Underneath-Chapter 3

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As always, the paparazzi were there to meet me and I put on my game face.

Most of the time, I could tolerate them taking pictures of me, but there were times when it was a nuisence.

I longed for privacy quite often, but I knew it was one of the many things I would have to sacrifice once 'Idol' finished.

Nonetheless, I wished for it.

Once the doors to the studio closed, I took off my sunglasses and went in to get my hair done.

"Good morning, Adam!" A friendly brunette said to me.

"Hey." I said to her.

She wasn't my ususal hairdresser.

"May I ask who you are?" I said to her.

"Of course you can. My name is Tanya. Your hairdresser called in sick today and they asked me to come in." She responded to me.

"Oh, okay." I said, a bit concerned.

"Don't worry, Adam. I promise you that your hair will be fine. I'll take care of it, dear." She said with a gentle smile.


I sat down on the cushioned chair in front of the brightly lit mirror.

"So how are you doing today?" She asked me as she started to work on my hair.

"Tired, but I'm holding on. What about you?" I replied.

"I'm doing good." She answered.

Tanya was very much a social life.

She kept a nice conversation up while styling my hair and she had a very light personality with a warm smile.

I felt at ease around her and it was one of the nicest feelings ever.

"Okay, Mr. Lambert, Dominic is just down the hall to do makeup. You're finished here." She said to me.

I looked at my hair in the mirror and was thoroughly satisfied.

"Thanks, Tanya! Nice job!" I said to her.

"You're welcome and it was nice meeting you!" She said, smiling.

I got out of the seat and she started to clean up her space.

"It was nice meeting you, too, Tanya and thank you!" I said to her before leaving out.

"You're welcome!" She said to me, putting her brushes in the nearest cup.

As soon as Dominic finished my makeup, I started my shoot.

Shoots were almost always a time of stress relief and an opportunity to become someone else for a short amount of time. I needed to escape reality at times to recooperate myself and renergize as well.

I believed that all of us, whether celebrity or not, needed a chance to get away for a little while because it was helpful to an individual's health, especially since we dealt with such an unpredictable life.

It was almost a necessity to have time set aside for you.

"That's a wrap!" The photographer called out.

As with any photo shoot for a magazine, I had an interview to tend to soon after.

I didn't mind doing them, even though I knew they would be the same questions that other interviewers had already asked me.

It may be a bit repetitive, but it was worth answering the same questions because of my Glamberts.

Once I answered the last question, I left out of the building and got into my car.

Since I was wide awake, I decided that I would head over to Whole Foods and get groceries.

The house was stocked quite well, but I always wanted to be on top of the things I involved myself in so I chose to go, even if I didn't need to.

After checking the time, I pulled away from the studio, turned onto the highway, and headed toward my next destination.

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