You get Akumatized

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(Yo, I'm back, with another beat, for your treat, to make a story, That's not that boring, to serve you a story'm done now, I can't think of anything else...Anyway, hope you like my attempt to rap, and hope you like the story)

(Y/n) Pov

It's been a couple of weeks since I got Sapphire, and Chat Noir has been on me like a cat stuck on catnip, it's annoying! I can deal with him, but him trying to babysit me is to much. He is at my house 24/7, the only time I don't see him is When I'm at school, but I don't stop from being babysat there, no Adrien is always there, Adrien!!! He acts like I can't take care of myself! "Mon'Cher, what are you thinking?" Chat asked, taking me out of my thoughts, I glare at him, "I'm thinking of how your always here, and how it's annoying" I say, my voice full of venom. He looked at me a little hurt, but soon he shook it off, "Well, is it such a crime to try to keep my little (Y/n) safe, out of harms way?" He said pinching my cheek. I pushed him away, "It is if you doing it every day, I can take care of myself, Chat, I don't need you!" I snap. He looked at me even more hurt, "I'm just trying to keep you safe!" He exclaimed, "Yeah, Well I don't need your protection, okay, I don't need you or Adrien to stalk me! I've been alone almost all my life, I learned from that, Okay?! I can handle a few scratches, to prove it to you, I'm gonna go out and you can stay here, Don't try to find me, and don't send Adrien to stalk me!" I yelled slamming my room door closed, doing the same to the front door. I ran to the park and sat under the tree I usaully sit under, "Stupid Chat, What does he know?" I mumble. I take out my sketching supplies and start to angrily draw, I drew until I was done with the sketch. I held it up and glared at it. I drew Chat Noir, "I don't need him, I don't need anyone" I said ripping the drawing, "(Y/n) please don't be mad, you'll draw in HawkMoth, and he'll send a Akuma after you!" Sapphire said poking her head out of my sweater, "Hello, my name is HawkMoth, and I see that you and Chat had a little disagreement, Yes?" I heard a voice, "I can give you the power to show him that you can take care of yourself, all I'm asking for is that you take Ladybug , Chat Noir, and BlueFire's Miraculouses, and I'll grant you your power" he said, "I accept your offer, HawkMoth"

Third Pov

"I accept your offer, HawkMoth" as soon as those word came out of the (H/c)-ette's mouth she grabed her pocket knife (because it mysteriously popped in your pocket) and her body was engulfed in black. When the black mist went away, what was left was ' The Fighter'. She had Her pocket knife in Her hands and boxing clothes on. She used her knife as a weapon to cut people minorly only to left them with a cut or two but it still packs a lot of pain. With that she was off, reeking havoc across the people who doubt someone strength.
"I have to find Chat!" yelled the Kwami of the Akuma's victim. The kwami zipped to (Y/n) home in a heartbeat, the kwami cared deeply for her new partner. The new hero was the only owner who didn't use the kwami's powers for granted. The new hero treated the kwami with kindness, and treated the kwami liked a normal person even if the kwami was just a power source. (lot of Kwami 😐, I just roll like that!) The dragon kwami soon made it to her new home in no time at all. She looked around for the Cat hero, soon she found him on the living couch holding his head, "There you are! Come on you must hurry, someone has been Akumatized!" exclaimed the dragon kwami, the Cat hero looked up and stared at the New Kawami, "Who's are you?" he asked, the blue Kwami looked at him with a blank look, "That doesn't matter, Paris is in danger!" the blue Kwami yelled hitting the hero on the head, "Ladybug can take care of it, I need to think of a way to make up with (Y/n)" the hero said. The Blue Kwami hit him again and again, "You idiot, (Y/n) is the akuma's victim!" the kwami yelled. Chat's eyes widen, "W-Wha?" he asked, the blue kwami sighed, "I was flying by and saw a friend of my partner, (Y/n) look angry, I tried cheering her up but I was to late, the Akuma had already got her" the panicked kwami explained, leaving the part about her real partner. Chat shot up, "Well come on! Let's save (Y/n)" the hero exclaimed jumping out the window and looked for the Akuma 's victim he had came to love.
     Back with ' The Fighter' She had hurt many people, and now she was currently in a battle with the super hero, Ladybug. It didn't look to good for Ladybug, she had a couple of cuts and they were hurting her, a lot, "Just give up, you can't defeat me, except your fate" the Fighter exclaimed, lunging at the wounds Ladybug themed hero. Ladybug, barely dodged her attack, "I'll never give u-" She was cut off by the Fighter house kicking her in the stomach, causing the hero to pass out, "Yeah, never give up, such a strong thing to say when you can't handle a kick in the stomach" the Fighter 'tsk' as She began to lean in to take the knocked out hero's Miraculous source. She was stopped by a pole, she jumped back and followed the pole to it's holder. The Fighter smirked at the holder of the pole, "Well, if it isn't Chat Noir, what brings you to my part of Paris" The Fighter laughed. The Cat themed hero looked at The Fighter with eyes of sadness, "That can't be (Y/n), (Y/n) isn't like this" he told the blue Kwami that was floating by his head, "Sadly, it is" the kwami said. The Fighter looked at the kwami and her smirk grew, "I thought you might go and get him, Sapphire, what great help you are, I'll have to thank you later, but for now, I have some garage to take out" she said running toward Chat at a speed to where she was a blur. Chat barely dodged and jumped back, leaving a great distance between the two. The Fighter glared at the hero, "What, not man enough to fight me? Or are you chickening out?" she smirked once again, "I don't want to fight you" He yelled, the Fighter looked at him, "I'm sorry, Chat" (Y/n)'s voice heard. Chat looked at the Fighter with wide eyes, in front of him was the Fighter with watery eyes, "He's forcing me to do this, I"m sorry, I'm trying to fight it, the akuma's in my-" (Y/n) was cut off, "What are you doing?! Get his Miraculous" the voice of HawkMoth yelled at her. The Fighter soon came back, "Heheh, you actually fell for the trick, you are pathetic, aren't you, Chat?" the Fighter said running at him with her pocket knife this time. Chat dodged this one easily, the Fighter looked like she was struggling, "The knife, take it hurry- No!, stay away or I'll hurt you" the Fighter clenched her head, "Take it Chat, Please!" (Y/n) threw her knife. He quickly picked it up and threw it at Ladybug, who had woken up a few minutes earlier. Ladybug quickly caught it and broke it, "No!" the voice of HawkMoth yelled. The Fighter turned back to (Y/n) who passed out soon after the transformation. The Blue Kwami zipped toward (Y/n) with worry, "Hurry, Chat, the hospital!" she exclaimed. Chat quickly took (Y/n) in his arms and took her to the hospital with his last few minutes to spare, leaving Ladybug to clean up the Akuma's damage.

