Underneath-Chapter 8

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I never understood why families who had lost everything in a natural disaster, like an earthquake or a tornado, stayed in the same area that got devestated.

I certainly didn't have much room to talk, but it was still one of the many questions I had about life, especially when children were involved.

I had no children of my own, but my parental instincts would want to get them to the safest place possible.

I was seeing my godson, Riff, today and I guess it's what made me start on the thought path I got on.

Riff was so precious to me.

He was the closest child I had to a son, even though he wasn't blood.

I planned to have children of my own, but the time wasn't right.

I had to focus on my singing career before settling down.

My plans were to be able to have time to spend with my partner and our children, not to be constantly on the road doing tours.

It wasn't that I didn't enjoy travelling and performing for my fans.

I loved it, but I didn't want my career to cut into forming bonds.

Eventually, I would be known as "Daddy," but for now, I was only "Adam."

Once I arrived at Scarlett and Lee's house, Riff was there to meet me.

"Adam!" He squealed in his childlike voice.

"Hey, Buddy, how are you?" I asked him, getting down on one knee.

Riff hugged me as tight as he could with his little arms.

"Have you been good today?" I asked him, messing with his hair.

"Yes!" He answered, enthusiastically.

"Okay, well, take me to your mom and dad." I said to him.

Riff took my big hand in his small ones and lead me inside his house.

When he went into the living room, Scarlett and Lee greeted me as I did them.

"Riff has had breakfast already and just finished a snack. He shouldn't be hungry again until later." Scarlett said as she handed Riff's bag to me.

"Again, thank you so much for taking Riff out of our hands for a few hours. It's been some time since Lee and I got to go out together." She continued.

"No problem! If you ever need me and I have the time, I'm here." I said to them.

"Thanks!" Lee said to me.

I nodded.

Riff's little feet pattered in the floor as he made his way into the kitchen.

"Alright, are you ready to go?" I asked him.


"Okay, say bye to your parents." I said to him.

After an exchange of hugs and kisses, I was out on the road with Riff.

"What are we doing today, Adam?" He asked me, playing with his small, blue shoes.

"Well, we're going to the park and then I'm taking you out for ice cream."

He smiled from ear to ear.

"Yay, ice cream!" He said, gleefully.

I smiled.

He was just too adorable.

Riff had an addiction to the slides at the park we went to.

It seemed like he played the whole time we were there on them.

As I caught him at the bottom of the slides, memories of my childhood flashed through my mind.

I remembered how I was fascinated with the slides at every park we went to and how my mom, Leila, or my dad, Eber, would always be at the bottom to ensure my safety.

Those times were so much easier, but I'm glad I could relive them as I saw my godson having the time of his life.

After a brief wrestling match, I took Riff to get ice cream.

Once he had his cone, Riff firmly planted himself on my lap.

"Hey, Adam?" He said to me.


He turned his small head up to meet my eyes.

"Thank you for everything!" He said to me with happy eyes.

I felt my heart melt.

"Awww, you're welcome, little buddy!" I said to him.

After we finished our ice cream, I strapped Riff in the back and headed back to his house.

"Hey, Adam..." Riff said, fighting off sleep.


"I love you."

My heart dropped to the bottom of my chest.

"I love you, too, Riff." I said to him.

Earlier, I had been wondering what kept families in one place, despite crippling circumstances, but as I watched my godson sleep peacefully, I finally understood why.

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