Chapter 15

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"You do promise not to judge me, right?" He asked reluctantly. You put a hand on Dan's shoulder.
"Dan, the only time I would judge you is if you started shipping Eremika," you said sarcastically. He let out a little chuckle.
"Well then here it goes," he said taking a deep breath.


Dan slung his arm around your shoulder like he and Phil often did to you. You looked up at Dan.
"What di you want, Howell?" You asked with a hint of sarcasm in your voice. Dan put a hand over his heart.
"I am highly offended, y/l/n," He replied with fake emotion. You scoffed and turned to face him.
"No seriously, what do you want?" you asked.
"Honestly? Coffee," he said.

Idk if Starbucks in UK but we'll pretend it is even if it's not.

"Well then make some," you said, gesturing to the coffee pot. Dan pouted.
"But I want real coffee. No offense, Phil." Phil lookes up from his nintendo.
"None taken," he called, glancing back down.
"Then let's go to Starbucks," you suggested. Dan's face lit up.
"Really?" he said. You nodded.
"Phil come on let's go to Starbucks!" You shouted. Phil shook his head.
"I'm busy evolving my Pokémon. You two lovebirds go have fun," he said, not looking up.
"Wha-? We're not- Phil!" Dan said, getting flustered. You smirked and rolled your eyes. You grabbed Dan's hand and started walking towards the door.
"Come on, let's get your coffee, Howell."


You sipped your (Starbucks Order) and looked at Dan. You giggled, as there was a white, whipped cream moustache painted on his upper lip.
"What? What is it?" Dan asked.
"Nothing, just got something on your face," you said. Dan wiped his nose.
"Did I get it?" he asked.
"Not even close," you replied. This time he wiped his chin.
"Now?" You shook your head. He somehow managed to wipe everywhere except for where to whipped cream was. Sometime along the way, you decided to start taking a video of him failing.
"Dan, sweetie, you're failing," you said. He groaned.
"Help me," he said in a rather whiny tone. You laughed and wiped his upper lip with a napkin.
"Better?" Dan asked. You nodded. You looked up and noticed a little sparkle in his eyes. There was a short, awkward silence.
"Um, so yeah," You said out of nowhere.

*Present Day*

"Y/n, we like a lot of the same bands. And most of my friends don't, so we have a different relationship than everyone else. You're awkward and I'm awkward so we're like this duo of two awkward people who enjoy the same music," Dan said using rather odd gesticulation.
"Dan, I don't understand what you're trying to say," you said as you pulled your sleeves down. He was right though. You're both very awkward.
"The thing is....See, I just...I think...I really don't know," he let out an exasperated sigh.
"Dan, just say it like you would say it to Phil or Louise," you said, trying to make him feel better.
"That's the thing. I wouldn't say it to Phil or Louise!" He buried his head in his hands.
"Dan," you said. You placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Whatever it is you need to say, just say it like I'm not even here," you said. Dan looked up at you and took a deep breath.
"Okay I'll try again," he said.


"Phil look!" you said, showing Phil some Attack on Titan fanart on your phone.
"Jean and Marco!!!" he explained.
"Dan look!" You said turning to Dan and showing him the picture.
"I'm not okay with this," he said.
"I know it's sad but calm down," you said rolling your eyes.

"Let's order some Chinese!" Phil exclaimed. You and Dan agreed.
"I'll be right back. Order me some fried rice and noodles," you said, walking towarda the front door of Phil's flat.
"Okay," Phil called as he picked up his phone.
"Mom we're ordering Chinese!" He yelled.
"Order me my favorite soup!" She yelled back. You walked over to your flat and unlocked the door.
"Dad! Sam!" you yelled. A small child came bounding through hall, but it was not Sam.
"Annie?" you asked questioningly.
"Hi y/n!" she said excitedly. Sam soon appeared behind her.
"Y/n!" Sam exclaimed, hugging you tightly.
"Oh hi y/n! I was just about to take the kids to the park. Wanna come along?" Your dad asked as he walked in.
"Sorry, I just came to tell you that Dan, Phil, and I are at Phil's and we're ordering Chinese," you explained. Dad's face fell.
"Ok. Y/n, I'm happy that you made friends and all, but I barely ever see you anymore," he said with a sigh. You started to feel a little guilty.
"I'm sorry, Dad. We'll spend time soon, I promise," you said.
"I love you!" You called as you raced out the door.


"Fried rice is delicious," you said with a full mouth. Phil reached his fork over to your plate, but you smacked it away.
"Mine," you said. Dan stood up and placed his plate on the coffee table.
"I'll be right back," he said as he walked towards the bathroom.
"Y/n, do you like like anyone?" Phil asked once Dan was out of earshot.
"I don't think so...Why?" you asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Because I think Dan likes you," he said with a smile. Your heart dropped into your stomache, but in a good way.
"Wha-what?" you stuttered and choked on the rice in your mouth.
"I dunno. It's just that he talks about you a lot and he started listening to that band you like and I just feel lile he does," Phil wondered aloud.
"But why me?!" You asked rather loudly.
"Well I can see why. you're very pretty and nice and funny," he said. Your stomache churned, but it was somehow in a good way.

*Present Day*

"Dan, just say it," you whispered.
"Okay fine. But, I don't want things to be awkward between us," Dan said. You nodded.
"If it needs to happen, then we can just forget about this whole thing after it's over," you said.
"Okay. Well, y/n, I really really like you," he said really fast, but covered his mouth right after.
"So Phil was right," you said.
"Phil was what?" Dan said loudly.
"Shh! A while ago, Phil told me he thought you liked me. I guess he was right," you said, blushing.
"That little shit wasn't supposed to say anything," Dan muttered.
"Dan, can I tell you something?" you asked, biting your lip nervously.
"Uh, yeah sure," Dan said.
"Well, we've known each other for many months now, and we've gotten pretty close. You know, as friends. And now, finding out that you like me. Well it changes things," you said looking down. Dan's face fell.
"Oh," he said, sounding disappointed.
"Well, I really like you too Dan. I don't know how the hell I managed to say it, but I do." You took a deep breath and glanced at Dan. You felt a little guilty though.
" do?" Dan asked. You nodded.
"Y/n, can I ask you a question?" he added. You nodded again.
"Sure," you said.
"First, when we get home, I think we should go out. You know, just us two," he suggested.
"That sounds...nice," you said.
"Yeah. Anyways, my question is why do you always wear that sweater? Is there any particular reason?" Dan asked. You quickly crossed your arms, trying to hide them away.
"No, I just really like this jacket," you said.
"Well you've worn it almost all summer. I never see you without it," Dan said, turning to you with a raised eyebrow. I want to tell him, but he'll probably end up hating me... you thought.

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