(Y/n) Pov

I flutter my eyes open to see white. I look around to see I'm in a hospital room, "How'd I get here?" I asked myself. I try to sit up but I felt a weight on my stomach, I look down to see Adrien sleeping, I smile softly, "Adrien, Adrien, wake up" I shook him lightly. His eyes stayed shut, so I shook him again, "Adrien, wake up" I shook him a little harder, "Mmmm, five more minutes" he hummed, turning his head the other way. I laugh lightly, "Fine, but if I fall asleep agsin, and you try to wake me, you'll have he'll to pay" with that he shot up and rubber his sleepy eyes. He looked at me and did a double take, "(Y/n)!" he exclaimed, hugging me tightly, "You scared me" he said, his face in the crook of my neck, "Adrien, what happened?" I asked. I felt him frown in my skin, "You were hurt by the Fighter, she cut you" I could tell he was lying, but decieded to brush it off and ask Sapphire later, "And why are you here?" I asked, he blushed and rubbed the back of his head, "I came because Chat couldn't be here, he wanted me to make sure you were alright, her really cares about you, (Y/n)" Adrien said with a small blush, "He does now?" I asked putting my hand on my chin. I tried acting cool, but inside my heart was pounding, I smiled, "I'll be sure to tell him my feeling about him soon, thank you, Adrien, for coming to visit me when Chat couldn't, it's very kind of you" I said closing my eyes to give a closed eye smile, failing to notice the huge blush across Adrien's face, "W-Well, I'll go get the doctor, he said to get him as soon as you woke up, S-she you in a little with that Adrien ran out the room. As soon as media, Sapphire popped out, "(Y/n)! Oh my- You scared me!" she yelled hitting my head, I laughed and hugged her, "I'm sorry for worrying you, but what happened to me?" I asked, she hugged my cheek tighter, "(Y/n), you became Akumatized. You attacked the people of Paris, I was so so worried, I thoguht I had lost you" I felt wetness ony cheek. I peeled her off my cheek to look at her, she was crying. I smiled at her, "Don't worry, your loveable (Y/n) isn't going anywhere anytime soon, so don't you go sheding any of your tears yet, the day I die I the only day you will shed a tear, okay?" I asked using my index finger to wipe away her tears. She smiled and hugged me again, "Okay!" We stayed like that for a mintue or two until I heard a knock on the door, "Miss (L/n) we're coming in" quickly. Sapphire hid. I smiled at the doctor and he told me that I was able to leave in a few days, 'Well, hopefully, i can get out of jere in a few days, I got a job to maintain' I laughed at my thought, "What are you laughing at?" Adrien asked, "Oh, notjing you need to worry your blonde head about"

(Ther you huys go, another Chapter. Hoped you enjoyed this little emotional chapter, until next time my little dream catchers)

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