When You Try To Risk Yourself For Him

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(I got this from someone else, so props to them, I forgot the person, but she's on Wattpad, go check her out, I f I can remember her name! Anyway enjoy!)

Me and Chat, Back at it again, (with them white Vans) TRYING TO TAKE ON THIS AKUMA WITHOUT LADYBUG!! This time for sure I'll kill her, "Arg.." I heard, "Chat!" I exclaimed, catching him. I put him down and glared at 'Electro', "Why you!" I yelled, my fist being engulfed in flames as I try to land a punch on him, "Heheheh, You can't hit me, little girl" He laughed, dodging another attack. It went on and on until I actually got a hit, "Hahah, who's the one laughing now?" I say, smirking at him. He glared at me, "My Lady!" I heard Chat gasp, I turn to him with worry eyes, "Chat, Stay back!" I exclaimed to him. I heard another laugh, "I see you really like that cat, well HOW ABOUT I FRY HIM?!" Electo yelled, making lighting in his hands. My eyes widen, "CHAT! MOVE!" I yell running to him. Everything seemed to slow down; I was suddenly faster then I usually am, am pushed Chat out of the way, getting shocked, "AHHH" I screamed as I was shocked. I felt darkness consume me as I fell to the ground, '....Chat...' I thought.

Chat Pov

I was pushed out the way. "AHHH" I heard, I quickly got my balance back and looked behind me to see BlueFire on the round looking like a piece of toast (I had to, we all know I had to do something like this 😂), "BlueFire!" I exclaimed running to her. Before I could get to BlueFire, a bolt of lighting blocked my path, "I don't think so kitty, you have to deal with me right now" Electro said, standing in front of BlueFire, smirking. I glared at the man, "You'll pay, CATACLYSM!!" I yell, running at him. 'His googles' I thought back to what BlueFire said, "His goggles are the source of his power, heheh probably some little lightning geek" She joked, "How cute" she had commented. I pushed him down and hit his googles, "My goggles!" He exclaimed. I threw the goggles on the floor and stomped on them, not really caring for the Akuma, and ran to BlueFire's unconscious body, "Please wake up, Please wake up!" I mumble as I lightly shook her, panic ran threw my body, "She can't be...She said she wouldn't leave me...we promised" I said, tears streaming down my eyes. I closed my eyes and held her close to my body, "Agh, who said I was dead?" I heard the voice I love. I quickly opened my eyes and looked at BlueFire to see BlueFire's beautiful (E/c) eyes, "B-BlueFire!" I say holding her close, I cried on her shoulder

(Y/n) Pov

As Chat cried on my shoulder I looked around for Electro, "Are you alright?" I groaned. I felt Chat look at me as I looked for our enemy, "AM I OKAY? YOUR THE ONE WHO GOT HIT WITH LIGHTNING!" He yelled, shaking me. I held his arms, "But I'm okay, aren't I, you don't have to worry, It will have to take more then a little bolt of lightning to kill me!" I say cockily. I turn to my left and saw the little Akuma, "Now, Why would you stay?" I asked. Pulling away from Chat, I readied my bow, "Dragon's Holy Heart!" I exclaimed as the arrow glowed, I shot and the bow hit it's target. The bow stuck to the to the wall and a white butterfly flew out, "Now, Let's go home, I need to sleep" I groan, holding my arm, "and some ice-cream" I say starting to jump from roof to roof with a worried Chat in tow, "My Lady, don't push your self!" Chat said running next to me, "Eh? How long have you've known me, I don't go down that easy Chat, Now, let's hurry so I can take a nap before I go full Levi (AoT) on innocent people" I groan as I jump, 'At least I'm alive' I thought

(Hope you like this Chapter, and like I said before, I got this chapter from someone else on Wattpad, Until next time my little dream catchers :)

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