When He Is Injured Badly

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  (Y/n) Pov

     Me and Chat were on our own Today, Fighting  an Akuma without Ladybug, And this guy is Powerful! "My lady! Are you alright?!" I heard Chat Noir exclaim, "Y-Yeah, I'm fine" I groan in pain, "HAHAH you call yourself a hero?! You can't even take a shot to the arm" Bulls-eye said, Laughing like a maniac. Bulls-eye was the Akuma version of me, she had a bow, tail, and arrows, She had beat me pretty bad, "My lady, you don't look like you can fight anymore" He looked at me with concern, totally forgetting about my double, "Don't be stupid, I can take care of myself-" I was cut off when I saw a fire arrow come at me, "My lady!" He pushed me out the way, taking the shot, "Argg..." He hissed, "Stupid, You should've stayed put, Those weak fire arrows don't hurt me!" I yelled, now trying to fight the double, "W-Well...I d-didn't..know" He groaned, "DRAGON'S ROAR!" I yelled sending shock waves to double, causing her to be pushed to a wall very hardly, knocking her out, "How could you not! I MYSELF AM A DRAGON, I EAT FIRE!!!" I yelled at him. I quickly grab her Akuma, "How do I purify you, I'm no Ladybug" My bow started to beep, so did my headband, "Damn it, WHEN I SEE LADYBUG AGAIN, I'M GONNA KILL HER!" I yelled to no one. My bow beeped again and this time I pick it up, 'Sapphire, what do I do with this?' I thought to my Kwami, 'Break the Akuma and shot it with your arrow while saying 'Dragon's pure heart' that should do it' Sapphire thought to me. I threw the Akuma on the ground and stomped on it, the little Akuma flew out and I immediately took out my bow and arrows, "Oh no you don't Dragon's Pure Heart!" I say, the head of the arrow began to glow and I shot, hitting my target. When the arrow hit the wall a white butterfly, "Bye, or whatever" I say waving it off, going to Chat Noir, "Oh when (Y/n) sees you, she's gonna flip" I say picking him up, jumping to my house. I saw his eyes widen, "How do you know about us, I didn't tell anybody" He said. I ignored him and saw, my house come into view. I opened my window and slid in with Chat. I set him down, "You stay here, I'll try to find (Y/n)" I told him, running out of the room. I quickly changed into (Y/n) and search in the bathroom for the first aid kit, "You stupid Cat!" I exclaimed running through the cabinets, looking for the aid kit. I could basically feel his pain, "I-I'm sorry, Mon'Cher, but-" I cut him off, "You what, Chat, you what! You could have died!" I yelled running to my room, "..." He stayed quiet. I quickly grabbed scissors and cut his suit, seeing it was a one-piece, and began to disinfect his wounds. I felt my eyes start to water, 'What kind of girlfriend am I, letting Chat get hurt under my watch?' I thought trying to whip my eyes. I bandaged him up, "Your really stupid you know that!" I said, the tears coming again, I heard beeping but ignored it, trying to lecture my boyfriend, "I didn't know..." He mumbled, "Chat Noir, I am a freaking dragon, A DRAGON, YOU HONESTLY THINK FIRE WILL HURT ME, I EAT FIRE!" I yelled. Chat's eyes widen, "W-What?" He asked, I then realized what I had said, "Y-You're BlueFire?" He asked. I sighed knowing no way out of this one, "Yes, Chat, I'm BlueFire, and It really hurts when you try to sacrifice yourself!" I waved my hands in the air, "But I saved you.." He said looking down, "Yeah, but what if it wasn't me, huh, You would probably be in way worst conditions," My eyes bean to water but I didn't care at this point, I just let them fall, "What if you died, then I would be in this world alone, you'd be gone, and here I would be, Alone, just like before" I cried. I felt warmth wrap itself around me, "I would never leave you" I heard Chat say, his head resting in the crook of my neck, "That's what they all said" I say hugging him tight, (but not to tight to hurt his burns) "But I'm being serious, I won't leave you, I love you and would never dream of making you cry" He said softly. I began to whip my tears away, and I heard another 'Beeping' noise. I saw a green light and closed my eyes, knowing he wouldn't  want m to see. I felt his hands grab mine, "It's fine if you look" He said hesitantly. I slowly opened my eyes to see.....ADRIEN?! "Adrien?! You're Chat Noir?!" I exclaimed. He rubbed the back of his head, blushing a little, " Y-Yeah, I hope you're not disappointed" He said in a sad tone, hanging his head. I brought my hand to my chin in a thinking way, "So that's why when I'm at school your always trying to talk to me......I never really-" I cut my self off, looking at Adrien, "Never mind!" I say nervously. He looked at me with a 'Continue' face. I t was my turn to hang my head, "What?" he asked crossing his arms, "Nothing you need to worry your pretty blonde head about, my love" I say trying to change the topic. My gaze soon turned hard remembering he's hurt, "You Mister, need to rest and take it easy from now on. I do not, I repeat Do Not want to see you on that battle field until you fully heal" I say, putting my hands on my hips in a demanding way, "What ever you say, Mon'Cher" Adrien cooed, grabbing me, "I better be right" I say, nuzzling into his chest, "Now, go lay down and rest" I say pushing him on my bed, "Sweet dreams or whatever, If you need me, I'll be making dinner" I said walking out of the room, "Love you!" He said, "Love you too" I say closing the door, 'Never again will I let you get hurt' I thought coldy, 'My fault...'

(Hope you like or whatever, sorry, not feeling so good, but anything for you guys :), anyway, until next time my little dream catcher -.-')

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