Chapter 13

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Summer was a beautiful beautiful thing. No school, no homework, no bitchy popular girls, no waking up early. Summer is amazing. You sat in your room draped across a new beanbag chair while Dan was laying in your bed on his laptop with Phil, and Louise was leaning against the wall on her phone. Three cheers for keeping the friendship alive! You stood up and placed your phone on the bedside table.
"Anyone want food?" You asked, stretching your back.
"What food?" Dan asked, not looking up from his laptop.
"I don't know, whatever we have," you responded. Half a year in this flat, and you still weren't sure whag food was in it. Typical.
"Phil? Louise? Food?" You asked again.
"No thanks," Phil said.
"I'm fine thanks," Louise said. You nodded.
"Dan?" You asked, looking over at him.
"I'll come," he said. He set his laptop beside and and basically rolled off of the bed. He quickly stood up and walked towards you. The two you of you went into the kitchen. You opened up the pantry and looked around.
"In here it looks like we have goldfish, cheeto puffs, brownies, buttons, and biscuits," you said.

Buttons are British chocolate that my British friend gets me when she goes to Britain and I live for Buttons

"Sorry to ask, but do you have maltesers?" Dan asked awkwardly.
"Have you never had maltesers?" He asked, wide eyed. You shook your head.
"We have to go get some!" He exclaimed.
"But we have to get Louise and Phil!" You said, turning towards the doorway.
"No we don't have time! I'll call them on our way to the store!" Dan said grabbing your wrist.
"Um, okay?" You said, but it came our as more of a question.
"Guys! We're going to the store! My dad and Sam won't be home for a really long time because his school is having some special event night!" You called.
"Okay!" Louise and Phil called in unison.
"We'll be back soon!" You shouted.
"Okay!" They called again.
"Y/n let's go!" Dan whined as he tugged on your wrist.
"Okay! Jesus I'm coming!" You said, rolling your eyes.
"Phil we're borrowing your car!" Dan yelled as he grabbed a pair of keys off od the counter.
"Be careful!" Phil yelled from your room.


You and Dan sat in silence as you drove down to the store.
"Hey I have an idea," you said. Dan didn't take his eyes off of the road.
"What is it?" he asked. You turned your phone on and openes up Spotify.
"Y/n, what are you doing?" Dan asked nervously as he stopped a red light. He glanced over at your phone. He knew this playlist. This was your "emo playlist" A single note can do so much. It can mean so much. The G note rang out through the car. Dan took a deep breath, attempting to keep his emotions inside. You smiled evilly.

When I was a young boy
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band
He said, "Son when you grow up will you be the savior of the broken? The beatened and the damned?"
He said, "Will you defeat them? Your demons and all the non believers. The plans that they had made."
"Because one day I'll leave you a phantom to lead you in the summer. To join the black parade."

You and Dan sang at the top of your lungs. There was head banging and air drumming. The song soon came to an end right as you pulled into the parking lot of the store.
"Wow," Dan said, a little out of breath. He fixed his extremely messy fringe. You nodded your head and smoothed your hair down.
"That was awesome," you whispered. Dan took a deep breath.
"Definitely," he said. The two of you stepped out of the car and Dan locked it.

"Let's go get us some Malteasers," He said with a crazed look in his eyes. You entered the store and followed Dan to the candy/chocolate aisle.

My precious!" Dan practically screamed as he ran down the aisle towarda a particular shelf. You rolled your eyes.
"Dan we're in a store," you said, slowly walking up behind him. You (like always) wore black jeans and your MCR hoodie. 

Ignore the random lady

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Ignore the random lady

Dan was slightly huddled up against the shelf of Maltesers with his back towards you. You grabbed him by the shoulders and whirled him around. Five or six bags fell to the ground as Dan turned.
"Dan!" You exclaimes. You shook your head with a smile. You crouched down to pick up the fallen bags, but knocked heads with Dan.
"This needs to stop," He said laughing. You agreed.


Dan slammed the door to his car after picking you up. The two of you were going to marathon Sherlock at his house.
"C'mon, y/n!" He exclaimed as he led you to his front door. He opened it up and let you inside.
"Thank you, Sir Daniel," you said in a posh British accent. But you know, it was a bad one.
"You are quite welcome, Lady Y/l/n," Dan said with a small smile. The closed the door, but dropped his keys on the ground.
"Oops," he said. He began to crouch down to grab them, but his head soon discovered that that was your objective as well. You hit heads surprisingly hard. You yelped.
"Y/n, I am really really sorry about that!" Dan exclaimed as he held his hand to his forehead. You had your hand over yours too.
"N-no, don't be. I've been hurt worse," you said with a nervous little laugh.
"Are you sure?" He asked with a very concerned tone in his voice. You nodded.
"So how about that Sherlock marathon?" You asked with a smile plastered onto your face.

*Present Day*

"Ha, yeah. That was just the tip of the iceberg," you said laughing. Dan joined you as the two of you took a spot in the checkout line. You had also decided on ice cream, chocolate syrup, and many sodas.
"Yeah it was," he said as he slung an arm around your shoulders. You found yourself blushing a little bit.
Stop it, me! It's only Dan! you thought. You snuck a glance up at him. He was humming something inaudible under his breath and looking all around. It's kind of cute you thought... What? No! This is one of your closest friends Dan. You will not develop feelings for him. You've learned your lesson you scolded yourself. You let out a sigh without even realizing it. Dan looked down at you, considering the slight height difference.
"You okay?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'm alright," you responded.

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