The Hunters:Part 2

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"GET DOWN" Damon said vampire speeding over to Allie and I and taking us. "They are attacking us aren't they"? I say with fear in my voice and in my eyes. "I don't know why I am scared I'm an original and originals can't die" I say to myself as I teleport behind a hunter and rip his heart out. Then I use magic and made the guns melt in the hunters hands. "We need to get reinforcements"I say standing up and watching the hunters leave."I know some people" Allie and Damon said at the same time. Allie called my and her inner circle which together is ten people. Damon called Stefan,Caroline,Bonnie and Tyler.And I called team flash and arrow. No one came everyone told us they had their own problems luckily killer frost and vibe came so we had enough people to help us take down at least half of the hunters. "Ok we all know these hunters are not immortal which means they can die but so can we by lots of things"I pause realizing how rude I was being already."Let me start over Caitlin,Cisco,Allie, and Damon we can take them down we do not need to be scared we are more powerful,more strong,and more smart then all of them combined. They know what we can do they will be prepared but luckily shield comes in handy when you need it they gave me vials of power for all of y'all to make your Vampire capability's increase we will all be faster and stronger we will defeat these so called "hunters" at any cost."I said right before I sat down. " Thank you for this giving us another chance to fight along side you and help you protect the vampire,inhuman,and metahuman worlds from destruction" Cisco said. "Don't thank me now thank me after we beat these bitches which we will and we will save the worlds from destruction"I said standing up again. "I got a note from the hunters on one of the arrows they sent through my house it said that they will be in New York City tomorrow and if we don't stop them they will bring it crumbling to the ground so everyone suit up and meet me in the basement"I say as I use my fire powers to suit up into my super suit which is now red and blue like Superman the logo was red and was and S and it stood for shockwave. I walk down to the basement as everyone suits up and I get the one of my cloaking shipping planes read that can  hold more weapons plus five motorcycles for each of us to drive after we get to New York. Everyone walks down the stairs in their super suits. "Y'all look amazing" I say as I throw Damon the keys to the plane. I open the basement door and we all get into the plane scared of what this fight will determine about everyone. I load up on weapons just in case I get my double sided sword belt, I put knives in my boot holsters and I put guns,grenades,and more knives in my belt. "Damon how far until we get there"?I say barely yelling at him."About ten minutes"he says stirring the plane. "I want all of y'all to know we will survive this I will make sure we all do even if I have to die so all of you can live" I say getting ready to get on my motorcycle. " we don't know what the hunters have prepared for us but all I know is that we can defeat it and that we will save each other and all of the worlds everyone get ready to land in your motorcycles"I say sitting on mine. Damon listens and puts the plane in autopilot and walks over to the motorcycle besides me and gets on it as everyone else gets on theirs. "Are y'all ready"Damon says turning around and smiling at me. Everyone looks at him and nods."alright helga release us"damon says to the plane. The plan drops all of us. We drive to time square and we see the hunters so we stop our motorcycles and get off them. "Wow you only brought three people Clearly you want to die"The owner said. " Cute you think you scare us now tell me"I pause and wait for him to say his name. "Oh Steve"he says."Now tell me Steve what the hell do you want and how do you know who we are"? I say getting ready to fight."It doesn't matter who I am I want to ride this world of vampires at any costs"he says throwing something creating a portal to the room of doors and four of them are already opened the inhuman door,the werewolf door,the underworld door,and the Vampire door. Then we all are frozen and Steve waits for all of the people to get out of the doors then he closes the portal then he holds up a green smoke bomb that when inhaled turns people evil. We unfreeze and Steve says to everyone"ATTACK" so all of my once allies,all of my people were now fighting against me and my friends. My team stayed where they are and we fight from where we are. Allie uses her ice manipulation to freeze some of them. Damon uses his vampire super-speed to run and punch alt least a fourth of the army. Then I say to allie "Allie remember the thing we learned in high school about when cold air and warm arm come together"? She smiles and aims her ice at me while I aim my fire at her. We create an explosion that should have wiped all of them out but it did not work. "How are we supposed to defeat them if they cant die"? Allie says. "Use your weapons"I say as I get a knife and slice one of the army men's throat. "Remember all of them can regenerate so we have to decapitate or rip their hearts out"I say before running up and kicking one of them in the stomach then punching them across the face.Allie turns around and yells"there's to many we are outnumbered"! Damon and I uses our vampire speed to snap at least a hundred of their necks"I need to go somewhere else's most of the army will follow me because they mainly want to kill me both of y'all please fight the rest" I run to the other side of the city drawing the attention away from my best fiend and my husband. I get my double sided shadow hunter blade out and start fighting. Kicking,punching, and slicing vampires and Inhumans one by one until one hits me and makes me fall down then takes me to all of the leaders"krypton's perfect child you must come with us or your friends will die"my mother from krypton said as they too Allie and Damon."We will put all weapons down if... you come with us back to krytron so we can make more perfect hero's like you,make them evil, then take over all of the worlds starting with yours"...

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