When You get Jealous

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I was hanging with Chat in my tower when I heard people screaming. We looked out the window to see people running, "I'm sorry, Mon'Cher, I must go!" He said, opening the window and jumping out, As soon as he was out of my sight I called Sapphire, "Alright, Let's to this, Sapphire, I'm All Fired Up!" I exclaim. She got sucked in my headband and I transformed I to BlueFire. I quickly jumped out the window and made my way to the fight. When I got there, Ladybug and Chat Noir were helping each other fight off the clones? "Did I come ata bad time?" I asked, gaining their attention, "No, Actually, you came just just in time, we needed some backup" Ladybug said as she used this time to kick the clone in the face, "Who is this guy" I say jumping down, joining the fight, "His name is, 'One Man Army', as you can tell, he makes clones of him self" Chat said kicki g the clone away from him, "Okay, Yeah, not important information, where is his Akuma?" I asked kicking a clone to Chat, having him knock the clone out with his staff, "His Akuma is in his army boots" Ladybug said. I nodded and went after the real Akuma, he tried to disguise him self with one of his clones, "No, sorry buddy not today!" I say kicking him down, "Ahh" I heard, I quickly turn around to see Ladybug being pinned down, I totally forgot about the Akuma and ran to Ladybug, but, before I could get to her, Chat decided to go in, kick off the clones, and hold her close, like she was the most fragile thing in the world! I glared at Ladybug, my fist being engulfed in flames, I began to punch everyone I saw, "Stupid Ladybug for getting pinned, Stupid Chat Noir for holding Ladybug, Stupid Akuma making this fight happen, STUPID 'ONE MAN ARMY' FOR MAKING THESE STUPID CLONES" I yelled, "DRAGON'S ROAR" I yelled. I sucked in air and blew out, creating giant wave of shock, when I was done only the real Akuma stood, having a shocked face. I ran to him, pounced on him, used my tail to stablize him, then took off his shoes useping my fire to light them up. When the Akuma came out, Ladybug's yoyo was seen and I jumped away, leaving them to deal with the clean up.

Third Person

As the (H/c)-ette set in her desk chair glaring at the Cat themed hero in front of her, "And what were you doing, thinking hugging some other girl?" She asked, He flattened his ears, "I was saving her, you can't judge me for saving a Damsel in Distress, can you, Mon'Cher?" He asked going to her, she stood and walked to the other side of the her room, "Well, I won't hold it against you, but If I see it again, I won't forgive you so easily next time, Beside, I got all my anger out as soon as I saw it" She said, now closing her eyes, but her face held a glare, "And I should be the only 'Damsel in Distress' you should ever save" She mumbled to herself, but sadly for her, her boyfriend heard and this caused a smirk to grow on his face, His ears perked up and he quickly went to the other side of the room to hug his girlfriend from behind, "Awe, but you can take care of yourself can't you, that's what your always saying, right?" He said resting his head on the girls shoulder. The said girl opened her eyes and blushed, "S-Still, I expect you to be there when I need it" She said looking the opposite way of where his head was. The hero chuckled and kissed her shoulder, "Well you never in distress, now are you?" He asked, smirking into her skin, "I owe it to my fighting skills" She said peeling of the hero and making her way to her kitchen, "Ahh, then you were jealous, Yes, Mon'Cher?" He asked running after her, "S-Shut up" She said from the kitchen

(There you go! A nice fresh chapter, don't have anything to say but if you know this song, which I'm pretty sure you do, then sing along: 'All the other kids with the pumped up kicks....' Now you finish my lovely little dream catchers, bye)

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