Underneath-Chapter 19

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I couldn't be anymore excited!

"A Katy or a Gaga" is going to debut tomorrow and I'll be seeing myself as Elliot "Starchild" Gilbert.

I had so much fun shooting that episode and I couldn't wait to see how the other episodes were going to turn out.

With the promotional videos making their rounds on the Internet, my Glamberts had been expressing so much excitement with their tweets.

They seemed to be as excited as I was about this opportunity.

After closing Twitter down on my phone, I headed up to my room.

My bedroom walls had endless shelves with pictures of me with my fans.

I felt so fortunate to have them.

I knew that each popstar had their own fandoms, but I felt such a special connection with mine.

There was a huge amount of comfort in knowing that there was a group of people who shared the same vision as me.

I never had to be nervous around my Glamberts because I knew that I was loved and accepted by them and it humbled me.

I don't understand why they love me as much as they do, but I must be doing something right or they wouldn't be there.

I opened the door to my room and stepped inside.

I walked over to the center wall and looked at the pictures that decorated the hand-carved shelves.

There were a variety of photographs from different steps of the musical journey I had chosen to go down so far.

I saw some that were from the brief "We Are Glamily" tour to the "Glam Nation Live" tour and events that have taken place at smaller, more intimate locations that weren't on as broad of a scale.

I couldn't help but notice that no matter how much I had evolved as an artist, the fans never changed.

They all had a light of love in their eyes and it never faded, no matter how different they all were from one another.

After a few moments passed, I stepped back from the center wall and moved to the middle of my bedroom, next to my bed.

Once I was settled, I scanned the walls that surrounded me.

I noticed a pattern.

The same light in their eyes, the same smile on my face, the unity of individual spirits.

They really did love me.

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