When He Uses A Pick- Up Line

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Chat and I were just hanging out. You know, just racing from time to time, resting, and sitting down. We did all of those things. Chat kept looking at me, "What?" I asked, finally having enough, "Oh, nothing~" He cooed. I slightly glared at him, "If you're looking at me that way, and taking that tone with me, It can't be something good" I cross my arms, looking the other way. I felt him slide next to me, "Well, if you really want to know..." He trailed off, standing up. I stood aswell, "Your body is made up of 60% of water," He smirked, "And I'm thristy, My lady" He looked up at me. I gave a blank face, turned around, and started to jump away from him, "M-Mon-Cher" Chat exclaimed, jumping after me, "Your sick, you know that?" I asked, glancing at him. He laughed, "Only for you~" He cooed. I sighed and started jumping higher and faster, 'What do I do woth you, Chat?' I thought, giving a small smile.

( Sorry it's so short, but There you go guys hope you liked it, and until next time my little drram catchers)

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