Chapter One

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If you've read my Ed Nygma × Reader fanfic, then you might know I don't do very well with writing second person PoV. (In case you didn't know what that meant, it's when you write with pronouns like you as the main narrarion.) So this ×reader is in first person of you.

I sighed and sunk down in my uncomfortable plane seat. Flying had always been fascinating to me, but not when we're moving. I don't even know how far it is, and I don't think I have enough energy to figure it out. My brother Sam (Um, if you're a girl and that's like your nickname or something, just pretend the little brother is called something else.) had his knees pulled up while he bounced about. I cranked up the music from my phone and let out another sigh.

Hey there, shadow,
You didn't seem to care at all when you watched me go

I just don't understand why Dad had to drag Sam and me out to freaking London for a job. I know I guess I'm being selfish, but Sam hates it too. I glance over at Dad, who was typing furiously away at his laptop. We had to go. I want to know what changed. A job transfer alone would not take him away from his hometown. Where he grew up. Where he met Mom. Where us kids grew up. Mom. Maybe (your hometown) just reminded him too much of her. That's it.

I know young love is just a dream,
We were only seventeen,
But you're the only love I've known.

I knew the story well enough. Dad, Sam, Mom, and I all came home from vacation. And then the next day there was no note, no mom, and nothing of hers left in the house. We've tried contacting her, but to no avail. Dad's trying to stay strong for us, and we're trying to stay strong for him too.

So please just let me go if you're done
'Cause it's hope that kills this heart.
So please set me free, kill the spark.

You internally groaned as your mind wandered to Aida. (If that's your name then feel free to change it) She was- is my best and only friend. Through the tough times to the not so tough times, it was always us two. Y/n and Aida. Too close to be sisters. I know Dad saw how torn up we both were at the airport. The last I'd ever see her was four hours ago. Four hours ago I left the last person to truly care about and understand me, even just a little bit.

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia,
Looking for nothing short of a miracle.
I only ever wanted to come home.
Please won't you let me go?

We made plans. College together in two years, room together, and all that jazz. But no. Mom had to leave. Dad had to transfer. It was all downhill. I just want to go back. To (your hometown.) Sure, we'll have a house or apartment or whatever in London, but it won't be home. The old house was sold and my childhood right along with it.

When I have nowhere left I can run away
Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay?
Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb.
Then pull the trigger and send me home.

I glanced outside at the passing clouds. It was beautiful outside. I could enjoy it, if it weren't for the fact that everything was changing. My eyes teared up as I recalled Aida and mine's last moment together.

"Y/n, please don't cry," Aida said. What a hypocrite. Her honey colored eyes were soaked with tears, just like mine.
"Aida, I'm moving. To another continent. Why-why wouldn't I cry?" I asked, choking back my ugly sobs. She choked them back too, and we embraced for the last time.
"Y/n, it's time to get going," Dad said cautiously. I furrowed my brows.
"I don't want to," I said sternly, pulling away from Aida.
"I know, but we have to-"
"No. I won't leave. Aida is the only person I love anymore, and she's the only person who loves me. Aida is the reason I'm still alive, Dad. Without her I'd be long gone," I said, not even realizing what I was saying. Everyone was shocked at my words. Even I was.
I turned back to her.
"Y/n, you have to go," she said, wiping her nose.
"Aida please," I said, letting the tears fall down my fave.
"I love you, and you know how much I do. But look at your dad," she whispered. I turned to him, to see him biting back a few tears. I sighed.
"Fine. But don't think I like this," I said. I pulled Aida into a hug, and cried.
"I don't like this either, but we're soul sisters. We'll meet again," she whispered.

I snapped awake and shook my head. My phone was long dead, and Sam had fallen asleep. I looked over at Dad who was reading some book.


"Well, this is us," Dad said, unlocking the door to our new apartment. We aold our house to move to London, only to live in an apartment. Seems legit and a tad bit cliche.

I don't know EXACTLY how moving countries works so ignore any inaccuracies (again, sorry) and id you happen to know how it works, tell me in the comments.

Dad pushed opened the door and we stepped into our new apartment. Well, I guess it's called a flat. From what I've heard. Sam pushed past us and zoomed straight inside. There were boxes everywhere, seeing as we had shipped everything in ahead of time.

Idrk why the boxes are already in the flat just go with it

Dad stepped aside to let me in, and I gave a weak smile as I walked in. It was pretty nice, if I'm going to be honest. There was a big living room, with a door that presumably led to the kitchen. Another door led to an extra room. I walked down the little hallway and there were dive doors. I opened one to see Sam happily unpacking his things. Two others led to what I assume to be future bedrooms. And then the other two consisted of a bathroom and an extra room.
"Sam, can you help me with these air matresses? We don't have beds tonight," Dad said, as he stumbled through the hallway, carrying his many bags.
"Sure!" Sam jumped up and ran away with Dad.
"Y/n, do you want to go introduce yourselg to thr neignbors?" he asked. I shook my head.
"Not really," I muttered. Dad put his hand on my shoulder.
"Please, just go say hi," he said. I sighed and dropped my backpack onto the ground.

So let's pretend that Phil lives in a flat even though this is highschool so yeah just go with it.

I closed the door behind me and walked across the hall. Knocking on the door, I chewed the inside of my cheek. I do not go well with strangers and socialzing. Especially not together. What if this person is a rapist? What if they're serial killers? What if they're stalkers? What if-
"Hello...?" said a rather posh sounding British accent. I looked up to see two very blue eyes looking down at me.

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