Chapter 6

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You had made it through the first half of the day pretty fine. Well, except that after second period you had nobody because everybody had different classes then you. Thank God it was lunch time. You scoured the sea of students for at least a familiar face. Sure, they weren't necessarily your favorite familiar faces, but it was probably a whole lot better than nothing. You sighed, given the fact that none of your kind-of friends were to be seen. You took your chance and stole the next spot in the lunch line. After about five minutes of waiting, there was a light tap on your shoulder. You turned around to come face to face with a pair of chocolate brown eyes.
"Dan?" you asked, stuttering a bit. His eyes widened a little as he backed up slightly.
"Um, yeah. It's uh, y/n, right?" he asked. He seemed a tad bit nervous.
"Yes...Dan, was it?" you asked. By some miracle of whatever power may be, your socially awkward trait seemed to fizzle away into nothingness...
"So, you listen to MCR?" he asked, only a little but more confidently this time.
"I love MCR," you admitted. You took a step forward in the line.
"What's your favorite song?" He asked, following suit.
"Ummmmmm that's a really hard question. I'm gonna have to go with Famous Last Words," you said. God, this line wasn't very active.
"Mine is too!" Dan exclaimed. You smiled.
"Why?" you asked.
"I dunno, it just sort of speaks to me on a spiritual level. Why is it your favorite?" You bit your lip nervously.
"Well, the lyrics are really motivating, and I guess they just touch my heart in a way," you said. You glanced down nervously, and released a breath you didn't realize you'd been holding. You were relieved enough.
"That's cool. What other bands do you like?" Dan asked, as the line moved maybe a third of an inch forward.
"Oh, you know...Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, All Time Low, Crown the Empire, a bunch of other bands that I'm more than likely forgetting," you listed. Dan's eyes widened.
"I love those bands. Except for that last one. I've never heard of Crown....the...something...?"
"Crown the Empire," you corrected.
"You should listen to them."
"What kind of music do they sing?" he asked. You shrugged.
"Little bit of hardcore, little bit of not hardcore," you explained. He shrugged.
"Any suggestions?"
"Well would you rather listen to hardcore or no?"
"Probably not."
"Okay, maybe try Machines, Millennia, Memories of a Broken Heart, I dunno..." you said.


After what seemed like a millennia (hehehehehe) you finally got your lunch. "Chicken nuggets, strawberries, and french fries." That's most definitely what it was. Sarcasm. Yay.
"Do you have any idea where Phil and Louise are?" you asked Dan. He nodded and led you towards the door.
"Where are we-" Dan cut you off.
"No questions," he said. You shut your mouth and just followed him. He led you outside of the cafeteria into a long hallway. You turned a corner and heard hushed whispers.
"We don't eat in the cafeteria after this one incident we agreed to never speak of," Dan explained. You nodded, though you still didn't fully understand. You followed Dan as he led you behind a large statue. Louise and Phil were sitting against the wall talking and exchanging various food.
"There you two are! Oh, I'm so sorry, y/n. I should've told you where we'd be. At least Dan found you," She said, wiping a crumb from her cheek.
"Don't worry about it," you assured her. You placed your tray in front of you and took a bite out of the "chicken nugget." Eh, it wasn't horrible.
"So why do we eat out here?" you asked. Louise dropped her apple, Dan fell over in attempt to toss out his empty milk carton, and Phil started choking on his sandwhich.
"Oh, I hate to keep you in the dark, but we aren't supposed to speak of that incident," Louise said. She patted Phil on the back as he wiped his mouth.
"I'm fine," he said.
"Dan?" You asked, turning to him.
"I'm really sorry y/n, I'd tell you if I could," He said with a sympathetic look in his eyes. You sighed.
"I just wish someone would lead me out of the dark," you said.

If you understood that reference I will love you forever.

Everyone glanced at each other.
"We're really really sorry." Phil apologized.
"Nah, it's okay." you said. You plopped a strawberry into your mouth.


After lunch was over, the day went by pretty quickly.
"Do you need a ride home?" Phil asked as he slammed his locker shut.
"Yeah, I guess I do," you said.
"Okay. I'm sure Dan won't mind sitting in the back. Do you mind if we make a stop though?" Phil asked, his eyes wide.
"Oh, no that's okay. I mean, yeah it's fine," you said. He smiled and started walking.
"You would think Dan would've waited for us," Phil said. You nodded, not really wanting to say much. The two of you walked to Phil's car to see Dan leaning against it with his earbuds in. His head was bobbing to a beat. Phil clicked his keys which made the car's alarm go off. Dan jumped which caused his earbuds to fly out of his ears.
"What the fffffff-"
"Tsk tsk, watch your profanities Danny," Phil scolded as he opened the door to the driver's seat.
"Shotgun," Dan called. You shrugged and took your seat in the back.

Wow, two chapters in the same night?!?!?! This will probably never happen again

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