Chapter 8

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You sat in the armchair with your arms wrapped around your curled up knees. You sniffed, and wiped the many tears escaping from your eyes.


"I thought...Kaori was...going to live," you said quietly.
"I thought we were gonna watch Attack on Titan," Phil grumbled.
"Shh, my family is sleeping," Phil whispered. You mouthed the words sorry.
"I know. And all those times Kousei told everyone his crush was in love with his best friend," Dan said with a smirk. You threw a pillow at him violently.
"OwWwW," he whined.


"Do you guys wanna go out and get ice cream?" Phil asked jumping up.
"Isn't it a little late for ice cream?" you asked. You glanced at the clock that read 10:42. Phil grabbed his jacket.
"It's never too late for ice cream!" he exclaimed.
"What about Attack on Titan?" Dan asked.
"Oh yeah," Phil's face fell. 
"I suppose y/n does have to get home soon," he added. You unlocked your phone.
"I can call my dad and let him know I'll be awhile," you said. Phil glanced at Dan.
"You don't have to. If you want you can go home," Dan said.
"Oh. Do you want me to?" You asked.
"No! I didn't mean it like that," he replied. You laughed.
"I'm kidding. I'll call my dad and tell him we're going out. Oh, should we invite Louise? I don't have her number," you rambled whilst fumbling around on your phone.
"Um, Louise is probably asleep by now," Phil said.
"Okay well, I guess I'll call my dad," you said. You opened up your contacts and clicked on your dad's.
"Hey dad, I'm going out....Dan and Phil.......No....Yes, they're friends.....probably....yes, before 1:30.....okay....okay....okaaaay....bye," you hung up and looked at the boys.
"As long as I'm home by 1:30," you explained. They nodded.
"We'll definitely be back by then," they said.


The three of you walked happily away from the ice cream shop.
"Guys, I'm really glad I met you. Thanks for being my friend," you smiled gratefully. They wrapped their arms around you on either side.
"No problem," Phil said.
"I'm glad we met you too," Dan said. You smiled. Only your first day of school and you had already met two great people.


You woke up to the buzz of your phone. Thank God it's Saturday you thought as you turned on your phone.

Group Chat The Meatles has been created

Phil: Guys we should marathon anime

Dan: Phil why are you texting me I'm literally on the floor next to you

Phil: I thought you were sleeping!

Dan: No

Phil: Oops

You: Hello?

Phil: Y/n!

Dan: Good morning friends

You: Friends

Dan: Yeah

Phil: Friends

You: :,)

Phil: We loove you y/n

Phil: Especially Daaaniell

Dan: Excuse you?

You: ???

Phil: Daaanniiieeelll

Dan: Phhiiilllliiipppp

You: Helllooooo???

You: I don't understand

Phil is typing

All of a sudden the little notification that Phil was typing disappeared. You threw the covers off of yourself.

You: I'm coming over in a few minutes

You kept on your black and white shorts but slipped on your MCR hoodie.

You walked out to the kitchen and saw your dad sitting at the table. Again, on his laptop.
"I didn't see you yesterday. Are you going out again?" he asked, not even once looking up.
"Yeah. Aren't you proud? I made friends," you said. Dad nodded.
"Okay, call me," he said. You sighed and walked out of the flat. You walked across the hall and knocked on the door to Phil's place. The door unlocked. A nice looking lady opened up.
"May I help you?" she asked with a smile.
"Um, yeah. I'm a friend of Phil and Dan's. We were um, going to have a uh, anime marathon," you explained, trying to act not socially awkward.
"Oh! Well come on in. Phil's room is right down the hall, second on the right. I believe he and Dan are in there," she said, allowing you to walk in. You smiled.
"Thank you," you said, and walkes down the hall to the second door on the right. You knocked.
"Phil?" you asked. There were muffled voices coming from behind the door. You knocked again.
"Philliiiiiip?" You called again. There was a long pause. And then a loud, annoying shriek. You pushed open the door in a rush to see Dan and Phil on the floor. Phil was sitting on top of Dan while Dan was flailing around.
"Um....I..uh, back, err, bye," you stammered, slamming the door behind you. Your face had turned a bright red and you just kind of slowly walked down the hall. You were about to leave through the front door when thr boys came flying after you.
"IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" Phil screamed. Dan was close behind him.
"I SWEAR WE AREN'T IN THAT KIND OF RELATIONSHIP!" Dan shouted. They paused on either side of you.
"Y/n, you never saw any of that," Dan said.
"We're not even gay!" Phil exclaimed. You looked up. You felt as if you were an anime character whose face was completely shaded in black.

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