my gosh thank you ms.bell"."also I need to talk to you too after class". "Ok so I used to work for a top secret government agency called S.H.I.E.L.D and they told me that y'all where on the inhuman list so I am going to take y'all to our base". "Was that a question or a demand"??? " a demand"as she said pulling out an icier from her jacket  and shooting us with it. When we woke up Hauk was next to me we weren't at school or at our house we where in a white room. I looked around and we said at the same time "where are we"???? I got up from the bed and looked out the window and saw a bird and I said "oh hell to the no we are here  we are at S.H.I.E.L.D we are supposed to be helping everyone and finding a way to defeat Zaleana". Them Hauk cut me off and said "babe don't worry we will find a way out". Then ms bell along with coulson the director of shield said "no you not" I cut him off and said "are they alive"???? "Who"?? I cut him of and said "oh don't play dumb who do you think my parents"!!! I started getting mad but the he said to me "yes but I think it's best if you don't see them because you dad is lash the inhuman who hunts other inhuman's your mom she the mist changed her completely her hair is made of thorns and her nails are like claws odiously y'all have gone through the mist but just to be sure" then ms bell handed him a brief case that had an ancient object in it called the obulisc when people touched it who where not worthy turned into stone and died. But Hauk and I held hands and touched it at the same time and we both turned to stone but we didn't die a burst broke out but Hauk shape shifted into a lot of different people. "What the hell did you do to us I hope you know when we get out of here we are going to kill the both of you "!!!"where is my mom let me speak to her KNOW"!!!! Hauk gave him the look that says "you better give him what he wants". The he said "fine both of y'all come with me" we walked past two field agents there names where Lexi and bekah. When they saw me they came up to me and gave me a hug. We went into a dark room when my mom was in a cage with a one way mirror. Coulson picked up a tablet pressed something on it and the glass went down and I was just about to talk when she said "Quinton"???? She ran up to me and gave me a hug then she said "take of your hood please". When I did it kinda hurt Hauk looked at me surprised and said "Quinton your hair" I looked into my phone and saw my hair it was like thorns "I love it"Hauk,my mom,and I all said at the same time. "Mom why are you in jail"."let's just say your dad and I kinda fought and almost took out New York". "How am I supposed to hide this during school"???? Then my mom gave we the look that said don't think I wasn't going to say that."The thorns will turn back into your normal hair as soon as you enter". The I looked at Coulson and said "when can we leave"???? "Whenever we figure out why y'all have two different types of inhuman powers". Then I looked at Hauk the I said"no we leave know"!!!Then we teleported out of S.H.I.E.L.D within two seconds. We were back Jared and Baylee and the gang was waiting Inside our house. When we walked in they all ran up to us and gave us a big hug. Baylee and Beth came up to us and said  "where were y'all after theater we thought that Lola took you in or something". "Ms bell is inhuman and she took us to S.H.I.E.L.D and I met my mom and look at my hair" I said excitingly. They looked at it and loved it but that doesn't really madder. "We have to take down shield and more importantly agent Coulson Baylee and I are going to join shield and go undercover and get more information on him". "Hauk I need you and Jared to train everyone for my dad only inhuman powers and don't tell them but he hunts inhuman's Baylee you and I are also going to try to find a cure for my dad". "your right but let's find a way to take down your mom and Zaleana first". "Your right hauk Baylee you and You are going to get more information on inhuman's like my mom and her weakness before shield finds a way to take us down". Then hauk and Baylee went to the library and Baylee asked hauk "how does it feel to married to my best friend". "It feels great waking up next to him knowing that nothing can happen to us last night we were talking about adopting a little girl and we decided after all of this is done we are going to go for it and we are going to name her after his mother Raina even though she's done bad things he can always see the good in people that's what I love the most about him"."let's go" hauk said. We all met up at my and hauks house so we could all fly to S.H.I.E.L.D. When we got there sense I had been trains to brake In places and hack security breaches and stuff we broke In and cot them by surprise. They let dad out and he came up to me and slapped me across the face and when he did he made me have a vision about someone dieing I saw my dad then I saw blood everywhere I don't know when this so going to happen but it is. Little did I know that it was going to happen today. During 5th period we got called to the office to leave and shield took us to the shield headcorters and they pushed us out and I took down Coulson and lash/my dad came running towards me hauk super speeded in front of me and lash ripped his heart out of his chest burning a hole in his chest then crushed it. I cried then I got up and turned towards him and I went up to him and blasted him down with my powers and he fell down then I went And snapped his scull then turned him into ashes.

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