Chapter 10

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You sat in the armchair with your legs folded criss cross apple sauce, and a bowl of noodles sat in your lap.
"This is good ramen," Dan said, stuffing a forkful of noodles into his mouth. You nodded in agreement and turned your attention back to Attack on Titan.


You groaned and rolled ofd of your matress. Except, it wasn't your matress. You had forgotten that Dad had put the beds in yesterday. You let out a rather deep scream as you tumbled towards the ground. You attempted to grab onto something, but only ended up snagging a fingernail on the sheets. You screeched in pain. After hitting the floor, you stood up as quickly as possible. You tried to untangle your fingernail from the sheets, but it hurt too badly. Eventually, you managed to pull it free.
"Oh Jesus," you whispered. There was blood. My God, there's blood everywhere!

{Running for your life from Shia Labeouf, normal Tuesday night for Shia Labeouf}

You ran to the kitchen.
"Dad!" you called. It's Monday. He's not home. You muttered under your breath as you grabbed a towel and wrapped it tightly around your finger. With your free hand, you opened your front door and went over to Phil's. You kicked the door lightly, but not too lightly. After a minute or so, the door creaked open. Phil's mom answeres the door.
"Oh! Y/n, I wasn't expecting to see you. May I help you?" she asked. You nodded and looked down.
"See, my fingernail got caught in my sheets and it came off. There's blood everywhere and it hurts like you wouldn't believe. My dad isn't home and I don't really know what to do," you explained. Phil's mom gasped, and stepped aside.
"Come in, we'll get you sorted. Poor thing." You stepped into Phil's flat and smiled gratefully.
"Thanks. Oh, and sorry to be a bother," you said.
"Oh no, it's no trouble!" Phil's mom said. She ran into the kitchen and came back a few minutes later.
"Let me have a look at that finger," She said, holding out a towel. You slowly let go of it and placed it on the towel.
"Well, you sure did get your finger good, didn't you?" Mrs. Lester exclaimed. She gently wrapped it around your finger. She then began applying a lot of pressure. You winced a little. She unwrapped the towel and quickly went to work. She grabbed a large bandage and wrapped it around the fingernail. She pulled it tight and put some medical tape over that. The bandage covered your entire finger.
"Thank you so much," you said, smiling. Mrs. Lester smiled back.
"I'm glad to help," she said.
"Well, I'll be going to get ready for school now. Thank you, Mrs. Lester!" You called on your way out.

Remember this is AU, people.

"Miss!" she called back. You turned.
"Huh?" you asked confused.
"It's Ms. Lester," she explained.
"Oh, okay then. Thank you, Ms. Lester," you responded. You twisted the handle of the front door.
"Will you be riding with Phil to school?" she asked.
"Uh, if that's okay," you said. She nodded."Absolutely! I'll let him know when he wakes up," she said.


You stepped into your bedroom. You slipped on your clothes and applied some eyeliner and other makeup to the best of your abilities.

You then walked to the kitchen and made yourself some toast. There was a little note on the counter next to the bread.

Went to the new office. Still working out my hours. Love you, sweetie.

You sighed and munched on the toast. Pretty soon, there was a knock at the door. You answered it to see a smiling Phil.
"Hey," you said, with your mouth still full of food. He chuckled and stuffed his hands in his pockets.
"Bit early, isn't it?" you asked.
"Yeah, but Dan called and said his car isn't working. So we need to go pick him up," Phil said.
"Oh, okay," you replied. You grabbed your backpack and slung it over your shoulder. You closed and locked the door to your house and followed Phil to his car.


Phil let you have shotgun since Dan got it last time. He pulled into a brick house's driveway. Phil unbuckled his seatbelt and stepped out.
"You can wait here if you want," he said. You nodded. He walked up to the door and knocked. A minute or so later, a rather young looking girl with bright red haie and freckles opened the door.
"Hi Phil!" she exclaimed.
"Annie, what are you doing home?" Phil asked, obviously shocked.
"Sick," the girl, Annie, replied. Phil nodded.
"I'm here to pick up Dan," he said.
"Danny, Phil is here!" Annie yelled. She paused for a second, and sneezed. Thats was followed by a coughing fit. Dan appeared behind Annie and picked her up.
"Annie, don't go shouting. You'll hurt your voice worse. What are you even doing out of bed?" Dan asked, looking at her.
"Cookie monster," she said. Dan looked at her in confusion before putting her back down.
"Go back to bed," he said. Annie disappeared and Dan closed the door behind him. The two boys began walking towards the door. Dan wore black skinny jeans and a hoodie.

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