Underneath-Chapter 14

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It was a Saturday night and I wanted to go out to Bootsy Bellows.

Tomorrow I was writing more songs for my third album so tonight was a chance for me to have fun.

I had called some friends up to see if they wanted to go, but each had their own things to do.

I was going alone.

It wouldn't be for long, though.

I loved meeting new people and a nightclub was the perfect setting to do so.

After spraying on some of my cologne, I got into a taxi and headed to Bootsy Bellows.

I enjoyed going there because it was so diverese and served multiple purposes.

It wasn't only a nightclub that had dancing, but it had other things to do like impromptu concerts and live musical acts as well as several other events.

It was a great place to go for entertainment.

Once I arrived, I went to the bar and ordered a drink.

The place was packed as always with lively spirits.

I don't think there was ever a time I came where it was almost empty.

There was never a dull moment.

After taking a few sips of my cocktail, I glanced at the end of the bar.

There was a young woman drinking a Sprite that looked all too familiar.

Statuesque with long hair, she reminded me of the young woman I encountered at the meet and greet the same day I learned about Brett's sickness.

My mind instantly went back to her.

I wasn't sure if she was the same one, but I knew I wanted to observe her from a distance throughout the night.

Surprisingly, she was sitting by herself.

For a woman as beautiful as she was, I would expect at least one guy next to her, but both seats beside her were vacant.

I turned away and took another sip of my cocktail.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" The bartender said to me.

He must have seen me staring at her.

"Yes, she is. Do you know her name?" I asked him.

I was hoping to at least have a name.

I never got the name of the woman of my encounter, but if it was the same one, I would be able to call her by it.

"Her name is Talia and she has a heart of gold. She's beautiful on the inside and outside, which again leaves me astounded that she doesn't have men all over her. I guess people don't see a good thing when it's right in front of them. Still, there is something ethereal about her." He finished.

My heart skipped a beat.

I thought it was funny that he would use the same word I did when I first saw her.

"Okay, thanks!" I said to him.

"You're welcome! Let me know if you want anything else, Adam." He said to me.

"I will. Thanks!" I said, smiling.

He nodded and went back to serving drinks to clubgoers.

As the night progressed, I got on the dance floor, but glanced every so often to see if Talia was in the same place.

Most of the time, she was.

However, there were a few times when the seat would be empty, but not for too long.

Around midnight, she got up and started to move about.

I decided to follow her.

I wanted an answer to my biggest question.

She went into one of the back rooms.

I made my way around the corner when she spoke up.

"I was wondering when you were going to speak to me. You haven't watched me the whole night for nothing. What is it that you want, Adam?" Talia asked me, noticing my approaching figure.

It was the same girl.

Her voice was a perfect match.

"I just wanted to know something." I said, coming into her view.

"Let me guess."

She got up from the corner couch and walked toward me.

"How did I know about Brett?" She stated, stopping in front of me.

She read my mind.

"How did you..."

"Your eyes. You wear your heart on your sleeve." She said.

I took a minute to soak in what she said.

"How did you know about him?" I asked her.

She thought through her answer for a moment.

"Some things aren't meant to be understood. If all things were, we would live in a very different world, one where power would always be in high demand and love would be nonexistant. Sometimes the answers to the most difficult questions are right in front of you, but you can't search for them too hard or you will miss them." She responded to me.

I wasn't too sure what she meant, but I felt as if my question had been answered.

"How do you know so much?" I asked her.

"Adam, look at me."

I looked into her multiple colored eyes.

They had a youthful appearance, but her eyes told of hundereds of stories that had happened over several years.

She was an old soul.

"Yes, I am. I say what I do because of time and experience." She said in unison with my thoughts.

A moment of silence came between us.

"Well, I have to go. Make plans with Brett soon because life is too precious." She said, breaking the quiet.

She started to walk past me.

"Talia..." I said.

She stopped and turned to me.

"Will I ever see you again?" I asked her.

She smiled.

"Only time will tell. Until then, live your life." She responded and left out.

The room changed once she was gone.

It suddenly went from a peaceful and harmonious feel to a choatic energy.

I didn't know much about Talia, but she was certainly special.

She had a different aura from other people I had met.

I didn't dwell too much on it, though.

The hours of the night were growing shorter and I wasn't getting any younger so now was the only thing I had, but it was the only thing I needed.

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