Underneath-Chapter 10

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The room was messy and in a scattered disarray.

It was something I expected, but the sorrow I was feeling continued to grow.

"Brett, where are you?" His mother called out.

"I'm in the bathroom. I'l be out in a minute." He said in a weak voice.

Another piece of my heart broke.

I heard the toilet flush and the click of the door as it opened.

My heart skipped a beat.

Brett finally looked up once he shut the door and saw me next to his mom.

His eyes lit up.

"Adam!? Adam, is that you?" He asked me, cheerfully.

I nodded.

He made his way towards me as fast as he could and we hugged each other tightly.

"I've missed you so much!" He said to me, crying.

"I've missed you, too!" I said back, shedding my own tears.

We embraced each other for a few moments as his mother left out.

He placed his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eye.

It hurt me to see him looking so unhealthy.

He used to be so full of life and his eyes had been so bright that they shamed the sun, but now, they were dull against a sinking face.

"I can't believe you're here! Please, sit down." He said to me.

We sat across from one another at a table in his room and talked with each other.

"I watched the whole season you were on 'Idol' and now look at you. You're an international popstar!" He said, smiling.

"Yes, but enough about me. I want to hear about you." I said to him.

It turns out that he had fallen in love with a girl who had been in previous bad relationships in which she had no knowledge about and ended up catching a sexual disease which unfortunately got around to him.

"It's not like she did it with the intention of harming me. She didn't even know she had it until much later." He finished.

"Were you guys safe?" I asked.

"Yes, but I think a condom might have broken one night and there's nothing more you can do once it happens but prepare yourself for an outcome." He answered.

Brett lowered his head and started to sniffle.

"I loved that girl, Adam. I some times wonder why she couldn't have been spared from the months of slow suffering she had to endure." He said to me.

He looked up at me with pained eyes and tears falling down his dented cheeks.

"But I know I'll see her again." He said with some hope.

I busted out in tears as I looked at him.

It was so unfair!

Why did he have to be going through so much pain?

What did he ever do to deserve this?

He had done so much good for me and yet he ended up with the short end of the pole.

Why did bad things happen to good people?

As we hugged once more, Brett mumbled between his tears," But God knows, Adam, that I would never want this to befall upon you. I would much rather my life be taken by this illness instead of you. This world needs more people like you."

I sobbed loudly.

"Why do you make things so hard? Why do you have the heart you do?" I asked him, bawling.

"It's what I was given." He said to me.

We were two grown men who were crying like small boys.

We needed this cry time, though.

We were two brothers who had been born to different parents.

After we went through the childhood memories we shared, I had to leave.

"Well, I have to go. I have a meet and greet to do this evening." I said, sadly.

"Okay, but one last thing." Brett said to me.


"Will you, Adam Lambert, sign my CD's?" He asked, smiling weakly.

My lips pulled up into a smile for the first time the whole morning.

"Of course I can."

I signed the albums and handed them back.

"Adam please don't forget this. I never stopped loving you even when we moved and I still do now." He said as we hugged one last time.

My heart dropped to the bottom of my chest.

"I love you, too." I said to him.

After we were done, I got into my car and headed to my mom's house.

I didn't want to be alone back at the house after everything I had gone through.

Once I pulled into my mother's driveway, I got out and knocked on her door.

She answered it and saw how red my eyes were from all the tears I had cried.

"I knew this was coming." She said to me.

I hung my head and my shoulders slumped.

"Come on, baby. I'll get you something to drink." She said in her motherly tone.

She placed her hand up as far as she could and stayed beside me as we walked in together.


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