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During the first start of the second term, Karasuma started training the students on the mountain as they were playing cops and robbers.

"Given the time limit, he'll only be able to tag..."

"Two or three of us, max."


Some of the students were running as fast as they can through the forest, unknown to them, Karasuma was just right behind their back.

"I heard that." he said as he was squatting on the ground while looking at the path that the students' ran to.

"Beyond the ridge line—at 80 meters." he mumbled as he ran at full speed and started to tag the students on their backs, Shock was written in the kids' faces as someone touched them. In the blink of an eye, Karasuma was in front of them.

"You're under arrest." he stated.


"When did he?"

"Okajima-kun, Hayami-san, Chiba-kun, Fuwa-san! Out!"

Ritsu announced, then Karasuma tagged Sugaya's back without warning as the boy was talking to Okajima through the phone, then Karasuma also tagged Jelavić who was at the cave, alone.

"Sugaya-san, Bitch-sensei! Out!"

"Yikes, we're dropping like flies!"

"It's like Mount Slaughter out here."

"Weren't they arrested?"

"Well, if this is cops and robbers then..."

"Yeah, we should just tag em' all!" Angel cheered as she jumped on the huge rock happily, then she heard Karma stifled a chuckle.

"Angel-chan, you dummy."

"What did you say, Karma?!"

"Like anyone's getting tagged without that sonic octopus noticing—if we could do that, we would have killed him ages ago."

"Yeah... but—we can just fool him!"

"And how should we do that?"


Angel didn't answered as she sweat dropped bullets, not knowing what to say or to do, she walked up to Sugino who was hiding in the bush.

"What're ya doing?" Angel asked him.

"Helping them to break from jail." Sugino stated.

"How?" she asked again.

"Watch." he grinned.

Then Sugino started doing hand signals as Okajima get the midst, he gave Koro-sensei a picture of a swim suited babe as the teacher turned around, quickly, Okajima signaled Sugino to come out of the bushes.

"We're going, Angel."


Sugino grabbed her wrist as he pulled her with him and started to tag everyone who was in jail doing homework.

Officer Koro Scandal: Bribery

What a scandalous motive that octopus has in his sleeves... now Karasuma was troubled after hearing from Ristu the news.

"Five prisoners have escaped!"

Karasuma was irritated as he called Koro-sensei's number and started to scold his idiocy.

"Hey! How are these captured robbers getting out?"

"They're shrewder than I thought—whoa! Those boobs are something else!"

She Has A Secret | AC | Karma x OC | Book 2 [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now