He realizes his feelings

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( Good news guys, no school! There's 'Flash Flood' warnings going everywhere around my area, but that doesn't keep me from uldating, hope you enjoy 💃💃💃😆)

Chat Noir Pov

I was doing my nightly patrol around Paris, and like always I saw (Y/n) looking at the stars from her window, 'She's so beautiful' I thought to myself, my smile soon became a frown, "But I like Ladybug, don't I?" I said to myself. I looked at how the moon's light reflected of is (Y/n)'s (s/c) skin, "So I guess this is what real love feels like, warm, fun, comforting, and all these feeling only happen with her" I smile to my self once again, "Then, It's true, I do love her!" I exclaimed. I jumped roof to roof happily, when I caught her gaze, I did what I always do, I winked her way and she rolled her eyes, 'I'll tell her soon, she'll be mine' I thought

(Sorry for the short chapter, I really couldn't fine anywhere else to go with this, but hoped it was enough to fuel your cute little minds, until next time my little dream catchers)

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