Chapter 7

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Phil pulled into the parking lot of the mall.
"The mall?" you questioned as Phil pulled into a parking spot.
"You said it'd be alright to make a stop," Phil said.
"I know. I mean, it's not that, it's just...I didn' know, expect to," you said awkwardly as you stepped out of the car.
"There's a really cool anime shop in here," Dan said as he slammed the door closed. You followed them inside.
"Do you watch anime, y/n?" Phil asked. Dan glanced over at you with a raised eyebrow.
"Um, I've heard of a bunch I just never really took the time out to watch any," you admitted. Phil threw his arms out in front of you and Dan.
"You're coming over to marathon anime with us," he declared. You shook your head.
"No thanks. I uh, I don't want to bother you guys," you said. This time it was Dan who stopped everyone in their tracks.
"Nope. You're definitely coming over," he said.
"But you guys seemed like you'd already be busy," you replied.
"Y/n, I practically live at Phil's flat. One more person can't hurt," Dan said. You sighed.
"Fine." Dan and Phil high fived and led you towards a store called Niko Niko.

idk if that's a store in London but we'll just pretend it is.

The three of you walked in. Phil scrambled over to a shelf that held pretty much every manga under the sun. Dan glanced at you and gestured for you to follow him. You did, and he led you towards a wall lined with shelves full of pop figures.

"I love pop figures!" you exclaimed. Dan smiled as you rushed up and examined every last one. Phil wandered over, and noticed you and Dan. A bit later, the two boys had gotten what they wanted and checked out.
"Y/n, are you ready?" Dan asked. You were still looking at the pop figures.
"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm uh, yeah. Let's go," you said, startled. You turned around too fast and stumbled into a smaller shelf. Had that always been there? It toppled over, causing everything on it to fall out. Key chains were sprawled all over the ground, and you had fallen over as well.
"I uh, I'm...Um, I just...I didn't mean..." you bit your lips to keep from crying. It wasn't out of embarrassment or that you hurt yourself. It was that you felt like a disruption. A disappointment.
"Y/n, are you okay?" Dan and Phil both asked, rushing to your side. An employee came out from behind the counter.
"I-I-I-uh..I'm uh, I just...I didn't- I'm sorry!" You exclaimed, making an attempt to pick up the keychains off of the ground. You scooped a handful up and held them out towards the employee.
"Here! I'm so so so so so so so sorry this was a complete accident!" you exclaimed. He looked at you with sympathy.
"It's fine, really. Just...Uh, don't beat yourself up about," he said. The employee glanced at your outstretched arm, then back at your face. He had a knowing look. He took away the keychains you had and smiled softly.
"Don't worry about it," he assured you. The urge to cry subsided, but you had an uneasy feeling. You glanced down, and crossed your arms hastily.
"Y/n, are we still on for tht anime marathon?" Phil asked, slinging his arm around your shoulders.
"I believe we did have one scheduled," Dan said, resting his elbow atop your head.
"Uh, yeah. Do you guys...Where's the bathroom?" you asked quietly. The boys glanced at each other.


You arrived back at the complex. Phil flew up the stairs while you and Dan decided to let your laziness kick in.
"I still feel so horrible. I can't believe I didn't help," you groaned, trudging up the stairs.
"Don't worry about it. Everything is fine," Dan assured you. Only, you didn't feel that assured. Phil unlocked the door to his flat.

We're pretending Phil is an only child okay great

"I'm just going to uh, tell my dad where I'll be," you said. Phil nodded as he opened the door.
"Dan, are you coming?" he asked.
"What? Oh, yeah," he said.
"Knock three times, pause, and then knock twice," Phil instructed. You raised an eyebrow.
"Or, we could leave the door unlocked," Dan suggestd. Phil pouted.
"But what about the secret knock?" He complained. You rolled your eyes as they bickered and unlocked the door to your own flat. You pushed the door open and threw your backpack inside.
"Dad I'm hanging out with the neighbor," you called.
"Why?" you heard a faint voice ask.
"Because we're marathoning anime," you answered.
"Across the hall!"
"Oh okay, have fun I guess." You sighed and closed the door. Dan and Phil werw still bickering, just in more hushed tones.
"Are you guys okay?" you asked. They jumped, but only slightly.
"Yeah!" Phil piped up. Dan turned around muttering to himself.
"So uh, what animes will we be watching?" you asked, scratching the back of your neck.
"AnY aNiMe YoU wAnT!" Phil exclaimed.
"Well, I uh, don't really know much about anime. So um, I guess whatever you guys think is best," you said shrugging.
"ATTACK ON TITAN!" Phil screeched.
"AOT!" Phil yelled.
"YLIA!!" Dan countered.
"SHUT UP!" you screamed, interrupting their useless dispute.
"What are these even about?!" you asked rather loudly. Wow, that burst of confidence came out of nowhere.
"Giant naked titans eating humans," Phil declared.
"Music drama, romance, and tears!" Dan said. You stroked  your imaginary beard.
"Let's make the decision....inside!" you said, pointing towards the door. Phil pushed open the door and practically leapes inside. You and Dan followed. Phil flopped down on the couch and Dan took a seat next to him. You sat awkwardly on a recliner.
"Okay, tell me more about these animes," you said.
"Well there's this boy named-" Phil started, but was interrupted by Dan.
"Tears," Dan said.
"Hmm, I've made a decision!" you said after a few minutes of thoughtful thinking.

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